ITT: Switch ports you hope to see at the direct tomorrow

ITT: Switch ports you hope to see at the direct tomorrow

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No one on this board is interested in Gravity Rush. It didn't sell on PlayStation, what makes you think Switch owners would buy?



gravity rush is Sup Forumscore though
and it would sell far more on Switch since nintendo fans are interested in lighthearted fun japanese games, unlike Sony fans who prefer cinematic walking sims

Desperate for games. That's why threads like these exist.

>gravity rush is Sup Forumscore though

Lol nope. Bloodborne is. Only a 100 people here at max give 2 fucks about GR.

>It's another "literally all Switch babbies do is ask for ports/remasters/remakes" episode

People just want their favorite games to be portable.

Bloodborne is 9gag core

Come out Sonybro, I know it's you behind this thread. Nobody cares about GR, you moron.

with the news of Sony corporate restructuring it's likely they sell some of their failed IPs
can't wait for the series to be owned by a company who actually wants it to succeed desu

Wouldn't be able to handle the physics n shit.

>since nintendo fans are interested in lighthearted fun japanese games
You mean old ports and mediocre children's games like Kirby after having close to half a year of no releases.

>developed by Sony Japan Studio
Come on now. I'm not into platform wars but that's some serious delusion OP.

Why not? Switch is certainly stronger than Vita which runs GR1. Just dumb the graphics down, maybe get rid of volumetric lighting like skyrim port did.
It's not like GR2 is graphically impressive anyway

Please dont shitpost with Gravity Rush 2

Hey, moronic poster that isn't what the "corporate restructuring" will be about. It's just PR talk to peacefully transfer the power from one head to another.

it's the only way to talk about it
I tried a legitimate thread earlier and it 404'd with zero replies

XD dude epic brain dead comment

Kek. They're not liquefying their IP's, friend. The soon to be CEO actually wants MORE first party exclusives. That's pretty great in my book. Maybe we'll get Wild Arms on PS4 or some other long shelved Sony JRPG's.

Sup Forums (one person) doesn't like niche console exclusives until they're dirt cheap on a piratable console

Gravity Rush didn't sell to Sony fans because it wasn't marketed like MHW was.


GR2 is a very taxing game my dude, particularly on the CPU which is dogshit on the Switch compared to the PS4's (which is also weak but w/e we're talking in comparison here)

The sheer scale and complexity of the environments and the physicsin it dwarfs anything in GR1 as well. If it was ported to Switch it would run like dogshit AND look like doshit. It's also on an engine with no Switch support.

Gravity Rush is such a terrible game. You're really not missing anything. Even Nep or Senran are better.

>Even Nep or Senran are better
This is just a confession for shit taste.

Shit taste, desu.

>Sup Forumscore

>The sheer scale and complexity of the environments and the physicsin it dwarfs anything in GR1 as well. If it was ported to Switch it would run like dogshit AND look like doshit. It's also on an engine with no Switch support.

How? Half the game is ripped from the vita game and the new city is mostly literal empty space

/reddit/core compilation

maybe in 480i 15fps

Exactly. If I have shit taste, just imagine how far below degeneracy GRFags are.