Has trolling evolved?
The Inverted Hugbox Pt.2
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I really hate this planet
Even though it has a laughable skill ceiling compared to TF2 I actually still enjoy OW's gameplay (at least I did when I played it like a year ago) but I had to stop playing cause it's a team-based game with one of the worst communities I have ever seen in my entire life. Only MOBAs have communities this bad.
I miss the days when I could call some one a cocksucker, he'd call my mom a slut and we'd all have a laugh and go about our day.
How can a man be such a beta?
i think he was being ironic with this tanking
>get banned for being a dick
>get banned for being nice
>get banned for buying the game
>laughable skill ceiling compared to TF2
No, you quit because you're a silver, with no hope of climbing out of that cesspit.
>Get banned for breathing
>We have come full circle when people are getting annoyed by the non-toxic people
Oy Vey
>Be a cunt to your teammates
>Reported, banned
>Be courteous to your teammates
>Reported, banned
>Don't say anything to your teammates
>Reported, banned
I quit before they added competitive matchmaking, try again kiddo
>Hey user, awesome tanking!
>user would just think it's sarcasm and take it as an offense.
and you quit TF2 because you couldn't figure out how to rocket jump and overwank let you do it with one button press
at least post the article dipshit archive.is
>naturally avoidant of nice people
what a fucking shock
>playing multiplayer games
You have no one to blame but yourself.
What a great thread, user! I really enjoyed the first part, I hope this one is even better!
are people this sensitive these days? Get some self esteem u cuck
>playing overwatch
>playing an nu-blizzard game
>posting soyjak
>plays ow
wtf how dare you
>Get banned for being White
Yeah, can't wait to see you guys tomorrow to talk about how hilarious this is!
any "journalist" who uses the word literally in their writing has less value than a chicken nugget
>You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.
the game was way better before they took away hero stacking
the soy developers removed it because reddit fags whined about it until they caved
>waaaaa we can't beat 6 torbjorns
>waaaaa mercy's ult is too op
>waaaaa bring mercy's ult back
the definition of literally was changed to mean literally and not literally
get mad
any person that writes videogames '''articles''' and calls himself a 'journalist' should just be shot
that's why anyone who uses it deserves to be shunned until they stop being such massive blithering retards
they are literally using the correct term
i'm sorry you are stuck in the past literally
Seriously. Why the fuck is this now a problem?
Fuck you, I know why. But WHY.
why is he embiggening the words he just typed? shouldn't you wait at least a paragraph? why is a neurotic person trying to play a team based multiplayer game in the first place?
LOL people are still paying Nathon Cuckson to write
>mfw got some anxiety
Just call me a faggot already
the only winning move is to not play.
>We get to the end-of-match screen, and I upvote a healer like always (because if you don’t upvote healers every time you’re given the opportunity, you’re a psychopath)
Soy given human form.
Thank you asshole.
You upvote the enemy healer and shittalk your own.
This is the only way
>Implying there will be white people then
kek, hope you like concentration camps white boi.
Not a word.
Enlarging is the word you're looking for.
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. Try to cheer up, buddy, you're among friends here.
gg nice game :)
>be american
>go to store, get shot
>go to school, get shot
>go to movies, get shot
>stay home, get shot
>trash talk on video game to vent after being shot, get banned
>act nice so as to not get banned, get banned
cant catch a break, can you?
You asked for It, wouldn't have otherwised
eerf tner
Does anyone ever fall for your bullshit?
wow thanks I had no idea. if it wasn't for your massive brain, I might never have realized this
It's a perfectly cromulent word.
I really do hate nice people. I'd rather mean so I can throw it back, I feel very very uncomfortable and unnatural giving praise or compliments. Ideally we'd play in silence
It's a perfectly cromulent word
Me too user... Me too.
Golly that sure was a swell match we had. Gee you think we can play again?
you should be compelled to embiggen your lexicon
can't wait till we line them up against a wall and shoot them, right fellow progressive?
so do they purposely write up this many opinion articles or what
this is really good trolling.
Shut the fuck up you cocksucker
So basically the only way to hurt an Aussie and to get them to recoil is to be overly nice to them?
I fucked your mom last night, what a slut
So much sexual tension here.
This is honestly a great way to combat Blizzard's ridiculous anti-toxicity measures, I'm surprised this tactic hasn't been adopted sooner. Kill them with (fake) kindness.
fuck off cunt that isn't true
A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.
