Name a better candy to snack on while playing vidya

Name a better candy to snack on while playing vidya

I can't

What makes them swedish?

They let their females be gang raped by bigger, blacker fish


You lose.

I remember there being a bag of black and red ones, those are the true ones

I prefer a bowl of buttered noodles.

I fucking love these even though theyre a little hard

The chewiness is part of the charm, best tasting gummy bears for sure.

All you need right there. The best.

Nothing better than a bunch of nigger babies.

Fishy sticks

How can anything else even compete?

I remember buying those from an ice cream truck for a quarter each
Fuck I didn't want to remember these feelings


(don't post in this thread anymore)


Came here to post this.

The fruit and cream ones are godlike




Step aside faggots.

Step aside, peasants.

someone with taste

>all these fatfags
The true patrician has nothing more than a bottle of water. "Snacking" is for lardasses and children.

This is my shit

The mini ones are acceptable too

it's also just shit

I don't give two fucks about what you think, this was the best flavor of skittles ever created. Sour is a close second, but nothing compares to crazy cores.


True patrician chips coming through

>tfw rarely snack while vidya

holy FUCK these things were surprisingly addicting


*melts ur tongue and leaves it vulnerable to spicy food for several days*

Howbout u fuck urself


even better


your bf's cock


Any M&Ms are acceptable, I'm just posting my favorite kind

lays chips are for plebs though, the chips you get if you don't know any better. The ketchup is so uneven and lacking, sometimes it feels like im just eating plain chips. The best ketchup chips i've tried so far are pic related but stores rarely stock it.

Whatever leaves the least amount of shit on my fingers.

my gf's cock

Eat too many and you'll be shitting like there's no tomorrow though.

i tried these once and they were the best

feels like 10 years ago, i gotta find them again

this is my fucking GOAT candy
its also damaging in pretty much every way.
they're never as chewy as they should be so you wind up breaking your teeth on them, while destroying your taste buds and enamel at the same time. Good shit

>eating candy

That is terrifying.

I can tell just by looking at them that those are the x-treme cheddar variety. Truly patrician taste.

Bow down you fucking extras

>Eating celery
>When you could be eating carrots

As long as they're not sugarfree you can binge them without fear

Fucking Amerifish I swear.

>still eating sugar

this is just making me crave for coconut bread

Fuck man I want some carrots

>Getting your fingertips greasy and getting crumbs everywhere including in your keyboard/controller


>swedish fish
>they're made in canada

It's tasty and low on fat and sugar.

i dunno why it's so hard to find. I think the last time I found it was 2 years ago by some miracle, but i forgot which store. Maybe no frills or loblaws