ITT: Casual filters

ITT: Casual filters

Mm, what's that smell?



On Veteran

>casual filter

>tfw beat gascoigne on first try
>took 20 attempts to kill cleric beast
am i a special kind of retard?

Him and Capra both.
Not sure who it is in 3.

Forever and ever related.


Man that hitbox on her dive is wonky.

Abyss Watchers probably

I got Platinum in 10 days having never touched a Souls game. I BTFO everyone


pursuer is easy

the cunt in the mini-arena with the stairs to the left.. dont remember his name, but hes the pleb filter

in DS3, its dancer

sounds about right.
a bit too late in the game though, and too relevant to the story.

Literally a casual certificate.

>the cunt in the mini-arena with the stairs to the left.. dont remember his name, but hes the pleb filter

Carpa Demon

I beat Gascoigne on second try and Cleric beast on third or fourth and only because I used oil and spammed Molotovs.

To this day

>Killed Gascione on fourth try
>Took twenty plus tries to kill Orphan
At least I'm only half shitter.

>a bit too late in the game though
When exactly is it too early for a boss to be a casual filter? If you do farron keep before cathedral I don't even think you 1/4 through the game at that point.

needs to be an optional boss in the early game.

If it's optional than what makes it a casual filter?

>duplicate file exists here
Alright then.

>Kill this asshole on second try
>keep getting rekt by the two Hunters in Old Yharnam


>optional boss
>casual filter
What the fuck kind of arbitrary rule is this? Casuals won't even find optional bosses.

Just climb the ladder and shoot the guy

Dark souls 3 is the nameless king.

how the fuck do i level up

>how the fuck do i level up
the doll

Matador is the ultimate casual filter

guessing i have to kill the first boss then or is that what insight is for

>Beat Orphan second try
>Beat Ebrietas after 50 trillion tries

What did i mean by this?

You just have to die to it.

not really a filter if it's at the end of optional end-game content

the doll just says "an abandoned doll" if you talking about the hunters dream


Hoy /smtg/


Over leveled or under leveled.

* here's the pleb filter

Oh man it's that guy who backed his saves up. Every thread man; every thread and you never learn.

I know it's optional, but the only boss I had problems was blood starved vagina, fuck that cunt.

No good staff user? Leaned too hard on the Jeigen? Good fucking luck kiddo.

Me too. It was realistically only like three or four attempts but that is a lot for me. It was the most adrenaline filled fight out of the whole game for me.

So I'm playing this on the TV and my wife's girlfriends come around. I'm unable to pause so I keep playing while they sit around on the couches.

>Hey does what do you think of this?
>Wow I've wanted a new brazilian!
>Nah, nah, this is laser.
>Oh wow it looks so smooth!
*sweat forming on my brow*
>I've got a new bra that matches these pants too. Meeting a tinder guy later.
>You can see your nipples through the shirt.
*head twitches* But I'm bleeding shit where is the item where is the-
>I'm thinking of just getting smashed drunk and letting him smash my pussy.
I'm kiting around the statue... popping the items- A CLAW HIT ME THROUGH THE STATUE!
>Pull your shirt up you slut, we don't want to see that.
>Wow you've got such nice legs
FUCK FUCK FUCK boss has only one hit left but I'm stunlocked fucking Kirk-hammer jesus

Cleric Beast was harder.

i dont understand how people had a hard time with Ebreitas. i literally just R2 her behind. she can't hit you if your behind her