Why don't people like Twilight Princess again?

Why don't people like Twilight Princess again?

far too easy
toward the ending it's just dungeon after dungeon and the actual ending sequence feels rushed
you do a bunch of things where there is no payoff

It's cause these niggas roll too hard.

>you do a bunch of things where there is no payoff

Like what?

I love it honestly

been playing the hd remaster recently and im liking it for the first time, after failing to finish it twice before. not sure why DESU.

Long fucking tutorial area.
Shitty forced dog parts are shitty for the most parts.
Items have very little use after their dungeon.

The overworld was really nice but it had too many chokepoints between each area. Dungeons were great even the water dungeon and the swordplay was very fun.

the dungeon items were kinda useless outside of their respected dungeons. and all those rupees you had to put back everytime you found a new chest.

Besides the Spinner and Dominion Rod, what other items completely lose their purpose outside a few very specific instances outside their respective dungeons?

Manbabies who want a "mature" Zelda because they can't play Dark Souls.

>Ball and Chain
>Double Clawshot
>Gale Boomerang

Oh, but I like using those just to pummel enemies in that trial cave

I mean, to be fair, the Double Clawshot keeps most of it's purpose by just being a better Clawshot.
But beyond that, there's not much that says "you need the Double Clawshot for me."

It's a very flawed package. The tutorial is too long, it doesn't really solve any issues previous games in the series had, felt kinda samey to old games outside of the twilight stuff, random ganon, useless items. It is still good though.

You get the Slingshot just before the first dungeon and the bow in the second which is the most retarded shit ever. Why have an item that is useless for 95% of the game? Were they so afraid to take the slingshot out because it's in OoT even though the time travel mechanic from OoT that made the slingshot have use was absent?

Biggest complaints I hear:

>the tutorial

Also it came after WW, and WW became a favorite after that because of the brighthappy aesthetic that was popular.

shit taste pretty simple

Agitha is kinda gross. She lives in a bug infested house and does weird shit all day.

wolf is shit
gathering light bugs is shit
overworld is empty
2 hour long tutorial

I can't believe anons hate the light bug collecting so much. I believe it's only 3 times and they're short and in a contained environment and require some clever solutions.

Are you sure you aren't conflating it with the similar horrendous parts in Skyward Sword?

>implying I played a Zelda past the gamecube

Only the last few hours are worth it IMO, but damn they're good. Kind of makes it worth playing through this snooze fest

your grosss

Midna best sidekick

>overworld is empty

you can say that about every 3D games over world. TP is much better filled then the rest of them.

I've played it and i can't remember much about it this other than the ending.

But it's not nearly as bad as skyward sword I do remember that


no it isn't

It's sandwiched between superior games.

That’s hot you stupid pussy.

>finally obtain the ability to freely roam the twilight realm
>in full excitement you think back to great alternative worlds like the dark world of alttp, future/past of oot, or the different iterations of the oracle games
>and you're super excited to find out what nintendo did with twilight princess with the idea of the twilight realm. The titular realm that the game is named after.

>they did fucking nothing with it
>unironically empty for the entirety of the realm outside of tiny and few select areas directly tied to some story events
The biggest disappointment of the year I am telling you. And when you add to that the fact that the game had at the time by far the slowest and least interesting beginning of any Zelda game, only later narrowly defeated by Skyward Sword in this regard. Still one of the worse videogame beginnings regardless. Long and prolonged, but most importantly uninteresting wolf sections. An overworld with notably content distrobution imbalance. And how they threw away most of what made Twilight Princess's setting and plot developments aside, just to throw Ganondorf and Ocarina of Time into your face yet again because of course of they would.
And Twilight Princess is pretty damn bad. After having replayed both back to back with the release of Twilight Princess HD, I would even be inclined to call it the worst Zelda game even after Skyward Sword. And that's already a game I would be hard pressed to call good.

It wasn't as great as OoT and MM, and it lacked the charm of WW. But it's still pretty good, especially when it came out.

>OOT Hyrule Field
>almost completely empty

>Termina Field
>not to bad but pretty small

>Great Sea
>just random ships, towers, barrels, squids, and treasure spots

>The Sky

>The overworld was really nice but it had too many chokepoints between each area.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Every Zelda game makes efforts to keep you out of the next area before you've finished the dungeon you're supposed to do right then. How would you say TP is different?

The way the over world was segmented into different sections murdered this game. And I mean MURDERED.

I can navigate the LttP, Link's Awakening, OoT, MM and WW maps with my eyes closed. Even with the flaws Zelda games are always memorable and replayable. But this game with the Upper Eldin and Lower Lanayru and Lower Upper Zora's Domain. A complete mess to naviagte and torturous to explore which should be Zelda cardinal sin #1. Fuck it.

I'm not even completely sure. Part of it probably has to do with having a lot of elements and references that appeal to prior fans of the series, and TP was the one I played first. I was very unimpressed with the game by the end of it, but ended up giving OoT and Wind Waker a chance afterwards and enjoyed those a lot more.

>far too easy
They all are. They're children's games

Refer to 's post. The overworld is just a big pain to explore. Having to get from one end of the map to the other takes long treks if you don't abuse the fast travel system.

So you’re just stupid is what you’re saying? It’s literally a circle.

A quarter, at least, of the game is very tedious shit like bug hunting, wolf mode where you can't do any thing or use any items, very long intro before the game properly starts, too easy, never make good use of the items outside of the dungeon where you need them to finish, a fairly large overworld with nothing in it, Zant turns into a Looney Tunes villain towards the end.
A personal reason I disliked the game even more is fucking furry Imp Midna being furfag bait and a total cunt towards Link, she doesn't deserve to be helped by Link frankly.

Pacing was what killed it for me. It takes 5 hours to get to the first dungeon, and every in between dungeons is filled with too much filler. Then the last 3 dungeons are back to back.
And the very last dungeons, Hyrule Castle, is half assed and the shortest of them all, with nothing really reminiscent of a last dungeon (its just like 3-4 rooms, boom youre done) such as callbacks and references to all the other dungeons in the game like other zeldas.

Nobody questioned what shape it is

hard to play this now without seeing it as furbait. The wolf has fucking earrings and everyone talks about his fierce soul ffs.

I was so innocent when this was released.

You’re the faggot who keeps calling Midna a bitch, aren’t you?

brah, femdom midna is the best part of the game.

He acting like a bitch because Midna stole screentime and Link from Zelda.

it stuck too much to the zelda formula without doing anything different. They tried selling the game on its more realistic art style and that's always a bad move unless you're making crysis or the metro games because there's no spectacle, good art styles are good because of, surprise surprise, style.
Also, personally, I didn't care for the style of the twilight realm at all. I think they tried something similar in breath of the wild with all the sheikah stuff and did a much better job than in twilight princess


What the fuck am i reading

She's a twili imp, she's basically a demonkin archetype

Dude, she's got claws, fur, fangs, non human proportions and bares her teeth like an animal.
She's clearly furry or furry lite at the very least.

Nigga, she’s not a furry. She’s more like a troll or pixie, like Veran.