Name a worse general. Protip: you can't
Name a worse general. Protip: you can't
/ksg/ still exists
wasn't /gw2g/ the one that got spammed by bots copying posts from other boards?
This. Also /owg/.
Old school runescape is legit 75% trannies and their in-game chat is nonstop reddit-tier memes
The WoW general. Private servers or live, take your pick.
/arena/, too hipster for OW but can't play non-QC arena shooters because they don't have shiny graphics and lootboxes
/gsg/ is pretty fucking bad.
Yeah, it's literally a no man's land with non-stop botposting
/mlp/ exists
They're autism is pretty harmless, but it really is a never ending circlejerk of feels posting.
But honestly at this point all they do is blogpost or whatever. Just inane off topic bullshit. At least they aren't actively annoying like /feg/ and many other generals.
Shitty generals
Generals that actually discusses shit
/emug/ or /hbg/
>/csgog/ is dead
LMAO what happened
And it will never die. /vg/ was basically created for it.
I'm pretty sure every general has been stated by now
Why does /vg/ have less moderation than any other board
>less moderation than any other board
Haha, I wish.
/gw2g/ is literally just one bot shiposting nonstop
Implosion inside community. one half realized the game is boring and RNG, the other is discord drama
these two don't mix, so it fucking died, just like /dsg/
Name one good general. You fucking can't. /vg/ is a shithole.
I dunno about the worst, but the best is pretty clear.
yeah. someone tried bringing it back a week or so ago hiding it as "arenanet general" yet the bot still got to it after a while
Homebrew, since you can actually learn something from it
Ace Combat General
Vitagen is a good example of cult behavior
/smtg/ is pretty good actually. No namefags, roleplayshit, or constant meme shit.
The worst thing that happens is occasionally some discord fags come and act like retards but it's not common.
>oh no people are talking about videogames!
>this just isn't right!
Oh, Sup Forums!
Why did that happen anyways?
/fog/ is full of underage retards and newfags. They also suck waifufags and blogposters off to no end. Actually Fallout should have just died with 2.
I decided to check how fast posts on fe reddits are posted on /feg/ and it's pretty fast and like 85% of pics there get posted to /feg/. couple posts on reddit were screencaps of /feg/
they're also very pro dub and love treehouse nowadays compared to fates release time
/feg/ is one of the worst generals I've observed
/feg/ is literally 90% Heroes shit, 9% Awakening+Fates discussion, 1% every other FE game discussion.
lesse, /wowg/, /ksg/, /osg/, /rsg/, /xivg/, basically any mmog especially /terag/, /lolg/, /fgg/ literally because they spend 90% of the time bitching about Sup Forums, /scp/ is being consumed by the fucking warp, any general for a game far past its fucking expiration date like /utg/, /ddlcg/ and /fn@f/
basically if it isnt /smtg/ its a shitty fucking general filled with attention seeking trannies and literal idiots who witting or unwittingly kill all discussion
it’s where crossboarders and cancer tend to congregate.