Why are there so few great female villains in video games?

Why are there so few great female villains in video games?

Its sexist to have female bad guys

Not many people can write women well

Writers write what they know, and most of the ones in high positions are men

Name ONE good female villian

It's sexy to have female bad guys.

As well as conflicted or imperfect female good guys.

Women are not knights, military generals, assassins, snipers, jousters, athletes, etc. They are weak, frail, caring, and social. Cat woman is not a realistic character. Lara Croft is not a realistic character. Samus Aran is not a realistic character. It's absolutely fucking retarded to write female characters that run around seeking danger and fighting strong foes in combat. Women do not fucking do that lmao


Wasn't the main big bad in Max Payne 1 or 2 some corrupt female Senator?

You can't take women seriously as villains

If you just like her design that’s fine but it doesn’t make her a good villain

You can't FULLY hate what you want to fuck.

If you've never dated one, then yeah I can see how you might feel that way.

>Someone didn't have controlling parents
Good for you I guess

Because there are an extremely small number of great characters in video games and that is further reduced by adding the restrictions female and villain
Nothing to do with villains or female characters in particular

>pic unrelated

Women don't commit unspeakable evils like genocide and torture and human experimentation. They just do more personal small-time stuff, like cheating on you for Mr Muscles.

You misunderstand, this world is garbage and so is anything that places realism over entertainment. All media is escapism anyway, so it should strive to be a beautiful ideal even if it's completely unattainable.

is there a game where you can fuck female villains?




I like this answer. I'm stealing this next time I can use it.


Why'd you post that character? She's garbage, too.

Men make better villains. Actually, they make better everything.

They always end up falling in love with the MC or some shit because of self inserts

women are better assassins though, and videogames are not meant to be realistic, and if you can write a good female character, she will have the strength and a reason to fight atrong foes

Believing in childish cartoons isn't ideal. The best stories, even of science fiction/fantasy are grounded in reality, you lack that you go full retard.

GF agrees. Though to be far, the point is Gen VII has no conventional villains.

Even age old stories place women and children into positions of power, they just handwave them as deities. Everyone longs for a world that isn't as ugly as this one.

>she's a good villain because I can fap to her porn
>rinse and repeat with any female villain
Fuck you

You only feel that way because YOUR life sucks. People with great lives find real life beautiful and exciting, not boring.

It's impossible to write a female character with depth. Name one female character with depth. Hard mode: Japanese game.

Why don't you chill with your projection and reread that user's post. The world is indeed ugly in as many parts as life is beautiful. Things aren't always so black and white, and a beautiful life does not a beautiful world make.



Do you often use words you don't understand?

Females can't be deep. They are shallow. Like your mom's bath tub while I fuck her in it.

You have to be 18 to post here.


tfw she's never coming back ;_;

Shodan from System Shock is neat, Sophia Lamb wasn't as good as Andrew Ryan but still decent enough. I'm not too much into western games but I liked those as villains.
Anime girl villains are rarely intimidating because it's harder to take a cute girl as a genuine threat.

Honestly this, almost every female villain has some "inner goodness" shoehorned onto them. The literal Nazi in the Wonder Woman movie inventing new and exciting ways to gas people was even portrayed sympathetically.

Oh, dear.

>women are better assassins though

I genuinely find female characters in all forms of fiction to be uninteresting.

There are no female characters that had memorable personalities to me. Never did they have that special mixture of positive traits and flaws that humanizes a male character, never has a female character's motivation been meaningful to me, never have their struggles captivated me. I've never cheered for a female character when they do something badass, because it always just feels so hollow.

I can think of plenty of male characters that accomplished this. Male characters have made me feel a vast array of emotions. Every scene in fiction that left a lasting effect on me, that I still remember with strong feelings to this day, was centered around a male character and his struggles, both internal and external.

I believe a big part of the blame rests with the people who make female characters, but at the same time, I can't deny that there seems to be something inherently inferior about female characters. Something that just makes them unconvincing and uninteresting. About the most I can feel for a female character is sexual attraction.

female roles in vidya:

god tier:

bad tier:
everything else

shit tier:

I don't think that's the case for most female villains. If anything this type of sympathetic female villains are more common in Japanese media, which is a country that doesn't usually care too much about the type of "politics" the WW movie had.

It's mostly that it's usually harder to believe a female managing a big heroic feat. Not trying to say hurr durr everything is sexist but there's always been legends and myth with male figures managing to do said things which are usually inspired by feats accomplished by real life males. Since for most of history the role of a female has been passive you don't have myths based on "heroic" traits, female goddesses and the like tend to be more centered on empathy, love and that stuff so when a modern female character tries to be badass it just feels like it's trying to copy a previous type of male hero archetype. Then you have that the design of a heroin tends to be way more focused on cuteness and sex appeal which makes it harder to take seriously over a professional and charismatic hero.

Female issues are also usually uninteresting for men so even if they're deep and well written most people from the opposite gender aren't going to feel to moved over it, say the efforts of a mother can be a pretty deep topic but it's still not going to be as relatable to a man as the efforts of a father.
In books and movies it's more common to find "interesting females" but even when the writing is good it's still not as easy to relate as with a male character for me.

>Women don't commit unspeakable evils like genocide and torture and human experimentation.

For some reason part of me is convinced that there have been numerous historical cases of women doing just that, but the books cover it up because muh sexism. Can any history buff confirm?


Giving a fuck over sexism is pretty recent so you won't find it in pretty much anything made before the 2000s. Queen Mary I and Elizabeth Bathory for example have always(or at least in every history source I've read) been portrayed without whitewashing to make them look better.

Yes, clearly numerous historical accounts of women committing genocide and mass rape existed until the 20th century, at which point western liberals agreed to travel across the globe to wipe out all trace of these happenings, and met no opposition or disagreement anywhere in doing so. They were so successful that not only did they manage to erase every single document in existence, but nobody even knew this mass purge existed. That HAS to be real reason, my gut tells me so.


Video games are an escape from reality.

t. my mom hated me

I'm sorry for you, user

The cat woman from the Burton movies was kinda realistic in how much of a crazy cunt she was lel.

also abuse/kill children and babies, they're pretty overrepresented there

I-is this bait? I'm a conservative autist so I can't into humor.

Men are either the best or worst, women are almost always mediocre across the board

Literally every prominent villain in FF8 was a woman, FF9 had a female villain that was killed off early. FF10 had Yunalesca, FF7 has Jenova. I don't know if anything I find that Japanese developers are more comfortable with showing women under a negative light. Can't really think of a WRPG where it had a female villain besides Witcher I suppose with the Crones.