How can any adult play this cringey ass shit?

How can any adult play this cringey ass shit?

I don't know you tell me

It's hilarious

Would goofy fucking die in a game for kids?

>no Indiana Jones world


Kingdom Hearts and any other childish media you can think of are cool until you're 12 and then stop being cool from 12-20 and from that point on you don't give a fuck anymore and do whatever you want to do and enjoy whatever you want to enjoy

So I'm gonna bet you're around 16 and need an underage ban


i mean he's not doing anything wrong

There's nothing wrong with playing Kingdom Hearts in the privacy of your own home, user.

Why exactly is he based?
All he does is post the same shit every thread.

>unironically posting quentin


Even at 12 this game was cringey and shallow.

I am gay OP

Kh released 16years ago, I play when I was 10 and I’m waiting the sequel faggot bitch

>mfw played Kh1 as a 14 year old and I'm 29 now waiting still waiting for this shitty story to end

Its fun, you fucking idiot.

Because it has EPIC crossovers, dude.

why would you care about what he's doing, and why should he care about your opinion? Man is playing his games not bothering anyone, you're too busy being a judgemental idiot who's too sad about your own life so you have to make fun of others. You're both manchildren, but at least guy playing doesn't give a shit and isn't lying to himself

I think if they're mature enough, they could play whatever the hell they wanted.

I honestly don't understand the issue

>people getting triggered by this image
leave your disgusting habit at home and stop making the general public uncomfortable with your presence.

Whatever happened to him?

How about you suck my dick?

How can an adult make this thread? Why are you on this website?

epic comeback bro

stop saying bro in this website you're making me uncomfortable with your presence



not going to lie, younger me loved both the original games and im still looking forward to 3

but now im trying to play the updates over a decade later in preparation and i just cant

also its not because of the childishness of the series

the control, camera, combat. just feel dated as hell

it's unironically hype, not cringey

It will never end anob kh3 is just the end of the xehanort arc.
Expect 16 more years of Nomura's wild ride.

it's fun dude and there's no loot box bs

no adult WOULD

see, kid, the thing is, all the adults NOW were fucking KIDS when the series started in 2002.

so they CAN play it because it was THERE FAVORITE GAME AS A KID!!!!11!

Good question

Only soys play this, children and soys. I've haven't met a functional adult who likes this shit. Usually it's some grand wizard virgin

>quick everyone lets slowly step away before this fag shoots up the place.

KH sucks on many levels.
The writing is not the worst thing about it.

KH's main problem is the fact that it's the just a mediocre action RPG.
Shitty combat, even worse camera. Overall just poorly executed.