Nintendo has a strong enough library that if they don't announce any new games tomorrow, but announce virtual console...

Nintendo has a strong enough library that if they don't announce any new games tomorrow, but announce virtual console, it'll be more than enough to tide us over until E3.
>But I've played every game that's ever come out, ever!
No, you haven't.

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Don't get cocky, kid.

It better include GC and Wii games. And paying for the online service better include either free games or drastically lower prices to buy them. I'm not paying full price for GC games just because I can now buy them...

That being said, a VC would be a blessing. There's a lot of games I want to play from when I was a kid and had a GC, and from the Wii/WiiU which I never bought.

>but announce virtual console
Yeah, that's what I need, games I played fucking ages ago that Nintendo keeps trotting out whenever they don't have anything substantial to announce. Can't wait for the 17th fucking rerelease of Mario Bros 3.

You have not played every good Nintendo game.

>There's a lot of games I want to play from when I was a kid and had a GC, and from the Wii/WiiU which I never bought
It's too bad Nintendo seized and destroyed all Gamecubes and Wiis and their respective libraries and you can't get one anywhere.

>implying their VC wouldn't be as slow and spaced out as possible for like the fourth time

I bet you use your laptop on the bus
The Switch offers a way more convenient time playing games. The only people who don't understand this are people who don't own one.

>unironically shilling this hard
Get a grip kid

NES and SNES classic were literally perfect and they're using the same team

I find the colors of Switch very ugly, but this one is nice. There is a Switch in this color?

I own one, and it's exactly as convenient as any other game system, since it has never left the dock. I'm not going to fucking take it to work since I'm not a child that needs to take video games with me where ever I go.

No one gives a shit about your chinktop. Are you going to use that on the toilet, outside or on the bus? Fuckoff you ape.

>Since it has never left the dock
I'm going to ignore the fact that you're proud of your untreated social anxiety to ask why you don't even play it in bed or on the couch?

A chinktop is still better than a children's toy you manchild.

OP's is something that's been floating around for a long time, this is the actual green.

>"I'm a big kid" argument
Goodness gracious, there's many reasons not to like the Switch but your argument is that you're in middle school?

Maybe on my phone instead, which has a larger resolution the Switch.

Huh, thank you. Still cool, will look for this one when I buy mine. OP's still better, but this is cool too.

VS is not coming, at all, ever.

Get over it and give up hope already, NES/SNES minis replaced it.

>anime poster
How dare you speak to me?

>untreated social anxiety
>because I don't take video games to work
What the fuck?

And why wouldn't I play it on the couch? Where the fuck do you think I keep the Switch? I don't keep the TV locked in the fucking toolshed.

>They got the input lag down to seventy seconds!!

I cannot believe people to this day are either
A: too retarded to set up an emulator
B: willing to pay 10 bucks for an NES game

They've already explicitly confirmed Virtual Console.
>I can't take my switch outside- wh-what if a girl s-sees? What if she thinks I'm not cool? I- I really want a prom date but if people find out I play video games...

I have a car, because I have a real job. And if you seriously can't be without video games that badly that you need to take it with you not only every time you leave the house, but also into the fucking toilet, then you need serious help.

People want vc on the switch more than they did on the Wii I because the switch is more convenient.

>They've already explicitly confirmed Virtual Console.

Source? Reggie said they are re-evaluating how they deliver "legacy content" in the last statement I saw about it.

That translates to "buy the minis" in PR speak fyi

A strawman so wonderful I want to take it to an emerald castle and get it a brain.

>Enjoying something means you're addicted to it
I hope you don't have a phone or television and just show up for work to ensure minimal leisure like a good goyim

>is more convenient.

I do have a television. A television I don't feel a compulsion to carry around with me wherever I go.

Because you can just pick up a piece of plastic and be playing a game without having to be locked to your couch.
>inb4 just get a laptop
If you've ever used a laptop you should know why that's less convenient.

What the absolute cock gargling fuck does me not taking my Switch to work have anything to do with what you're talking about, you drooling mongoloid cunt?

Then why do you take your phone with you? Do you NEED to browse Reddit all day?

It's a handheld first and foremost you dolt. If you have friends or commute on the train or some shit it's ideal. Like shit man, couch multiplayer Monster Hunter is fucking amazing, but you're too pretentious.

>without having to be locked to your couch
What's wrong with playing games on the couch?
>If you've ever used a laptop you should know why that's less convenient.
No we dont, i dont think people had any problems with laptops

Yeah, totally inconvenient to be tied to the most comfortable seat in the house. How did we ever live like this? Truly it was like unto the dark ages.

yeah? What good nintendo game that would be on the VC haven't I played then, smart guy?

>If you have friends or commute on the train or some shit it's ideal.
I highly doubt im going to become the prom king because i can play SMB3 on the go also i already did that with my PSP waaaaaaaay before the Switch came out

>hurr what is multiplayer MH in your kitchen bar

Are you fucking stupid or something?

>what is multiplayer MH in your kitchen bar
An scenario your mind make?

>nintendies satisfied with buying the same old ROMs for the third time in a row

and this is why they keep rehashing pokemon instead of making something good

>>But I've played every game that's ever come out, ever!

I actually have, at least on the SNES

I want Sim City Classic and Act Rasier. That's all I care about.

I hope they offer us the chance to pay for games we can already easily emulate for free!

