This is Mass Effect's idea of a handgun

>this is Mass Effect's idea of a handgun

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Why do these "handguns" look so damn autistic? Why not something that actually looks like a damn gun?

Because it's a SPACE gun.

holy shit

How does this even get put into the game? Surely whoever did this could see it wasn't right.

No, they couldn't. since not a single person on the ME:A team has ever seen or used a real gun.
They're the SJW fairys who dance about saying only cops should have guns (whilst also stating that cops are murderers/killers/complicit in black genocide)

This is a frame from the trailer, literally the best cherrypicked footage the could make. I'm not sure if they fixed it before it made into the final game

I remember someone mentioning that EA was willing to give more time to them but they refused and thought what they had was great.

It was in the actual game user. I don't even think that was in the trailer, but I remember there was a bug with Cora's hand in the launch trailer.

But even the hand grooves from should give a general idea of how to hold a fucking gun. The phrase is pull the trigger, not push. Even French Canadians could extrapolate, at least so I thought.

Okay, I double checked. Not a trailer, but an official pre-release stream with the devs. Still, something they deemed acceptable to use to promote the game

Is that an excuse to make an incredibly autistic looking toy? I know Star Wars has some bullshit about their guns too but they still manage to look aesthetically pleasing.

Mass Effect used to be a generally respectable franchise. It's crazy how quickly it fell into being a joke.

Blizzard copy pasted this to make Tracer's guns

This was Star Citizen's idea of a handgun until they fired the artist


user can you please explain how a gun looks autistic?
maybe youre projecting autism onto an inanimate object because you're autistic

And here's his idea of a futuristic cross bow

Bottom right is the worst of the bunch. Although top left would be shit too, if the mag is place where I think it is.

Played an early release demo and it was in the game, got patched later on I think but I never picked up this turd of a game at initial release

Circular handguard things, because why the fuck now

Given some insider information, the Andromeda team members went on about how much of a fucking nightmare the Frostbite engine is. They couldn't get any simple tech working,the content pipeline was crippled so they cut down the "whole system" to a couple planets. Any kind of middleware couldn't integrate with Frostbite, they went through several animation tools and middleware and none of them worked right, so they just said fuck it and that resulted in "my face is tired" tier awful facial animations.
The shit was so hideously inconsistent each time they loaded a level, different issues would pop up. The documentation for the engine from DICE was nonexistent, even DICE don't really know how the fuck to work their own engine which is mostly hardcoded and not designed for anything except Battlefield.

If they weren't forced by EA to use Frostbite, Andromeda wouldn't have had anywhere near as many issues, and could possibly have been a good game, or at least an okay one. Not a fucking joke.

Now this is what I call the Nu Sci-fi of gaming.

Sadly some of the shit got into the game before they realised he's shit at weapons

>the "string" is stuck in the middle of the stock
It's like he saw a picture of a crossbow but didn't understand how it worked

Apparently another artist really like that circular guard idea though

Top left and middle are kinetic and the rest are some kind of energy weapons? It's hard to guess

>they fired the artist
That might be the first good thing RSI has done.

Is it supposed to be a plasma accelerator?

literally the BF4 gauss rifle, how original

Of course he's autistic, people without mental disabilities don't repost the same thread over and over. Yesterday it was the Mass Effect sniper rifle being compared to the Halo one, which he reposted this morning after it 404'd.

The only issue with this is the rear sight should be much higher

This is so bad it's funny. A gun like this would shoot like 20 degrees low

Would the space ATF classify bottom right as an NFA firearm, and come to your station to shoot your doggo?

Just add more strings

That's all the images I have, Star Citizen's guns are still incredibly shitty though even after they fired the artist.

guess what this is from.


nice filename fag

jet set radio future?

>magazine angled towards the operator
That would be awkward as fuck to reload without pointing the barrel up.

... but don't look at the file name. Shit.

This is a Canadian's idea of a handgun.

what does the holster for this piece of shit look like

Is this a glock

Its ultra futuristic space magic. They ain't gotta explain shit.

