Best selling capcom game

>best selling capcom game
Rejoice, hunters

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>yfw will never be a militant nintendofag

who'd of ever thought something like monster hunter would get as big as this. im actually shocked


And its not even on PC yet.. damn.

It only took 40 years.

Good point. Monster Hunter going multiplat is the best decision Capcom has made in a long while.



Wow Sup Forums was wrong yet again

Good for them,
I just hope this doesn't make portable games impossible.
Also Kiranico is good, Fextralife is bad.

How much will it sell on PC? I doubt it will even hit 1 million desu

why do chinamen have such large assholes?

>Best selling game ever
What the fuck are these then?

>not including every version of SF2 and RE4

Those account for all the relaunches

No they don't

>check wikipedia
>almost every portable MH game has around 4m+ sales
>on a single platform
Pretty good desu

Yeah, what does this mean? Best selling in 2018 maybe?

>MHW is a rumor, future MH will be on Switch!
MHW was later revealed to be released on all platforms except Switch

>It's a spin-off like MH Stories! Switch will get MH5!
Capcom confirmed it's not a spin-off; it's actually MH5 with different name

>It's casualized and westernized!
MH veterans like Arekkz and GaijinHunter confirmed it's still the same old lovable MH

>A-At least we get the superior MHXX Switch!
MH veterans rejected MHXX Switch and the game bombed so hard in Japan, an unprecedented occurrence in the franchise; Capcom decided to not localize the game as a result

>Portability sells the franchise, MHW will flop so bad Capcom will crawl back to Nintendo and beg to release MH5 on Switch! It won't achieve even half of the 1.5M sales target lol XD
MHW is a massive, roaring success, brutally mutilating and tearing apart the assholes of a certain salty fanbase

I've never seen a case where a certain fanbase got BTFO so fucking hard. I'm certainly gonna double dip on the PC version this Fall.

Dark souls sells 2 million on PC


wtf is Capcom smoking??

MHW sold better because it's multiplatform, on consoles with bigger userbase ,more casualized and had better marketing compared to the 3ds entries. It's a good entry point for newcomers, but not the best MH game of all.

C'mon guys it's Monster Hunter, did you honestly expect it to fail?

MHWord is best selling game EVER aka most copies sold in a limited amount of time, not total sales

>aka most copies sold in a limited time
That's not what best selling game ever means you fuck. Ever: At any time.

but this is what they mean by the tweet you dumb fuck

>people wanted to see MHW fail

I'm glad it's doing well and I hope that Capcom can release an MH game for the Switch in the next two years.

It literally is not.

I feel so betrayed.

Then they need to say that nigger. Ever literally means of all time, and saying MWH is their best selling game """EVER""" is wrong.

Combined sales of ports, remasters, super turbo editions, etc over the course of years

Never played MH and i plan to buy this shit on PC.

Does the game have cancer DLCs and season passes?

But what about Section-Z?!

Yeah they do,

By this logic MHW can only be counted by its sales on a single console then.

This isn't funny anymore. Gib me back Monster Hunter right now.

This is Capcom's list of best selling titles. As you can see, they do not consolidate separate releases of a game into the same figure. Monster Hunter World is Capcom's top selling game in accordance with their unit sales counting methodology.

Only if free is cancer until the Ultimate expansion


>Ultimate expansion

Is that like a real expansion or just some meme season pass thing?

Nintensoy wanted MHW to fail

>They do not consolidate separate releases
Ergo, Monster Hunter World PS4 has sold x amount and Monster Hunter World Bone has sold Y amount.

That game was on sale for $5 and humble bundle a million times

Consolewarfags wanted MHW to fail

Resident Evil fags on suicide watch.

PC here, I still want it to fail so you bandwagoning newfags can fuck off. PSP Monster Hunter for life, get fucked bandwagoner.

Real expansion. Historically has added an extra difficulty of hunts, a bunch of monsters (around 60-70% of the original number, sometimes way more like Tri to 3U which was like triple) and a real endgame. Those are the thousand-hour versions of the game.

There is only 1 console that didn't get MHW

So is the game actually fun? PC fucking when?

No more monster hunter hand held games please, use that development for more dlc

kill yourself

>While it would be amazing to see Monster Hunter World ported to the Nintendo Switch, there are some obvious problems.