Yeah dude, and now qwe're generations up from psp and it's potentially Wind Waker and Metroid Prime.

I have a PS4 but I barely touch the thing because dedicated vidya time is an utter waste. I'll play my vidya at short bursts at my comp when preparing lesson plans. It's to conveniently refresh your mind when your busy - and wow, now people are hyped their favourite console games can be played more casually. What kind of stick up your ass do you have? If anything, sitting your ass on the couch is a bigger waste of productivity time, when it's clear that handhelds are optimal for busy people who play in short bursts, in between you know - work they may have at home to do?

There's a reason they sell way more than consoles dude.

I've never taken my switch out in public, the whole portability meme is such bull shit.

I barely even use my phone when I'm out and about.

Are dual green joycons a thing yet? The closest I know of are the Splatoon Joycons, but one of those is pink.

I know it's hard for someone with such severe autism to understand, so you may want to sit down for this, since I don't think you'll be prepared to hear this: phones are, as their names imply, a tool of communication. They are capable of more than just browsing the internet. One day, if you pass remedial primary school and venture forth into the real world, you'll learn that sometimes human beings have to communicate with one another across moderate to long distances. A telephone allows a person to initiate and receive two-way communication via either voice, or something called a Short Messaging System, or SMS, or as it is far more commonly called, "text messaging."

>What is socializing with your friends??
What man?

Who the fuck is playing full length video games on a bus? That's what your phone is for with those shitty snappy games. What a stupid point.

yes. they sell the flipped pair of the spla2n ones now

the north american release of the splatoon joycons are flipped from the japanese release so you could get both and just use the green ones if you have the dosh

>Virtual Console again
Oh boy, I can't wait for none of the games that were available at the end of the Wii and Wii U's lifespan to be available for the Switch's VC launch. I can't wait for Nintendo to drip-feed VC releases as if they're drops of water in an endless desert just like they did for the Wii and Wii U. I can't wait to re-purchase the same games for the Switch that I had to re-purchase on the Wii U that I originally bought on the Wii because Nintendo doesn't have the common knowledge to tie digital games to accounts instead of hardware.

Mmm mmm, thank you for shitting in my mouth Nintendo, I love it. How else can you shit in my mouth?

not that guy but i've played through loads of psp/vita jrpgs on my commute

>If anything, sitting your ass on the couch is a bigger waste of productivity time
>says this while defending buying old games from 30 years ago in his brand new toy and trying to convince stangers on the internet that's its not lame

They don't sell pure greens? Well fuck.
Thanks though anons.

Dude, no one here is actually hyped for VC. It's about the modding potential because you can inject VC games for first party emulation.

Who says anything about buying? I have pirated games from the last 4 gens and haven't needed to spend any money on Nintendo, minus the occasional game I support.

Unless Harvest Moon SNES and 64 are part of the deal, I don't care.

Yeah, the king of fucking productivity over here, being a platformwar championing faggot on Sup Forums.

If the only way to socialize with your friends is through games then i feel sorry for you

i would buy the hell out of virtual console games

>It's a handheld first and foremost you dolt.

The 3DS has virtual console too

i don't think the gc/wii will get a virtual console on the switch
if you want an on the go virtual console machine just hack a 3ds. heck even an o3ds would do, nearly everything runs full speed on snes9x

>playing vidya in public

Fuck this. Where's muh HD Zelda games?
Metroid trilogy fucking then?

I want TP and WW HD ports from the Wii U.
Trow some Wii games while you are it like Metroid Prime trilogy and Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.

They haven't handled the virtual console well on any system they've had it on. I have no expectations.

lol are you that user who sperged out claiming all android emulators had massive input lag the other week when it turned out it was just snes9x based emulators and you got btfo?

>I want Nintendo to shit out more ports instead of new games

fucking kill yourself

>You have not played every good Nintendo game.
Not him, but yes I have. You need to be 18 to post here.

>it'll be more than enough to tide us over until E3.
Hmmm no sweetie, not everyone is autistic like senpai

You can find joycon shells and custom Switch shells in about every color under the sun, if you're comfortable using electronics-tweezers and a screwdriver. A hell of a lot of custom shells even have d-pads.

Virtual Console is a decade-old retarded marketing gimmick.
Get this through your syphilitic skull: they are just rereleases of old games.
Stop it.

Those buttons look like garbage but man do I want everything else on it.

They're optional.

Common parlance with that particular BASSTOP shell replacement is their buttons are shit, stick with the original greys/blacks unless you really do want the Super Famicom button-scheme. Same goes for the dark-gray middle piece of plastic that the ZL/ZR button mounts onto which BASSTOP has a replacement in the box for, it's not visible because of over/underlying electronics so there's no benefit to fiddle-fucking around with the Z buttons to get them re-mounted and reattached.

Old games which it would be handy to have around or replay for old times' sake. Most people who're excited for Virtual Console are going to pirate them all once Switch homebrew/CFW is around, so don't even try the "just emulate it" angle. Half the fun is custom Virtual Console injects so you can carry around shit not on the eShop.

If you keep using the term Virtual console you're no better than genZfags squealing about TideĀ® Pods.
Stop doing a corporation's marketing for them, and ESPECIALLY don't do their schtick from literally a dozen years ago.

I was literally just talking about pirating everything Nintendo had to offer. How many more buzzwords can you shove into that post there?