Andromeda was made by the team that was responsible for ME3's multiplayer.

ME2 and ME3 were so goddamn lazy that all cutscenes magically give you a Carnifex for scripted situations, even if you're using something else, or if you don't even have a handgun in your current loadout

Probably for the same reason a lot of the facial expressions are fucked up. They probably had a program handle the cutscene and never actually even looked at the results.

Yeah it's a bioware problem that you use guns you don't have

Wasn't the way guns in mass effect worked where the gun basically scraped the inside of itself to create metal shards as bullets then used element zero to launch the shards at incredible hihg speeds?
And the reason why you have to "reload" it was because they changed from an inbuilt self cooling heatsink to an ejectible one use heatsink?
I'm still fucking upset that they made the heatsink change just because it's
>hurr i need to shoot faster

In all fairness, a fair few of the ones in Star Wars are just dressed up real guns.

Especially in the OG trilogy, most of the guns are dressed up WW2 surplus. Han's pistol is a Mauser, Stormtrooper's E11's are Sterlings, Jawas have cut-down Enfields etc.

God damn that gun always looked horrible.

Clearly it is the completely original gun for space: Spock

I thought they changed it bc someone realized that guns cannot cooldown in vacuum due to the lack of gas to absorb the heat.
At least, that's what I hope happened.

Inquisition used frostbite thigh

THIS is a motherfucking SPACE GUN.
It has 3 barrels, THREE, TRES.

I wouldn't have minded so much if some unique mechanics had been designed around the concept. Like firing until your heatsinks are gone and then still being able to fire but with the classic heat mechanic still in and at a reduced rof. But it was obvious the change was made to move to more conventional TPS mechanics and then some half-assed lore was hastily thrown in to explain it.

Wasn't that the same COD that had a gun that split into two Glocks? And when they were in rifle form, they were placed so firing it would essentially have you shoot into the back of the first pistol?

what's the joke here?
it looks as bad as any other uninspired sci-fi spacegat
the worst kind of sci-fi is sci-fi that doesn't have a strong art style

pictured: irl spacegats

>tfw you will never travel the stars with your Caster and crew of misfits.

The strings are just lasers too which begs the question of why the fuck they're necessary if it doesn't rely on a string to fire. Hell that brings the bigger question of why it'd need to be a crossbow in the first place


at least its better than this hair dryer gun


didnt so much scrape itself as it has a clip of a practially infinite amount of ammo because each "bullet" was the size of sand and the force was due to it being accelerated to incredibly high speed
Heat sink was a a gameplay change in ME1 it vented itself and in 2 they switched to disposable sinks

In the second picture, the character is holding the gun backwards. So the barrel is facing her face when she pulls the trigger

What game is this?!

I don't know if it was the artists intention, but that reminds me a lot of the OICW
The rest are pretty shit though, especially the handguns

That actually looks cool and more importantly unlike the other "crossbow" it's fucking actually a crossbow

Sci fi guns always have looked fucking terrible

I have literally never seen any good designs in any game ever

>The only issue with this is the rear sight should be much higher

I believe it's lore-splained that the sights don't really get used anyway, so nobody cares if that attachment on top covers the front sight. UNSC troops aim with software in their neural lace and/or their helmet HUD via the eyepiece that covers their aiming eye. You can see all of this in the game, they just don't explain in-game.

No, they wanted to turn the gameplay into more of a shooter format and tried to do
Instead they fucked up with focus testers who apparently didn't understand the mechanic and got rid of the overheating system altogether.


There's actually config options to allow you to wait for a clip to cool down and regenerate, or eject it and get an instant refresh. It just was released with traditional shooter mechanics but you can reenable it by changing config files.

Nope. They say it in the game (codex entry) Its because the Alliance Marines that fought the Geth noticed that the Geth weapons had a much higher rate of fire then they had because it takes a second to eject to heat sink as opposed to waiting several seconds for it to cool down.

