Tanks are cute! CUTE!

Tanks are cute! CUTE!

But what tank is the cutest?


Valentine or Matilda

the itty-bitty Wiesel



Wiesel-chan is so smol.

>world of tanks

*steps on your tank*

>gup game didn't even get a day's worth of shitposting

You mean
>gets shot from miles away because of a retardedly high profile

It's a niche game.


Tanks are not cute, they're manly powerhouses and tools for mass murder. Forged through the fire and the flames. What have the weebs done to muh tanx? I blame the japanese

>Forged through the fire and the flames
We carry o~n?

Htch-kiss to the rescue!

You say this isn't cute?

Look t its stubby gun.

>twf you fall in love with an average girl next door

>Valentine or Matilda
>tfw the nazis were depicting tanks as girls before it was cool



But It sold well for its first week and I hope it gets a western release

fucking tanksluts

these were in war thunder for awhile
shit was cray

any tiny self-propelled mortar.

I play both WoT and WT.


How do I find tank gf?

I kinnda hope it gets some dlc.
Maps especially.

>you'll never get a tank gf drawn by Uno Makoto

OwO what's this?

Can a local german-bro translate what it's saying?

>you'll never suck on your mom's 152mm howitzer

>not just 150mm
