What is the biggest issue plaguing vidya today?
What is the biggest issue plaguing vidya today?
Microtransaction and microDLCs
why are elfs always the worst vidya race
it's developers and publishers KILLING GAMES
sjw. even more than microtransactions, because there's always going to be a fine single player game, but good look finding one without bullshit or receveing bad press because of it's absence.
But the magic infused sword was obtained illegally like in many such cases.
Also, most of the infused sword crime comes from Orc on Orc violence which is a much bigger issue
kek, actually made this thread because of dead game news
where's the new Game Dungeon, Ross?
Good luck finding a quality single player game in this day in age without microtransactions.
He's not wrong
>Call yourself a Wizard
>Get shanked by some noob with a magic sword
Microtransactions can at least be bypassed with piracy.
SJWs taints it the story, characters and gameplay so deeply it's not worth the effort to remove it
Reminder that if you didn't ally with the Skeletons you're a damn elf-lover
>excited to play this game about fantasy political issues
>it's just regular political issues but in fantasy
As always in that game skeleton bro is right
the real selling point. Waifus
Shame the gameplay always seems to be turtling down while the dragon does drive byes until the enemy runs of out of resources
how can you tell the difference between man and woman skellingtons?
Based spoopy skellingtons.
Why did I choose that cold fish over you?
What game is this so i can never buy it?
Lipstick and bone structure.
Japanese developers
Dragon Commander.
What game is this
Post her flesh form
I thought that lizard bitch would warm up eventually
I was wrong
I started the whole damn game over to marry the qtbones
Did they just add this in recently or is it some kind of coincidence?
>japan occupied manchuria for its soybean production
really makes you think
Divinity: Dragon Commander.
Made by Larian Studios, who released Divinity Original Sin 2 last year.
I wanted to beat this again the other day, but the rts is boring. I miss my skeleton bro.
Look at the post literally above yours
>or is it some kind of coincidence?
Yeah, because school shootings haven't been happening in your shithole country since the 1990s or anything.
Im genuinely upset the imp girl didnt get in the game
I legit wanted to ally myself with those fuckin nutters
They were fantastic
Take your pick between vampire loving or golden flesh waifu.
Pick your poison laddo
tfw when no qt shortstack waifu
>this kills the libcucks
Also the massive amount of coal that was there. But yeah, it was pretty much like Germany's obsession with using Ukraine as a giant granary.
This is one of the few games that lets you get a qt dwarf waifu.
>mining elven ashes to make bombs
Thank you based imps
can't you redpill the elf-waifu?
Depending on your definition of that, sure. You can make her realize elven culture is a bunch of millennia-old mutual masturbation and Oberon is a a fuck.
Pretty much.
i remebered that after i posted it. She is a good waifu games need more dwarf waifus. shame that there is barely any porn of her
You can turn her from a rich stuck up liberal into a poor woman of the little guys liberal
How was some idiot with a sword not stopped by wizards?
She can either go full on conservative, or completely throw elven traditions out of the window and go "BRING ON THE TECHNOLOGY"
It was a no-magic zone.
Funny how these sorts of crimes always happen in no-magic zones
based Anne coulter
I'm a damn elf lover but this skeleton is goddamn based. Elves are just like women, to be seen and fucked not heard and much less to be in politics.
Yes, and she’s best girl when you do
>pisses off elves
>gets favour from dwarfs and lizards
>ignores boring ceremonies for fuck sessions
I kek'd
You faggots made me just buy the game. Hope it' good.
This is the only game where I wish the "gameplay" was skippable lol
The RTS segments are the weak part of the game, if you don't feel like personally handling them by unleashing the dragon you can build up your generals and have them take care of it for you
It's not. The only appealing part of the game is the waifu bait.
>ban weapons
>no elves dead
>allow other elves to have weapons
>two elves dead!
I struggle to think of one defining issue, but I'd say a combination of all of these:
Style over substance
Emphasis on online multiplayer
Bad/lazy writing in RPGs
Shit ports
Constant rereleases
The graphical arms race that places visuals over gameplay and barren open worlds over depth
Always online
Microsoft and Sony's hate boner for the used game market
The unstoppable and steady decline of console gaming
Steam's lack of quality control
DLC as a means of keeping key parts of the game from the initial purchase, especially endings.
The industry's current mass appeal leading to the dumbing down and erosion of both gameplay mechanics and difficulty for the sake of a casual audience.
If I had to pick one though, EA.
Fuck EA.
Westwood Studios 1985-2003
RIP in peace
first one is the best
dishonored is such an awful game
It's fun
>>allow other elves to have weapons
>>two elves dead!
Is the implication that this is a bad thing? Because I have some objections to that
>Because I have some objections to that
That’s going in the book
They really are the root of every evil when you think about it
>american reading comprehension
These hordes of people who think that
What good do the best graphics if there is no story to tell or the controls are awful etc.?
I'd rather take something not so great looking but enjoyable over something that looks realistic but plays like utter garbage.
RTS part is boring but easy to cheese.
The rest of the game is great
Robo waifu is the only real choice
After Original Sin 2 showed that the Seven were just a bunch of petty assholes who ascended through some bullshit, it kinda makes Dragon Commander so much funnier.
>its an actual euronigger obsessed with the US
Man this is priceless.
Games as a service. Destiny 2 is a perfect example of everything wrong with the industry. Content locked behind RNG pay walls, a lackluster sequel existing only to sell repackaged content from the last game as DLC, stretching out shallow gameplay through pointless grind and calling it content, removing all challenge in favour of empowerment, and punishing players for wanting to solo and not play in a premade group.
This shit needs to stop. I just want to play a game and finish it. I'm sick of this endless drip feed of generic and repetitive "content"