post your face when you gg ez an opponent
Post your face when you gg ez an opponent
Stupid pat poster
I would sooner kill myself than to do something so disgraceful and dishonorable.
I go to Sup Forums looking for video games and I find 3 porn threads and this piece of shit reddit/twitter meme within the first 3 seconds?
This place has turned into a new kind of hell...
>When your bad and pathetic to the point that you parade over an easy win.
used to be more fun threads. i miss Sup Forums's daily feet threads. moderation is too tight these days.
video games are boring shit for retards. go away.
>video games are boring shit for retards. go away.
go play in traffic
>i miss Sup Forums's daily feet threads
>video games are boring shit
And you're a cancerous faggot whore who needs to be tied to a cross by your fucking neck, get out of here you unironically degenerate soyboy.
Part of my honestly believes you aren't shitposting, and to that I say
>mfw twitter memes on Sup Forums
That's a cute kangaroo
>that face you make when someone ggez at you.
umm sweetie watch yourself