This is the best controller. Go on, try to deny it

This is the best controller. Go on, try to deny it.

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>sticks at the top
There. What do I win?

I fucking can't

>xbox controller but worse

Wow, so hard.

>glossy finish
>both sticks at the top

what's the problem with that?

I just can't user, even my Xbox one elite is collecting dust.

the best...
for any twin stick controlling game

>that dpad

>no mic compatibility
>digital triggers
>no motion controls
>no rumble feature

nintentards are so delusional

t. I only play 1st person shooters

Something's just off with the Pro controller's build quality. Xbox One's better, but if it had the Wii U stick layout that'd be better

Remove the glossy finish and digital triggers, then it will be.

What exactly is wrong with it?

The dualshock 4 is objectively the superior controller, but I personally prefer the DS3.

literally flawless.

>no analog triggers for maximum performance on games that actually matter
>80 fucking hour battery life
>no shitty light, useless touchpads or motion control
>GOD TIER d-pad
>Symmetric sticks for patricians who play anything but Smash Bros.

Only flaw is wireless only.

somebody swapped the sticks and buttons.

Can't switch to claw in preferred moments. Also the face buttons are total ass.

I like it but the triggers aren't really triggers.

Finding one of these on the secondhand market was somehow way harder than buying the PC adapter for it new. It's a fucking great controller though; the stick placement is designed so its most comfortable for use in 2D games though, a kind of antithesis to the Dualshock, and some people might not like that.
I need to get one of those 8bitdo wireless retro adapters as well so I can use it on my actual SNES.

>and racing games , and fighters etc..

>Can't switch to claw
and what games actually require you to do that?

Floating d-pads fucking suck, user.

No analog triggers.

Works on my hands ;)

The triggers are garbage dump tier shit.

I will forever be upset that the Wii U Pro's dpad works great, and then they fumbled so hard with the Switch Pro's dpad.

What's wrong with Switch Pro? Is it still having trouble with diagonals?

Isn't that fixed int he latest iteration?

I can't, it's perfect. They fucked up the dpad for the switch pro

How is it worse when the Xbox controller has a horrid dpad?

Whenever I see people talking about it there's mixed reports. Some people say the newest ones are better, some people say they didn't fix shit.

no it isn't

>Fragmented D-pad

Why did 'tendo have to give in to people who found that acceptable? Now the Switch is unplayable without buying an additional controller.

>Symmetrical stick