Its happening

its happening

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh. That's what he met? Wow, it's FUCKING NOTHING.


No it's not, and it never will be ever again in regards to Valve.



3 cards for Artifact will be revealed

Half counter portal 2

Could this be related to the leak that was suppressed by VNN? Hmm...

oh yeah... this game

>/thread-ing your own post

what leak user?


Just stop already, let it go user. Nothing ever happens regarding valve, atleast nothing positive for us.

A minor Steam UI tweak for curators or some other recommendation engine

holy shit aren't these the marble hornets guys?
who got hitched

Valve infiltrated the modding community to release Hunt Down the Freeman to make their Half-Life game seem less shit

Don't you get it?

Guy was talking to someone that said HL3 is in development and he realized who he was related to at Valve so closed the stream and deleted the video

slendy and ethan

why is washington such a shit state

Joseph, guy on the right who played Alex

>posting this a day before the Nintendo Direct


Yeah bro, Artifact looks fun

He seemed convinced he had real proof about HL3 then panicked and told everyone to stop talking about it and delete the VODs because "it could cause HL3 to get delayed or canceled" and of course all the redditors did his bidding because they're e-celeb dickriders.

>Nintendo direct tomorrow
>new valve game teased


it's going to be fucking nothing for god's sake. or artifact. or some fucking steam UI update no one gives a rat fucking ass about.

valve doesn't make games anymore -- not proper games, not like they used to. it's cash box shop card games & skin simulators now.

>artifact for switch

Portal and Half-Life Collections, please.

>picture is taken in the THIRD floor of their building


Oh boy, a new TF2 hat.

Orange Box on Switch

Geoff VS Reggie 2K18


Valve announces a new Final Fantasy?

hmmmm . this isnt solid evidence but itwould not surprise if something was in the works.

ricochet 2 will be made first

a valve card game

>still giving a fuck about Valve

Oh gee wiz, so fucking hyped for that new Artefact reveal omg.

>Geoff also retweeted the Nintendo Direct


>no actual link to this post
nice job queef nugget

Valve is a complete joke at this point.
All of their creative talent left years ago.
They don't even give enough of a shit to do basic maintenance and bug fixing on their own service. All they do is hoard their piles of money and try to outsource all of the actual work to the users so that they don't have to spend a penny.
I'm surprise they don't offer the users the privilege of hosting their own download servers too, they could shave off some more of that overhead.

How hard is it to use google?

>"it could cause HL3 to get delayed or canceled"
That is such an absurdly illogical thought to have that I'm convinced that's not what happened at all and you're bullshitting or repeating what you heard someone else say about the situation.

watch the second video


half life the card game

counter life 4 coming soon

Valve will never again develop and publish a single-player AAA game. Screenshot this post.

They will, but L4D or Opposing Force style.
You'll see valve logo but it's another studio making it.

Half Life 4 confirmed

Fuck off, there are screenshots of post like this that are a decade old.

CS:GO2 obviously

HL 3 is switch exclusive for no reason

Half-Life fans who make these threads are people earnestly responding to the boy who cried wolf for the 20th time as their village burns down.

gunman chronicles 2 confirmed

I don't even give a shit about Half-Life anymore, Epistle 3 and the dumpster fire that was Hunt Down the Freeman is enough to quell the thirst. All I want from Valve is a new multiplayer FPS, preferably the L4D3 that was "leaked" a few years ago.


battle royale mode for csgo

this but unironically

What if it's Half-Life Deathmatch 3?

Is this some Unreal Tournament 3 shit?


Half life: Black mesa VR

>tfw based se care more about half life than valve themselves


Is the guy on the left that one dude from the FFXV movie, or am I just retarded


hunt down the freeman coming to switch


yeah, he's in comrades

Yeah, it's him. That's from the FFXV multiplayer mode.

SE probably never even played hl. They probably asked gaben just to help advertise their shitty jrpg while Gaben had to do nothing while still getting paid.

Freeman vas Mitchell
A Phantom War Waged by the Vanished

Tabata is a half life fan, he's also really into Civ.

I own a switch and I would be pissed if they just announced ports of the old games.

Like, either give us SOMETHING or fuck off valve.

What happened with Valve News Network?

It will be about artifact.

Why is this fag still relevant?

Apparently the husband of some female VA at Valve told him that HL3 was in the works. VNN recognized him, so he believed him and freaked the fuck out (and so did other people, considering that VODs and shit are being deleted left-and-right), but personally I am still taking it with a grain of salt.

Gabe or Geoff?

He got AIDS and died. RIP in piece. :(

dont let him fool you, he is a trickster

>have never played Half-Life
If they are old enough to hold a job in the vidya industry they've played Half-Life at some point

Th-thanks for beta testing PCmustards

>Half life 3 announced
>it's a switch exclusive

He isn't. And he literally pulls this shit every year when he feels like he hasn't gotten enough attention lately.

I will never believe HL3 until Gabe himself says something, assuming he's still alive when it's announced.


The yearly visit to the fat man for the E3 blessing.

>half life 3 announced
>xbox one exclusive because gaben now works at microsoft, again

It's L4D3, FYI. If you're still expecting Half-Life you're better off expecting Santa Claus.

Half Life 3: The Collectible Battle Trading Card Game Online!

>gaben ever giving up steam
If anything it'll require a Steam Machine, Steam Controller, a Vive, and have cosmetic microtransactions with a workshop for fans to make more.

>Even normies have moved on from the Half-Life 3 memes

It's never happening.


It's either:
Him preparing to show Artifact gameplay, or do some behind the scenes of Artifact like he did with Portal 2.


He's actually already in talks with them to show some new game at The Game Awards in December. Quite some time to go, but it's better to do it early.

Tyler Mcvicker is the EPITOME of clickbait. He takes rumors and run them as the truth quite constantly. It's fucking obvious that was a setup to give him some attention.

I would love TF2 on the switch

But there's already a valve card game. It's called "Steam"

Is there anyone that still unironically believes Half Life 3 will be made? You guys have a better chance at a reboot or HD Remaster ported to consoles or something shitty like that.