Ow.... my head

Ow.... my head....

Other urls found in this thread:


>Boomer reading paper romanticizing school shooting 24/7 creating a copycat effect
>Hurf Durf must be that new bing bing wahoo game those younguns are playin

>Television and music (Rap especially) have advocated violence for years
>The media blows everything out of proportion for the sole purpose of spreading it as far and as wide as possible
>"It's the video games I tell you!"

The parent is ignoring his child

Not playing your copy of cop killer with your bazooka and atari joystick and box peripheral... Why live?

Yeah, it's rap music.
Can't be, you know, the systemic opression and racism that has been going on for centuries in America, it can't be that.



>Blaming video games
>When Rap is literally telling people to go out and kill
A rapper was just arrested because he made a school shooting song.

I like to point out to boomers what use to be called reading fever.

That's right before video games, before rap, before metal, before rock, before TV, they blamed it too much reading of books.

I will say there is something of an argument against TV though. Not because 80s action movies, but actually do to the amount of government propaganda back in the 40s and 50s that eventually bled into toy manufacture to encourage boys to join the military, which it could have an influence on that. There is a reason they recruit in high school just like drug dealers.


>systemic opression and racism

Arrested for a song? What the fuck is this the 1950s?

>When a retarded comic is made high iq

imagine believing this

Vincent price is the video game industry!

>2 TV's
>0 Sofas

Why do all political cartoons have the same hideous art style?

yup, definitely that "system oppression" that's why there's all that black on black violence.

>Make rap video about going on a school shooting
>Literally film at the local school
>Wonder why you're being arrested
>“Now they’re calling me a terrorist,” Ross said. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”


Because they're generally made by sad fucks who don't get paid very much per comic.

And every other country they happen to be in. One big oppressive coincidence I tell ya.

Well being arrested for a song and being arrested for filming at a school with out a permit is not the same thing


Boomers have got to go.

>tfw you play some vidya and your feet turn to swiss cheese

Why are all the parents in these cartoons old as shit

t. 20 year old white male that lives in quiet suburb


this post is proving boomer's point

This is a good one, though. It's on our side.

Here's your controller, bro.

All these cartoons have wired controllers ... Believability 0%

>Western culture glorifies violence
>Highschool sports like football has kids tackling each other
>As boys get older they realize girls want the big asshole jock

If any thing video games has made kids more tame, look at all the hugbox communities and speed running communities where guys become so soy they start transitioning.

Target audience is softheaded old people.

That fucking artstyle is horrible
Seriously was any attempt at all made in this comic?

even if you think video games are the cause, which it's not, it still comes down to the parents that who are at fault.
there are ratings on games, you can't really expect companies to have anymore responsibility then that. it comes down to the parents who need to choose what to do with their kids, not the other way around.

No, those freaks flock to video games because they don't require physical exertion, so it's something they can become good at.

the only thing swiss cheesed right now is my sides

You don't think they could be generalizing something without knowing anything about it, could they?

>We should continue to blame X things for school shootings instead of having self defense classes for students

>political comic
Only Zyklon Ben the king of labels is kind of acceptable.

That's the joke user

how the fuck can you teach a child self defense against a fucking person with a gun
>lol dude just punch the bullet out of the air

This thread is really shaking my marbles

Maybe you shouldn't buy your little kid "Cop Killer" you bald fat fuck

We could also try to understand why they are so prevalent now
>People in the 60s used to bring guns to school and store them in lockers for shooting classes or to dick around at ranges
>Fast forward 40 years and for some reason this shit is now happening
So what changed? Is it the garbage culture shift of everyone is a winner despite kids feeling like suicidal losers?


that guy is pretty based

pretty cool guy

I know you're brainlets, but art is society's reflection, not the other way around.

Why is reddit like this?

>it's well made if it agrees with my point of view
Damn... really fires my neurons...

Omega males have been around since the dawn of civilization, it wasn't until relatively recently that we've had the tools to let 1 guy kill 10s when he spergs out


>not art
Fuck off, faggot.

