Worst final boss in Personas history?

Worst final boss in Personas history?
They were so ashamed they tried to hide him from the player.

Hey that's not Persona 5

That's from the anime? Lame. In the video-game they intentionally don't show his portrait when you first meet him and they do at the end of the game. Which reveals he basically looks exactly like Yu but with longer hair.

I thought that was kinda neat.


Come to think of it I have absolutely no idea why she would go tranny for this. I mean, why not just be a woman.

Because then people would complain she doesn't have a social link and you can't add her to your harem.

Idk man
Fighting a perfume bottle that was also underwhelming seems hard to top

I can actually see that, honestly.

Persona 5 feels strangely incomplete to me. I mean, it has a ton of content but none of it seems to have been fully developed. Meh, i'm sure that's just me being overly critical of something i've waited 5 years for.

I'd rather have the new Golden social link be a part time job at the gas station than Marie, even if maxing it out changed nothing but the level of reluctance in the final speech.

I mean thematically an S.Link would make sense though given the whole Izanagi/Izanami dynamic. Obviously though this S.Link can't have a happy ending though.

No it wouldn't. Everyone and their mother has an Izanagi.
Izanami herself hands them out like candy.

From a certain standpoint P5 is the best Persona, but it never gave me the same feeling as 3 or 4 for that matter

It's called nostalgia, or being new to jrpgs.

Who am I missing?

>Which reveals he basically looks exactly like Yu but with longer hair.

He doesn't and that wasn't intentional.

Namatame, theoretically, as he was also chosen by Izanami.


Namatame probably. He was the third player after all.

greatest plot twist of all time, 3/20 was amazing

Maybe. I just remember 3 and 4 having a better flow to them and actually feeling like a full school year.


That’s a woman OP.

>ancient japanese goddess

I don't know about 4 since it was more SoL focused, but has one of the worst pacing issues I've seen in gaming.
Game starts out great then you have nothing until the last couple of months.

Fuck you. At least Persona 4 demanded some narrative cerebral effort from the player. You have to do some tiny amount of thinking to get to the good ending. Almost every game just railroads you. P5's failstates were especially pathetic.