ITT: series where the first game is objectively the worst

ITT: series where the first game is objectively the worst

Other urls found in this thread:


Just Cause
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed
God of War
Double Dragon
Mario Bros
Generally all game series' releases should strive to be better than the preceding one, otherwise you're fucking something up.

>can't stay on the road
>must mean that SNES Kart and Super Circuit are bad games
>I'm actually just really good at Mario Kart; it's the games' fault

Tekken and Street Fighter

>Mass Effect

fuck you

You can tell when people don't know how to play this game because they bitch about it non-stop

Mario Kart 64 is the worst game of the series by far.

It has worse everything other than story over ME3.

the only contender is maybe super circuit

Legacy of Goku
Phantasy Star Universe

even super circuit is fine, maybe underwhelming. Only thing I dislike is the possible spin-out in turns.

64 by comparison is just plain boring. Massive empty courses with little/no skills beyond learning all the game-breaking track skips. Even the drifting is shitty.

Smash Bros
Ass Creed
Far cry
Street Fighter

>inb4 someone defends the original smash

Why do people hate Super Mario Kart?

>thinking Andromeda was better than the OG Mass Effect.


only if you went in expecting a shooter and not an rpg

thanks for helping ruin the series

it's cuz no Mario kart plays like this anymore. you get used to one Mario kart and you'll start sucking on the old ones. only the gba version mimics this style.

Were we counting non-mainline entries?

Mario Kart Wii tho.

But this game is better than dd and every game every kart racer past ds ds had its good points but really bad.

Its sad with every game that comes out it feels slower less fun less obstacles and shittier weapons.

But it looks better

I was about 10 when the first one came out second one i played then i didnt want anything aftet that

Better than brawl and smash you can do combos and good di

Super is one of my top three MKart games. The stupid strats and how an asshole you can be in this game is part of the fun.

Rune Factory

ITT: underage opinions

Mario bros 1 is better than everything post gamecube

Wii was a great title imo great tracks and good online you could argue the items but after mk8 the standard get better and cheaper shit in 8th place and worse is much better than the proximity shit.

>mass effect

and the last one best.

Street Fighter.

Why did the Rainbow Road thwomps have star power? What was the lore behind that?

Pretty much everyone in this threads first system was 64 and psx.

Or probably even gc xbox or ps2.

Fuck that thats when gaming started to lose charm

Grand Theft Auto

Who the FUCK thought a tug-of-war guard bar would be a good idea

Worst id wear the fuck outta what he is wearing

You mean best, OP.

They were on Rainbow Road, Double Dash has shown that shooting stars can happen & they can give you star power, it's probably what happened to the Thwomps.

Slower gameplay and that game doesnt have shit on mk64 the best title in the series

Because Rainbow Road is the ultimate test of the skills you've learned from playing the game. If you haven't learned how to drive, take tight turns, avoid obstacles, and avoid falling off of tracks by that point, you don't deserve to finish Rainbow Road in first place.

Dark Souls
Max Payne
Serious Sam

WRONG!!! The overrated third entry is the worst. Broken subclassing; the beginning of casualfying the series; the filler sailing sidegame; the Casio farts as BGM; and worst yet the lack of the series idol mascot!


Half lifes shooting mechanics is better than call of dutys i mean half life 2 physic puzzles

nigga what

came here to post this

amazing game

left 4 dead
hand of fate
and total war warhammer
are all games that I would classify as "obsolete" since the sequel has everything the first has, and more

They literally turned Teach into a princess
What more do you want

Brawl is still the better game overall despite it's weaker competitive scene

>Serious Sam over 2 (not 2nd encounter)
>HL over episode 1
>FEAR over all of them
Yeah, nah

>What is 200cc

More content = doesnt equal gameplay replayability.

I play peach after 15 years of melee

Still slower than mk 64 150 cc.

With no obstacles there is no fun

Andromeda was supposed to be mainline but then the entire franchise got cancelled.

Still the best Mario Kart game to date. It's all skill here and little amount of bullshit. I have fond memories of playing this with my family up north.

Call of Duty

Princess is younger, doesn't have Teach's curves. Yes, I can tell through that poofy gown.

Therefore, not an expy. Still QT tho.