>So what changed? Is it the garbage culture shift of everyone is a winner despite kids feeling like suicidal losers?
people have nothing to give their lives meaning anymore

You're saying that, but cave paintings have shown ancient omega-male cavemen causing rockslides to kill cave-children learning in wisdom caves. School massacres have been a problem since the dawn of mankind.

Yes, that is the reason. The only people blacks living in the projects or ghettos interact with are other blacks and the police. If you live in a situation of economic hardship and find it difficult to be provided with the same benefits as other citizens, that rage is going to be transferred to those around you. Other blacks, other impoverished minorities. You aren't going to drive your car out to the suburbs and start wailing on Bob and Jenny.

>he thinks this is art
What has the world come to

Using Kelly is cheating user

What Civ V mod is this

fuck off with your ape music

If that's considered art, shit smeared on a wall should be to.

>two limpwristed space fucks think they'd actually take a man who genocided an entire planet
Completely unrealistic. Chad would've turned those two squid cunts into condoms and take their space ship to bring his apocalypse galaxy-wide

Care to explain why?


because it sounds like shit

I love Tribe, but if you want to convince someone that rap is art, you really should go TPAB. Just because ATCQ is jazzy doesn't make them super artistic.

......................................................................................Made me thin, but at what cost?

>humans suck and are everything bad with the world
>but i won't kill myself lol, i deserve to live because i teach people how bad people are

people who say humans are bad and that we should value the rest of nature above ourselves are literally psychopaths

>people grow up on Grand theft auto
>now everybody hates the police
>j-just a coincidence guys

It's the power of firearms. In the 60's a household, at least in the South, woukd typically have a revolver, a rifle, and a shotgun. One for personal safety, one for hunting, and one for if your daughter comes home with a black boy. Now it's possible, and fairly easy, to get military grade weaponry for an affordable price commercially. Imagine if school shooters had to do it with a hunting rifle as opposed to a 30 round AR with a bump stock. Would people die? Yes. Would it be as many people or be as big of news? No. We also have the internet to blame for making these happenings easier to learn about. Back in the 60's if it wasn't a national tragedy or happened down the road you probably weren't going to know it even occurred.

You should live in the south where blacks are normal people and have been intergrqted far longer than in the north. Black people down here don't let that stupid oppresed bullshit mean anything. You either do right or you're a fuck up here. And that goes for all races

Don't listen to these whities user TCQ is OG

rap music is repulsive to anyone who isnt black or brainwashed

Clearly all your intelligence was in your fat rolls.

>Made me thin
I vomited when I saw the artstyle also


Ah okay got it

well of course a nigger like yourself would enjoy it

>people grow up on froot loops
>now everbody has a smartphone
>i-i don't know about correlation and causation guys

>he thinks it's because of the jazzy beat
it's literally art because it's an expression of them as people, with the lyrics reflecting this


>there are faggots in this thread that don't think this is art just because it's rap


so how would you guys as parents would stop your children from playing violent video games? because as much you hate it, no person under 16 should be playing fps or sandbox games with shooting /killing mechanics

>as people

Well gee, maybe if grandpa there would turn around and give the kid some attention, and actually LOOK at that rating on the box & learn what it means, then MAYBE little billy wouldn't spend his entire life in front of a screen next to a fucking missile launcher.
Fucking parents not parenting.

>military grade
What? It just looks like 'military' grade. Buy yourself a hunting rifle that uses mags. Nobody has even had a bump stock when they used these things. And hell, let's go back a bit further. Thompsons were clearly easily attained and they were 'military grade'.

Is this a new comic?

Is the media actually taking Trump’s bait?

they have a point desu

guns have been around a long time but they didn't shoot up random people so much 50 years ago

it's because of violent american media culture and banning boobs on TV and video games

t. Lives in a gated community with his parents

really if the kid was also reading a newspaper with the headline "School Shooting" would actually be a statement but way too nuanced for this shlock

>as much you hate it, no person under 16 should be playing fps or sandbox games with shooting /killing mechanics
why not?

I don't think it's art because of the fact it doesn't sound good

>people grow up on froot loops
>huge spike of mentally ill trans men this generation

>Implying Kelly isn't god-tier.

There's such a thing as harmony. You don't have to value humanity above nature or vice versa, but we must keep our goals as a species in mind.

confirmed inbred