Hump your pillows on stream

>Hump your pillows on stream
>Sleep on stream
>Do drugs on stream
>Don't get banned

So is Twitch confirmed disabling automated moderation responses for certain channels?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hump your pillows on stream


If you get a world record in Zelda, you can get away with anything.

>Getting me banned before my favorite Sup Forumseekend passtime for posting the link

he also got away with streaming the entire berserk anime and got suspended for 24 hours because of the tits in it. twitch is a joke.

>BRAP on stream



was john choking at NWC2 a reference to cosmo?



Does Cosmo dream of riding John Numbers?

(((S)))he announced that she will prob move to chaturbate with a vibrator that reacts to donations
100% serious btw

what the fuck

if you have a mental disability and pretend you're a woman, and it also just so happens to be womans month, you can do whatever you want, because if you twitch bans you, it'll be your blood on the hands of the admin that banned you when you commit suicide

Would he be any less of a gruesome parody of a human being now if he never lost to John Numbers?

At this point it isn't funny anymore
Hero when?

I can't fucking believe how far he's fallen. In my mind Cosmo is dead. I wonder if John FUCKING Numbers carries this weight with him daily.

>Hero when?
kickstarter so he gets his dick made into a vagina first

holy shit i was wondering when i logged into twitch one day I was following a NarcissaWright. I had NO FUCKING IDEA it was Cosmo. I unfollowed her/him so fast when I saw that channel

>I wonder if John FUCKING Numbers carries this weight with him daily.

this is unironically the most depressing person on planet earth to me right now. The fact that he has so many enablers and such a fucking toxic echo chamber around him only reinforces his delusions and drives him to do weird shit like this.

Idk, maybe I'm reading into it too much, but these aren't the actions of someone who has a lot of time left to live before their inevitable suicide attempt

Twitch is biased. They wouldn't ban that cunt called summit1g.

I doubt they've disabled moderation. It's just white privilege.
>Black man does drugs.
>Holy shit, look at this degenerate nigger!Fucking filthy savage, ban him!
>White goes does drugs.
>LMAO Weed dude! He's a harmless stoner! A free spirit.
Same shit with any other degeneracy viewed through this lens.

That fart was fucking hilarious tho


the last thing I want to think about is Cosmo's asshole

But he isn't, this is the same person and you can seehow much of a sick fuck is cosmo.

I wonder how much this burgerman cried when he ignored his son repeatedly.

I can't wait for the inevitable suicide video.

>all those enablers in chat
fucking disgusting

>that fart

Nigga 90% of his chat is people fucking with him. I get Poe's law is in full swing lately, but it's quite clearly people poking him.

>Small Streamer played a vidya that said "nigger" once

>Summit1g watches and profits off of peoples work that say "nigger" like ten times
>Streaming to this day

I tripped and fell and farted when I hit the ground in front of a girl I liked once. We still went out to eat after tho

shit didn't realize cosmo was running legend of zelda wind breaker

Shut the fuck up already with this bait

I thought john numbers cucked his Zelda WR at evo.

>Just like that girl.

Top kek


it's the same way shit works in the corporate world, athletics, academics, politics, you name it user. The more valuable/higher up you are, the more you can get away with.


>day 2 of no begging/tittystreaming
>DSP isn't banned yet

I never asked to be on this ride.

>>Hump your pillows on stream
>>Sleep on stream
>>Do drugs on stream

And still manage to be #2 at the hottest new speedgame:

Literally cosmo is shaping up to outdo cwc, I can't fucking believe it

Looks like some men really are better off abstaining from sex for life

Shit's officially too weird for me. Like, it's gone past "Ha, what a weirdo" to "Oh fuck, this is legit mental illness."

>Literally cosmo is shaping up to outdo cwc, I can't fucking believe it
let's not get crazy now, cwc will be the undisputed king long after cosmo has gone

how has he not killed himself yet, that dark little apartment looks so fucking depressing


how does he afford anything

still a couple of paypigs hanging around

Twitch will go out of their way to cover any big names, they bring in massive amounts of money. If you are a big name tranny you can get away with pretty much anything on that site.

His little pikmins throw their disposable income at him to keep the entertainment coming

Try again user.

I checked his past broadcasts on twitch

He literally streams in chunks of 50-60 hours including sleeping, never leaving the room and drinking soylent

>Cosmo and Mofat think they're women
A-at least I still have Ennopp and Zfg..

the soy saps his will to even cock a shotgun


Does xhe go to the toilet?

Cosmo averages like 90 viewers a stream. He isn't even big anymore.


>sleeping while streaming under 'Speedrunning'

Zoast got told off for this recently when he was doing one of his pointless streams where he just plays vidya OSTs, and he's more clicked up than Cosmo.


soylent is 100% efficient you don't shit or piss at all

Jesus christ this is the most depressing and disgusting thing I've ever seen

Not going to lie that's hot as fuck.

Then you'l;l never improve your reading comprehension.

No one gives a shit since he gets 30 viewers

i've been searching for trap fart porn for a while. my wish has finally come to fruition. cosmo can geddit!

twitch has special rules

some admins get nudes from titty streamers so they wont get shut down

it's fucked, I know.

Boom boy.


The smell must be amazing. I would kill to be able to stick my face in between those cheeks.

Learn to read faggot, I didn't say she.


Toilet cam is a patreon reward tier

Don't worry, he's just making sure the barrel is clean for his next school shooting.

It doesn't let me link a twitch clip but not too long ago he called suicide prevention line on stream

dude i thought i was the only one. imagine your face and nose being right behind xer under that blanket. hnnnngng!

is abominable_alien the only respectable tranny?

post THAT webm, you know the one...

Ironic sniffposting is still sniffposting.


>Beat Dark Souls 3
>Don't get banned
So is Twitch confirmed disabling automated moderation responses for certain manlets?


Trannies are natural video game speedrunners, they are already fantastic speed running the game of life.

nothing ironic here buddy. i love soy farts. i wish i wasnt kidding but that clip got me to a full 4 inches.

how do you fall this low
how do you go from comfy zelda runs with decent commentary to this