My Switch has never left the dock

>My Switch has never left the dock

>I would never play my Switch in public

>Only man children bring their Switch outside

>It's embarrassing to play video games around other people

>No one but a neckbeard would use his Switch out of his house

>It's so obnoxious to play video games where others can see

>Playing video games just makes you look like a loser

Anyone who says any of that is just upset because they're a fat disgusting loser who looks like a piece of shit no matter what they're doing in public.

Why do you have so many photos of men on your computer?

There’s a difference between being with a group of friends and playin outside on a nice day, and being a weird autist sitting alone on the buss playing Zelda while a little kid tries to look at your screen.


If you're an autistic loser you'll look like an autistic loser when in public yes.

This. Sorry OP, you're still a cringefest.

Imagine being so fucking butthurt in the other thread that you created your own.

>posts manchildren

>Trying to call someone gay on the second gayest board behind Sup Forums
Come on

me on the top left

Wow OP you sure showed me that Switch users aren't insecure at all!

How do you kill time while your parents take you on errands?

>ywn suck these guys off while they're playing their Switch and you're wearing these

>OP is a nintendork who actually takes the insults to heart instead of just treating it as banter
wow that is legit sad


I wonder if I can find any sony themed thigh highs

The only reason I don't bring my switch on public transit is that it makes you a target for theft

>Dominatrix Halloween costume rather than her ordinary clothes

I really enjoy the luxury of being large enough that people won't steal from me
>inb4 fat
Yeah yeah I could go "nooo I'm not fat" but none of you would care, the point is if you're 6'2" people are way less likely to try to snag something from you than if you're 5'4", almost to the point where physique doesn't matter.

Don't you realize Nintendo pays these people to make the Switch look cooler?

I looked it up and couldn't find any. Is there anywhere that makes customs like graphic tees?

I mean, I'm 6 foot and conceal carry but I'd still rather not even get into the situation

looks comfy


>anything but original

>only a loser would play Switch in public

>only a nerd would play Switch on a plane

Of course losers would like the Switch

>Nintendo Switch is for incels

La creatura...

>Bi-champion of America
I used the word loser for a reason

Try Red Bubble. They make a bunch of custom shit