>Being a handheld led to some Switch hardware limitations, meaning that the console might not have enough firepower to run it.


Nigga dark souls 3 is at 2.5 million

What's that supposed to prove?

MHW was developed for 2 platforms at the same time and released the same day

Don't use Stealth to portray the Nintendo fandom. He is the lowest of the low.

Portable 5th when
Remove scoutflies

NIntendo babbies are the worlds biggest crybabies after 3rd party support is once again dropped on their console despite it being successful

The point isn't that ports don't count, it's that the chart combines sales of games released literally decades apart.

Nintendo Gun

those would be combined, but selling Street Fighter 2 back at released shouldn't be combined with street fighter 2 sales from the Switch.

No, they do consolidate simultaneously released multi-platform titles into the same figures, such as Resident Evil V and Street Fighter IV. They do not consolidate releases of the same game on different platforms at different times, such as the GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Wii versions of Resident Evil 4. They also do not combine different iterations of the same game, such as the many Street Figher II releases and G versions of Monster Hunter.

I got some Sup Forumstards if you prefer.

It's also possible that more than 50% of World's playerbase consist of those nintendo babies who went out and bought, or already owned, another console to play World on.
You could also say the same for PSP players when MH jumped on the Wii.

Best Selling /= Most Sold
You dumb idiot faggots

>meaning that the console might not have enough firepower to run it

Lmao. It runs sloppy on the PS4 and Xbone already at 30fps. Even downgraded to hell it would not get above 10fps @480p on the Switch.

Some of them might have gotten world. Some of them are still sour because nintendo is the only console their mum will let them have so they can't play world.

Dragon's Dogma did 1 mil and Dark Souls did 2.5 mil on PC
So between those

>no PC


Fuck me, this is the worst news. This is exactly what i was worried about, its not good for mh fans or vidya in general. FUCK. Capcom has tasted success with an IP. Now comes what comes everytime. Prepare to see a franchise fucking that makes street fighter look like a pure virgin. If there was a doujin panel for whats about to happen to mh, dounle peace sign ahegao would be just the tip of penetration. Tolberone is going to look tame. Monster hunter is fucked man. Capcom is going to shove every inch of jew nose they have right in that ass.

Lmao. It runs fine on PS4 and Xbone. rofl lmao lol

>and You!

Exactly, just like how some Sony fans were back in the day.


*sorry, wrong picture

In this case it litereally does based on how Capcom counts release sales (I.E. don't count ports to future consoles as well as different versions of the same game like Street Fighter)

Except SF was fine until V which was fucked because it was a low effort product outsourced in all directions. MH has kept Capcom relevant as a games company in Japan and now worldwide for over a decade. The MH team don't answer to Capcom, Capcom answers to them.

>you will get to see Monster Hunter be fucked into the ground in your lifetime

The game is great, you fucking Nintendork. How about instead of bitching about an exclusive you can't play, you do as you so often recommend to others: just buy the hardware that it's on.


>start a MH thread
>console war-niggers fuck it up right away
I miss the FU/3U-days

No one gives a shit. I am just telling you that the people who wanted MHW to fail are nintensoys. I have no doubt what you said is true, but that doesn't invalidate my statement.

I don't want a free item pack. I want the free monster DLC we're suppose to be getting. Shit man it's already on the disk, just unlock it already.

Second best after 4U desu.

It'll take at least a year, or until all the DLC is released for threads to go back to usual

>best selling monhun is the one with boring ass weapon and armor designs

Yeah, they should go back to making more gems like Gen, and XXxx. Fucking Nintensoys.

Fake news

3U Mon hon best mon hon

>games where there was a better endgame

Even if you think the game is good, it's literally the only thing Capcom had that's really making money. I hope you enjoy the series being milked to death now that they have the normalfag western audience.

>my soy is a box

>Less than 2 minutes between posts
Now user, theres no need to be a salty sailor

Capcom deservedly won.

>94 posts
>52 posters

What the FUCK, why are people actually discussing topics instead of just posting a oneliner before checking /r/blacked and /r/politics?

Wh*te people, I fucking swear...

>I lived to see the worst Capcom series become their most successful
R.I.P. Capcom. They're like Konami to me now.

I'm gonna slit my wrists every day until Capcom ports MHW to Switch.