>google: Creator of Kirby
>post yfw
quick before it's fixed
>google: Creator of Kirby
>post yfw
quick before it's fixed
It's been like this for 3 days
Maybe it really is Sakurai
This has gone too far.
I always knew Sakurai wore a lot of makeup for a man, but I never knew how much he wore, until now.
Go google "European people history"
Will he appear in tomorrow's direct?
Several days later and this is still hilarious.
kirby's a big nigga
i didnt know sakurai was from okinawa
for ya
Remember the time that Sakurai founded a secret group of cyber intruders
Think this is bad? Look up "white couple"
The original post this image is from is 4 years old.
How and why did this happen?
It was pretty cool
all those kangz n kweenz
it's been like this for a week
how fucking slow are you people
based jews
the fuck is this shit
Black man here. This is normal now.
You can save him in NG+ in the 3ds version
Honestly though, isnt google a algorithm and this isn't the result of some jewish conspiracy
>mfw the results
Has anyone at Jewgle didn't check to make sure the results are correct? Are they too busy trying to make sure the Spiderman and Elsa video keep going up on JewTube?
Google searches for words and "White couple" usually comes up in sites about "Black and white couple". It's how their algorithm works
>1999 + 19
>using google
You are only pretending.
Oh those pesky google algorithms, am I right?
I am the real deal.
*tips tinfoil hat*
You've lost. The cultural war is ours. You might think you're mounting some pathetic kind of resistance, but the effects will only be truly felt by your children, and the children of your children.
Your meme will be wiped from history.
But user. I was the merchant all along.
Fuck you, I seriously am retarded.
I’m pretty sure the game isn’t about that...
I've been here for ten years and was thinking about giving it up but this thread made me decide to stay.
why? this is just another shitty thread.
>thinking Sup Forums can spell
Nice (((algorithm))) you got there Rabbi.
I like how it conveniently erases the history of white people thoroughly and quietly. What a nice coincidence to spread diversity!
I want the imperfect nigger to leave.
Come back when you've EVOLVED.
the extra g is for emphasis.
That wave of happiness when you realize there are no nigger characters in Smash Bros, Mario, or DBFZ
Japan is literally humanity's last hope, may they deflect the social justice bullet forever. Stay strong Samurai.
The only way Japan is getting immigrants and (((refugees))) is if somebody forces them to do it. The west had to have a war with them just to get them to open up their borders so they could trade gay shit like spices.
Damn, that's a nice find OP! I'm surprised that it didn't really blow up yet.
It's still there. No one's stupid enough to be fooled by google images.
>The west had to have a war with them
the Japanese civil war?they bought guns from France and fought against each other
>y-yeah guys, based nintendo
reminds me of this
Holy fuck
Holy crap.
the jews did this
>They doesn't know shit, until they google "american inventors"
this happened a few weeks ago
Whiter then the actual US.
okay now google "couple"
So I'm guessing this is an algorithm google is running to kang up searches shitting the bed?
still accurate since those blacks are technically american and are inventors.
european inventors havent been spared by zoggle either
more like he ate too much dough
At least they feature non-blacks, conspicuously absent from america's ethnic "diversity."
stop posting your dog, this is the 100th time i've seen him today
This. People would only search "white couple" to see something interracial, i.e. "white and _____ couple" because the vast majority of images are already white. Part of the search algorithm is detecting and satisfying intent.
youre not black and it really isnt
literally what are you talking about
i think you got the wrong guy
Stop posting pictures of me
Remember the time where you would search for "Syndrome" in google and it would show you this, that was really fantastic
Pretty sure this is the result of you memelords manipulating google search results the same way we got recaptcha to accept nigger as the answer to literally every captcha
who cares about all this wypipo shit
its 2018 for fucks sake
stop posting pictures of my pastor
>current year posting
He's like a reverse Micheal Jackson and became black
the nigger aqua members bombed hard
archie was asian again in USUM
stop posting pictures of my 4th neighbor
this shit is hilarious
lmaoooo yo who made this XD
rofl xD
Stop being ironic 24/7 and show genuine emotion and opinions for once