>our best female protagonist is from a series of shit games
we really can't do better, huh?
Our best female protagonist is from a series of shit games
bayo is the best female protag
I guess OP is right
Female protagonists are a retarded, unrealistic fucking concept. Females do not do parkour, fight enemies physically, use swords, wear armor, use guns to kill people, make high-risk-high-reward decisions, forgo socializing in favor of the pursuit of honorable strength in battle. Yet countless movies, TV shows, books, and video games depict them this way. Women are not knights, military generals, assassins, snipers, jousters, or athletes. They are weak, frail, caring, and social. Cat woman is not a realistic character. Lara Croft is not a realistic character. Samus Aran is not a realistic character. It's absolutely fucking retarded to write female characters that run around seeking danger and fighting strong foes in combat. Women do not fucking do that lmao
I love Reisen!
>being this incel
>Females do not do parkour, fight enemies physically, use swords, wear armor, use guns to kill people, make high-risk-high-reward decisions, forgo socializing in favor of the pursuit of honorable strength in battle.
None of these things are required for a video game yet we still can't do it.
which tomb raider game was shit?
a couple of them were average (3, last revelation) but i wouldn't call any of them bad.
>Females do not do parkour, fight enemies physically, use swords, wear armor, use guns to kill people, make high-risk-high-reward decisions, forgo socializing in favor of the pursuit of honorable strength in battle.
Do you?
TR (1996) is better than your favorite game.
That's because best girl still hasn't gotten her own game.
wait i forgot 5 - chronicles. that one was actually pretty bad. but to call the tomb raider games "a series of shit games" is just dumb. most range from above average to great.
>Lara best female protagonist
You're a bit daft aren't you?
I mean yeah everything you said is true but video games aren't real.
Granted there does seem to be an ever-growing proportion of society who have seen this stuff in films, TV and in vidya and think it works that way irl too.
her games weren't particularly good
To >>/jp/ with you fucking weeb trash
that's a fine opinion but I still enjoyed the first one very much
>Why isn't my escapist, fictional media not being totally realistic REEEEEEEEEE
Go outside if you want complete realism.
>why won't anyone have sex with me?!
they were pretty good at the time. i tried to replay nolf 1 a few months ago and it feels quite dated now though. i still really like cate though, and wish we could have a modern sequel.
Where's the save button in case I die or fuck up my playthrough?
She's from a video game!
Honor is for faggots.
So I take it you only play historical grand strategy games and hardcore simulation games such as farming simulator, correct?
Those videogames belong on
Fuck off
You wake up in bed. Your dreams are failed playthroughs.
>Tomb Raider
>Series of shit games
Give me your actual fuckign address.
I hate these fucking normalfags
>ideal female body is a 13 year old boy's
I can't tell if this board has more pedophiles or faggots.
It used to have both before cucks like you came
>he hasn't worshipped his goddess today
Get a load of this fag.
TR 1 through 3 are great.
i don't think people really get what you're trying to say here.
the only feminine thing about laura is how she looks, every other attribute is masculine.
which means she is 2b-tier, only a woman for sex appeal. in other words, a bad character.
Every Tomb Raider is great besides the 2 new ones and AoD. OP must just be a retard who can't solve puzzles for shit
I do find Lightning hot but I would consider her the lower bound for how thin a girl should be
Can't agree. 4 and 5 are just good at best. The reboot trilogy was worse than both but still alright.. The re-reboot is garbage, though the first is pretty high-tier garbage.
Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider are both absolutely stunning.
yeah, stunningly shitty
> Reminder this is what u become when your mother doesn't love u enough
>people actually arguing with this post
>Sup Forums actually factually supporting feminism
Jesus fucking christ what a way to fall
I thought the girl from transistor was a cool female protagonist. It never felt rubbed in my face either.
>brown n' gray
>cover shooting
>line of sight stealth
>wannabe hollywood storytelling
Define "stunning"
Anything that suggests that Chun Li should not be a playable character is objectively false. Humanity would be worse off if she didn't exist, and/or some random dude had her moveset. Furthermore I've met women that can and have beaten men in fights. Fuck off with your identity politics.
I'm a male and I can confirm that I can do all these things and females cannot.
Not him.
>line of sight stealth
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
There are around 3.5 billion women on the world.
And given how the humans vary, SPECIALLY in the mind field, some will eventually be able to do everything you specificed, just on the base of the brute force.
If you say that "only one in one million women do it", we're still talking about 3500 women.
>implying feminism is equally to hembrism
i hate the fucking women who pretend to be feminist when in reality are worse than fucking nazis,first have more culture, then talk scum
It's retarded to assume that all women are identical.
Watch out, here comes the real best female protagonist.
Give that post another try.
I believe you all are forgetting one very important Braaphog.