How does Intel keep getting away with releasing overpriced garbage that costs literally hundreds of dollars more than...

How does Intel keep getting away with releasing overpriced garbage that costs literally hundreds of dollars more than "inferior" technology but offers literally no performance increase?

Why do PC gamers keep getting sucked into upgrading their i7 7700ks for two cores that do nothing?

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>Why do PC gamers keep getting sucked into upgrading their i7 7700ks for two cores that do nothing?
Parkinsons law.

>Parkinsons law
i'm literally shaking

Who the fuck is updating their CPU every year? What makes you think Kaby Lake owners upgraded to Coffee Lake?

I like my Ryzen

8 cores/16 threads. stay BTFO

you can't save stupid consumers

adults still buy consoles

People are upgrading their Skylakes (eg: 6700K) to Coffee Lake.

They intentionally slow down the previous generation hardware with "updates" to make it seem like things are improving.

I still use an Athlon II

It's a piece of shit.

phenom 2 here lol

>The 8400 perform the same as the 7700
Bahwbahbwbahhww get cucked faggot

>consumer tier intel
This poorfag when you will join the master race kiddo

If you use any AMD components you are worse than toddlers.


Pretty sure people upgrade their CPUs every 4+ years, only retards want bleeding edge consumer tech

Meanwhile on AyyMD they can only muster +300Mhz clock speeds

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums treating cpus like mobile phones
user, come on now. it's been 5 years since I upgraded my cpu, and not a single modern game gives me trouble.

I wish I could upgrade my CPU.

Enjoy the slow lane grandma
>5.0ghz here 8600k comfy

>tfw Threadripper
Intel cucks BTFO

Enjoy your poorfag life without hyperthreading
>5,04ghz here 8700k comfy


>A pleb using a consumer cpu
Lmao your life kiddo

Enjoy Deliding
>5.0ghz at 62C under load
>z370 Asus Strix gaming E
>gtx 1080ti
>16GB ddr4 3200mhz
Enjoy your house fire TrendFag

what do you even use that processor for
did you really spend 800+ dollars on a processor and 400 dollars on a motherboard?
It doesn't make games run better at all
They run worse than 4 or 6 core processors

>still playing on 1080p
>not joining the master race and playing on 8k and 60fps or 4K and 240fps
This pleb poorfag

>asus spicy tier mobo with oc
Bahwbbwhwbbabww what a retard

Royal flush agrees
>poorfag 1080p confirmed

these are for shit like editing and stuff just get a i5

>no Titan XP
>only 16gb ram
Fuck off poorfag

>He thinks that everyone play on 4K or 1080p
Kek keep using your consumer tier CPU’s

I do video production for a living, it speeds up render times considerably. Buying a Threadripper for games would be ridiculous, I do play games on my rig occasionally though.

Nothing wrong with Asus. Best Mobos on market

Because more than 4 physical cores only benefits professional rendering or video editing.
Only retards think more cores means automatically faster games.

>no titan V on quad sli with custom loop
>no 256gb ram
>no i9 rig
>no 4tb nvme in raid
You poor people disgust me

>best Mobos on market
Agree but only on maximum series not on the strix series that is already know to have low performance for oc

I'm perfectly happy with my 4790k. It still has some of the best per-core performance.

>@5.0ghz 1.30v at 63C under full load stress test
>claims Asus can't OC better
How much better can I get??? The z370 is good desu

>not being head of chinese goverment
>not building best super computer
>not shitting all over intel
>not installing gentoo on it
>not using it for shitposting all day
You poor murican pigs are disgusting

This seems like the thread for it, I just wanted to say thanks to the anons who recommended me to grab a 120hz monitor. Shit's fucking great and I don't think I can ever go back to a mere 60hz. I can see why people make such a big deal out of it.

TN garbage, get out,

Intel looks cooler, that's all there is to it. Nvidia looks cool. Apple looks cool. BMW looks cool. Girls look better than you.

And those who look better - get everything by doing absolutely nothing.

>Still using 120hz
Not using the superior 240hz ips gsync 4K monitor
Try to keep up kiddo

the benefits of a 4K monitor far outweighs the benefits of a 120hz monitor. so unless you want to get a monitor that has both, just stick to 4K

Intel and nividia shit all over amd regarding performance.
Nice try amd fanboy.

I already have a 4k monitor for work. There are pros and cons for both but I much prefer the higher refresh rate for gaming over the increase in pixel density of the 4k monitor.

you fuck it with the ram

New Ryzen 2600 @ 4.4 Ghz would be a beast.

Its only $199 too. Supposedly its anywhere from 10-20% boost over previous Ryzen in terms of performance.

>Titan XP
Hello grandpa, we're all in the Titan V mdoe.

>v1.2 and under 50c on the asus maximun x code with rock pro3
The strix series it’s garbage

I agree, when I said benefits, I referred to work related stuff.

Because PC gamers are the easiest to milk dry