What is leons haircut called...

what is leons haircut called? i'v been growing out my hair for a while and now that its long enough i want to get it light his. i'm going to the barber tomorrow

it's called a pixie cut

Ladyboy special



the soycut

Don't you think it's a bad idea getting a haircut that's twenty years out of style?

The nowayfag, only works if you're made out of polygons though. Neckbeard like you'll look like shite.

90s DiCaprio

Do you have the same face shape? If not forget about it.

Don't. You WILL regret it. If you're anything but fit, you're going to look like a sperg. If you are fit, you're going to look like a throwback fairy.

le fagguette

The boyband deluxe

The Small Time

the no way fag

A Gay Bulge.

the 'I've never had sex for chasing the loose asian pussy when I had tons of other tight sluts after my cock' haircut

The backstreet boy

The Resident Evil

Yellow fever

The N.W.F.

The 'soyboy cuck' special. It usually comes with a free lifetime subscription to BLACKED.com and your very own chastity cage.

Guess the % of bitter balding anons ITT

His haircut looks awful on anyone else besides David Bowie. It's not probable that you could pull it off.

Man, they ruined him.

He got worse. He's a surly drunk now

>that slowly becoming gray hair
>Leon is old as fuck and never scored despite having more chances than any other protag

I think his drinking debunks the theory that he and Ada had sex some time between Degeneration and Damnation, despite her comment about 'continuing where they left off'. He's first shown hitting the bottle in Damnation, AFTER the potential sex would have happened. Either he was so nervous he failed to perform and she laughed at him, or Ada had a few surprises waiting for him in her panties.

Is this you op?

my hairstyle is like Rebecca in the cgi movie. but im a dude.