Who's your favorite fighting game protagonist?

Who's your favorite fighting game protagonist?

The one that is my waifu


Protagonist? Huh. Who's the protagonist of Mortal Kombat again?


Ragna without a doubt

Used to be Liu Kang.

Terry Bogard is still the coolest dude ever

Too fun to play

Are you okay?


This is a tough one, really.

Blizzard, maybe? Glacius?

Garou MOTW still has the best Buster wolf sound.

All of Terry's soundbites in Garou are the best he's had.

Garou is still the best KoF game



Big meaty paws.

Been playing Last Blade, I love it. Kaede is pretty cool


that instant 45 degree dp is hard

This user gets it.

Hayato and Rock are cool too