The holy trinity of video game compilation


replace rare with zelda collector's edition

RR is really great. Play Viva and then jumping to PD is a treat.

Where's Capcom Classics Collection?
Where's Taito Legends?
Where's Namco museum vol 1-5?


>not the c&c box



midway arcade treasures 1
midway arcade treasures 2
midway arcade treasures 3

Get rid of the orange box for something else, one of those gamecube/xbox era compilations that i always saw at the store but never got. Sonic UGC and Rare Replay are solid

>no mario all stars

Kirby's Dream Collection for Wii?
Metal Slug Anthology?
Midway Classics?
Mario All Stars?
Any of the Mega Man collections?


Replace one of them with the metroid prime trilogy

>tf2 on consoles
wow it's nothing
>orange box on pc
doesn't count since tf2 is free

>compilation of bing bing wahooo


That Genesis collection is a turd. You can't even play S3&K or use Sonic 3's save system

all garbage

TF2 is ironically better on consoles than PC now.

>no game&watch gallery


>Orange Box
Only game worth a fuck is a 3 hour tech demo.

>Ultimate Genesis Collection
Could have a better selection of games.

>Rare Replay
The only games worth a fuck are the ones that were released on the NES.

>console is even deader with more hackers than PC

How did you manage to be wrong on all three accounts? It's like you're not even trying.

I'd rather play a hacker infested community of 20 people than modern TF2.

That game died with the Sniper vs Spy update.

Not it isnt. Playing with a controller alone makes the pc version way better even if you dont like how tf2 ended up.

you know the 360 version supports kb+m right? pretty sure its the same shit with ps3.

orange box equals great
Ultimate mega drive collection equals great WITH ALL 4 PHANTASY STARS!!!!
Rare replay equals great

user whom i am replying to equals faggot

Its not with the ps3 version but even assuming the 360 version does it still not worth it with the frame drops + limited maps + lack of variety with weapons + very little players(though active people from what I play from time to time). Say what you want about cosmetics and what going f2p did with the community but I stay on the pc for the gameplay variety + framerate.

Which mainline Sonic games are on that Genesis collection? If it's not S1, 2, 3&K, then remove it doesn't need to be there.

How about the unholy trinity of video game compilations?

Sega collection is so good. Cant believe they just dont release it every gen.