What would Sup Forums look like at 99 Insight?

What would Sup Forums look like at 99 Insight?


A room that's engulfed in flames while people throw their own shit at eachother.


this unironically

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I destroyed the game's legacy in the process also.

FPBP. Guess it's time to kill yourself OP.

A bunch of hipster cucks regurgitating unoriginal opinions with parasites on their head sucking out their originality.

I’m pretty sure we already post on 99 insight Sup Forums.

>game's legacy

Nigger you just shitposted to a point of proving your own autism.

The only thing you destroyed was any respect anyone might have had for you.

I'd say that was accurate maybe five or so years ago. We're much worse now.

Care to post another picture?



Unironically this. Neo Sup Forumsipsters are the worst.

Yeah, you can actually talk about video games on Sup Forums.
Here? If people talk about a video game too eagerly, their posts are deleted or moved to another board. All while mods only bother sticking a thread to honor a gay porn star unrelated to video games.

Empty. Away doing something more productive with their time.

At 8 hours a day, that isn't an accomplishment.

This fucking shitpost I swear to god

the same it looks like right now


I imagine it would be like They Live, but instead of propaganda like CONSUME and OBEY it would just be I'M LONELY and I FEEL LIKE A FAILURE.


Now I gotta check best girl's thread

I imagine the same guy who wrote this post illustrated this image.


>implying he's wrong
>implying anyone on Sup Forums can actually draw cept maybe attention whore seeking trannies and roasties


It would go from Yotsuba B to Photon

my god

>not using tomorrow

Wouldn't never playing a souls game be better than playing one? I went in with souls knowledge and I basically had to unlearn souls gameplay before learning how to properly play bloodborne.

>he doesn't use burichan

Spider posters. Spider posters everywhere.

You would see a mix of coordinated "viral marketers" shilling games with various SJW shills shilling their faggot politics mixed with various trolls and shitposters and about five percent of people who are actually gamers interested in talking about video games.

>he isn't phoneposting on clover from his comfy bed

>stale reposts of stale memes is being a primitivist

there's nothing wrong with spiders
t. not a spider


Mozart, but a spider Mozart.

This version was my first thought



A waste of time

You'd see a picture of every user's face alongside their posts.




Sup Forums has fallen further than Sup Forums due to [s4s] and Sup Forums taking big chunks of the post topics and leaving Sup Forums with nothing much beyond porn.

meat vision

Really gets the old Bazinga Bonging...

Someone making this into faggot waifu shit is triggering me.

s4s is some strong shit, man