>waaaah people are being mean ban them
>everyone is too nice this is uncomfortable
You're a good person and the world is better for having you in it.
Well, it’s so ingrained in their culture that you could be attacked at any moment with a shiv, so of course they are apprehensive about people being nice.
How the fuck can someone be this thinskinned?
this nigga gets paid to write this
I played overwatch over a year ago too. its not really a deep game but it had its fun moments. man that last week of season 2 made me quit though. made it to diamond and never looked back.
Join the military.
>"Hey kid it's 8PM, isn't that bed time for you old man"
>"Why don't you join me homo?"
>"Fuck you"
>"Fuck me? Fuck you!"
>"Fuck off"
>"You too"
>"Love you"
>"Fuck off"
Last conversation I had
i'll cave your fukkin head in ya dirty lebbo cunt
>tfw being around anonymous cynicism for over a god damn decade made you think that genuine compliments are passive-aggressive insults
This place truly is cancer
The only games I play online are games where players don't have the freedom of voicechat or chatboxes. I play video games to avoid human contact, not to see humanity at its worst.
>This actually happened to me recently. During one match, I kept getting owned in Pharah duels by a member of the other team. Their aim and timing was preposterous, so I typed "Hey [other Pharah's handle], how are you so good at aiming in Pharah vs. Pharah battles?" into match chat. Five seconds passed. Then 10. Then 20. No response. Finally, somebody else on the other team just said "lol."
>I'm not entirely sure why that moment was so embarrassing for me, but it was. I still think about it and wonder what I could have done differently sometimes
you literally can't win with them, they just want something to be outraged about
>been playing online games since 1999 with UT when I was 10 years old
>People trash talked each other then and even before then all the god damn time
>Servers were case by case so each private server had their own ruleset of what was permitted
>Even games like UT encouraged it since characters and AI would have audio taunts like "die bitch!"
>suddenly 19 years down the lines I'm lectured by some soy fuck who was likely not born back then how only teenagers and immature people trash talk
>these assholes detest private servers and everything that made up the PC online gaming community in the late 90's and early 2000's
I fucking hate this shit. Overwatch is a cancer.
Merriam webster added that shit a few days ago.
It's a word now
Sometimes I'm disappointed I didn't play many PC games in the 90s. Didn't really start doing that until the mid 2000s, I was a complete consolefag until then except for DOOM and Half-Life.
This is actually a really huge topic that people never seem to talk about. Nicest players are always the most clueless and have zero skill in general.
You know the game is lost before it even began if someone is acting otherworldly kind.
- Hey guys! :D GLHF!!!! = 90% chance they will be the worst player in the team
For me it was my parents being moralfags even though they were okay with me seeing violence in movies/TV shows
are you ready for the future of gaming chat?
That's why you should play games with Aussies.
Well played
Rocket league still manages to be angry as fuck despite just having pre set text.
Overwatch's "ban toxicity" system actively encourages you to play like a shitter and bait your teammates into swearing at you, so you can ban them for their "toxic" rage.
It is griefer PARADISE.
You can literally get anti-griefers banned from the entire fucking game.
Sure, Sup Forums hates it because you can't have legitimate discussions on how to improve society, and all the skill-shaming gatekeepers hate it because you can't artificially restrict people from the game based on them being paint-drinking retards, and the game itself is a 20tickrate press Q to win forced-6v6-forced-50% shitfest.
So it's no good as a skill game, discussion game, or fun game.
But what it's great as is allowing rusemasters to bait people into getting banned. That's probably the entire point.
Wait, you can't anymore? Guess I've just gotten lucky.
is reality collapsing in on itself now?
Pokemon TCG Online changed to preset messages and it's still full of sarcasm
>Well played!
not even that because the sorry emote was removed for being bm
the absolute state of blizzardfags
Don't feel bad. It wasn't easy to get into in the late 90's. Hardware was advancing at such a rapid pace your computer would become obsolete (and you'd notice it) within just mere months. Prices were fucking high as well. I mean the fucking jump from 400mhz to 3.0-4.0ghz for the Pentium 4 from 2000 to 2004 was enormous as all fuck.
just say everything sarcastically
mods can't prove shit and they will be too busy choking down their boyfriends cum to realize you only compliment the shittiest players.