So for some reason the military brass decided that, having soldiers with limited ammo that could run out in the middle of the battle is better then taking an extra 2 seconds to "reload"

I mean it's not like the game is ever getting released

ahahaha holy shit

goddammit. I wish I could slap and spank the piss out of F4 designers.

The codex in mass effect 2 turns the entire mass effect 1 codex into a paragraph and then adds this
>It was long thought that personal weapons had plateaued in performance, but the geth proved all theories wrong. Mathematically reviewing their combat logs, the geth found that in an age of kinetic barriers, most firefights were won by the side who could put the most rounds down-range the fastest. But combatants were forced to deliberately shoot slower to manage waste heat, or pause as their weapons vented.
>To eliminate this inefficiency, the geth adopted detachable heat sinks known as thermal clips. While organic arms manufacturers were initially doubtful this would produce a net gain, a well-trained soldier can eject and swap thermal clips in under a second. Faced with superior enemy firepower, organic armies soon followed the geth's lead, and today's battlefields are littered with these thermal clips.
Wouldn't you be able to solve this by going
>hurr I bring 2 gun
And wouldn't this system force every gun to share a universal ammo pool, which the game only partially does?
Amongst everything else Andromeda did awful, the vintage heatsink mod was a insult to anyone who didn't think the change was good by turning the magazine capacity to absolute garbage.
They then proceed to shit on their own change by adding a mod that drains your hp to reset the heatlevels and it still lets you do the regular heatsink reloads

I read the codex on the wiki because I forgot the shit it said, and it was there was a giant block of metal inside it, and that the gun shaved to make bullets.

Here is your pistol, bro

Far cry 5 expansions.

far cry

Jesus Christ Mateba's are sexy. I like Chiappa pistols but they're just not the same aesthetically. I want a goddamned Togusa piece, dammit.

What's wrong with it? It's supposed to be a makeshift gun cobbled together out of junk so it actually makes sense that it'd look like ass

Realistically no one would have agreed to switch to a slightly more powerful weapon if that means you would have to resurrect the whole ammo manufacture and logistics chain.

I dig the rifle, but the pistols look awful.

How bad or good design do you think this is?

Good lord, focus test groups do not belong in the video game industry. You can acquire Geth rifles in ME1 and they have a slower rate of fire than other rifles but are more accurate.
What a shitty retcon.

>The only issue with this is the rear sight should be much higher
I'm guessing the piece sitting on the end of the barrel is some kind of targeting tool, either working in conjunction with the rear site or substituting its purpose.

I assume you know it's not actually a space gun, as in a gun to be used in space, right?
It's meant for survival after the astronaut lands back on Earth, to defend yourself from bears/wolves until you get picked up.
I mean, they carried normal pistols before that, but that doesn't make them SPACE PISTOLS.



The new order actually had some pretty cool weapons though

Why would anyone think this was a good idea? Fuck I wish Bethesda would fucking die.

why does everything they make for Star Citizen have to be as complicated and over-designed as possible? first the ships and interiors and now this? for a game set in space there is literally no space left empty on any of their designs

Because there's no need for it to exist. Guns were plentiful in Fallout's USA, and you can find them if you're looking for them. Barring that, if you really want to make guns, you can make actual fucking guns. Polish resistance Jews made really nice looking firearms with some basement machine shop equipment during WWII. Didn't look makeshift in the least, looked damn fine. The pipe weapons in F4 are basically Todd calling you retarded to your face.

It's lawless, mutant-riddled America, not prison. that a tripod on the top of the gun?

Theres a difference between a gun made out of junk and junk made to look like a gun. What you see in that picture is junk made to look like a gun. This is a gun made out of junk.

I use the f:nv mod and it's a great addition to my arsenal if that's what you're asking

Is that tripod on the top?

It's a real fucking shame to be honest. if the game had a lighter art style, or even a low poly stylized one, the game would be way better off, they wouldn't have to worry about the absurd amount of polygons for a fucking shoe and worry about their mechanics instead.