"Only stolen items that are really hot will give it's status away to guards and traders"

>have a shitload of raw rabbit meat
>figure I'd sell it at the butcher or something
>open up the trading menu
>sell all of them and get a nice tidy sum of 200 Groschen
>Hit the button to confirm transaction
>Are you trying to sell stolen goods to me? I'm not paying you anything

My God, this game is so realistic that people somehow know a piece of fucking meat is stolen

Do plebs even have the right to hunt rabbits?

Not from the lord's forest. Good luck finding a forest that doesn't belong to somebody though.

Cooking it first removes the stolen tag.


This doesn't hold water considering you can come across raw rabbit meat that isn't flagged at stolen and sell it just fine


Weird i did the same thing, he recognized the meat was poached but we agreed on a price anyway..maybe git gud?

No, fuck right off with this shit. I want to talk about the game and how retarded its mechanics are.

Except he gave you a much lower price for them. Like a fucking fraction of what you would have gotten otherwise.

It's good to see you're too much of a retarded cum stain to realize that sooner Maybe you should git smart?

>when whiteness didn’t exist
So I’m 99% sure a women wrote this
And what the fuck are they talking about?
If they dropped a black moor in the middle of 15th century Bohemia they wouldn’t have been like “oh hi my diverse looking friend!” They would’ve shit their pants and ran away or treated him like a circus freak

fuck the fucking fuck off, I seriously just don't want to fucking be fucking subjected to another cunt's opinion on being white. jesussssssssss christ I hate Sup Forums to death.

>game occasionally puts functionality and playability over draconian levels of realism

thought about downloading this, is it any good?

god that was really tiresome to read

Except what was in the screen cap was the exact opposite of something Sup Forums would say.

Christ almighty I can smell the reddit on you. It's practically tangible. Regardless, that shit doesn't belong in this thread so you're half right.

If you don't like the game for any reason, it's obvious you're a butthurt soyboy cuck numale leftist libtard hillary clinton sjw reddit snowflake.

How does putting arbitrary restrictions on selling items make the game FUNCTIONAL or more PLAYABLE

Are you actually retarded?

Rabbits were a common livestock animal too.

Though I don't think the realism card is worth shit here as central Europe hasn't seen a honest merchant since Roman times.

>peasant shows up with a ton of fresh raw rabbit meat
>yeah this is definitely not poached, here's your money, nice doing business with you

The best advice I can give you at this very moment is to fucking WAIT. Not for a price drop, or for it to go on sale, but to be patient as fuck and let Warhorse Studios make some significant patches. I don't know how long Warhorse plans on supporting the game, but the amount of bugs and other inane shit that is too much for me to list now is probably going to require nothing less but a full year of non stop patches.

It's a good game PER SE, but at every turn the game constantly fights your immersion and your ability to enjoy the game simply because it lacks any fucking polish. Wait for at least three or four substantial patches before getting the game. I honestly wish I had done it because I could have given myself more longevity with this game and saved myself some frustration at the same time.


>complaining about this and not the surrender bug

Jesus, what a faggot

And Sup Forums gets their rocks off by posting insane lefty bullshit to rile people up into believing Sup Forums's brand of bullshit. It's one of their most common forms of shitposting. Maybe you're the one who needs to hop on back r*ddit.

Pretty much. It's actually really fun imo

The worst part of this is if you cook the rabbit meat to get rid of the spoiler tag. As if a peasant who has 80 grilled rabbit shanks must have obtained them legitimately as opposed to one carrying raw meat.

>trying to sell fresh game meat in an area where it's illegal for you to hunt in any of the nearby forests
>"lmao how do they kno it's stolen!?! So unrealistic!!!!1"

is it really insane lefty bullshit if the vast majority of gaming journalists think the exact same thing though
it'd be one thing if the people posting those images were digging really fucking deep to find that garbage, but they don't have to because well known journalists are spewing that shit

>video game thread

This. OP isn’t very smart

>Some loser kid rides up on his horse trying to sell you a pork chop
Seems legit.

>so desperate to criticize the game
>makes himself look like a fucking idiot

top kek kid

Wait for a few patches to drop first, in about 25ish hours of playtime I've experienced 2 crashes and 3 bugs which isn't so bad but it can kill your immersion.
The game is very good though, just walking around the forests is amazing in itself.

>>video game thread
>CRTL+F Sup Forums
>Only 4 matches
Why are you even caring?

>In starting area
>Need money for quest
>Sell stolen fruit and veg to charcoal merchant
>Merchant recognizes theyre stolen but offers to take them off my hands for next to nothing
>Merchant takes the stolen goods and rats me out to the guards anyway
>Fistfight with guards ensues
>Merchant gets caught in the crossfire and gets ktfo
>Get locked up
>Village gets burnt to the ground while im in the slammer
>Game over
