Alright, I'm done

Alright, I'm done.

I can do every single miniboss flawlessly, then I get to this nigger and the game forces you to use the godawful broken worthless parry mechanic over and over, and no matter how much health or super I have, I'm dead before I make a dent in his health, and I have to waste so much time going through the same old garbage to get to the fight again.

I'm out, I've seen everything interesting the game has to offer, every other boss until now has been great, but fuck whoever designed this shit so that you have to waste minutes just to get to the only part of the fight that's a challenge. The shortness of the boss fights was what made the game fun, and what made you want to keep trying on a difficult boss. I just don't care enough about beating the game to suffer through the boring dredge of the dice game, shitty minibosses, and so many fucking loading screens, just to die in twenty seconds because the devs were to lazy to fix the hitboxes on parries.

If you think this game is anything above a 2/5, you're an idiot. The animation and music are great, the gameplay is fun at times, but ultimately it just falls apart the longer you play it.

>mad cos bad
Please tell me its copypasta at least

>u is bad bcuz u did not finish le meme game

please tell me you're pretending to be retarded at least

Every fucking fight leading up to King Dice heavily rewards parrying, what the fuck were you even doing

Just mash the parry button and land on the right cards, The Devil's first phase is way more difficult than anything in King Dice or his minibosses' fights.

You just suck. It's one of the best games that came out last year. Unironically git gud.

Parry is inconsistent, slow, and often times impossible because the hitbox for a parry on an item is smaller than the hurtbox on it. I never used the parry if I could help it.

First off, mashing doesn't work because most of the frames on the parry animation don't actually trigger a parry. And because the parry box on the cards is smaller than the hurt boxes, you need absurdly precise timing to hit the cards, timing that I can't practice without wasting minutes doing nothing for a few seconds of practice time.

sounds to me like you suck

>cuphead fans are such brainlets that they can't even defend the game beyond "le git gud XD"

>Guy gives actual mechanical criticism
>Lol no
At least try and refute him


King dice is pretty easy imo
that robot however is the worst shit ever

>unironically being THIS asshurt that you can't beat a boss

He glitched for me when I did the super, how hard is the fight legit?

>user is such brainlet that he can't even criticize the game beyond "wa artificial difficulty"

that isn't even true. his timing is just shit.

This goes for OP too, it's not hard once you get a knack for the timing. And you have to go back and forth on top of the cards so you stay in the middle of the line as they pass.If you try to stay in one spot and bounce, you WILL fail.

It is about timing and aim.

No he literally just sucks. I had that same problem with parrying too. Once you lern 2 jump timing, you stop fucking up so much.

He's way too fucking predictable and has only one move. What's wrong with you? If you're actually serious, then let me give a tip:
> Equip chaser and inv dash
> go behind his hand because it is a safezone
>stay in the middle when done with attack and you can rinse and repeat going behind him by inv dash.
Not that hard.

read: >LEL U IS MAD

I'm not even mad though, I was mad when I couldn't beat the blimp, I was mad when I couldn't beat the dragon, and I was mad when I couldn't beat the mermaid. And then I got over it and I improved, and I won. I'm not even mad about King Dice because there's nothing for me to get mad about. I can't improve my skills because the game won't let me.

Games are infuriating when you are unable to improve yourself and develop the skills needed to win. I'm not being given the chance to improve myself.

The guy who said parrying is a "godawful broken worthless mechanic" is not worth responding to seriously.

>i'm not even mad
>proceeds to explain why this is infuriating
loving every laugh

>I can't improve my skills because the game won't let me.
Have you tried not being retarded?

git gud faggot

Just use p-sugar.

lol this game is simple dude
you're a fucking toddler

there isn't going to be online co-op is there?

>I can't improve because the game won't let me
Holy shit stop user I can only laugh so hard

For me, I just don't care enough about cuphead's gameplay to get good at it. It just doesn't have good game feel that other hard but rewarding games like Megaman 2 or DMC3 have.
Just making a game super hard doesn't make it a good game. And if it's super hard but not fun to play then I don't want to play it for the aspects that I do enjoy (the art design and music)

I would say that cupheads feels rigid, but you think mega man 2 has good game feel? The level and boss designs are good, but the upwards momentum is too floaty for how fucking fast you drop

I tried staying on one side of the screen to avoid half of the cards once, I had 6 health and full super I, I survived for a while but still got hit every time the cards came my way. Loss screen showed I didn't even take half his health. So no, it's impossible unless I can get some actual time to practice the timing on those cards. Everything other boss has their final phase accessible in a minute, meaning that in ten minutes you can get enough practice time in that you noticeably improve, even if you're still dying over and over to one attack. It would take me an hour to get any sort of practice on King Dice, and possibly many hours to improve. And all that time is wasted on tedious minibosses that require just enough attention to make me bored out of my skull and unable to concentrate when I finally get to King Dice. So no, I'm done. This is just like a shitty JRPG that forces you to grind for hours in order for you to be a level where it is even mathematically possible for you to beat the boss. It's garbage game design and there are better games I have to play.

I forget, are the creators metal slug or Megaman fans? Because some of the mechanics and gameplay remind me of those games.
> inb4 darksouls

>game feel
stop using made up meme buzzwords that don't mean anything. you don't know anything about game design.

P Sugar only works on the first parry. You have to do multiple parries in sequence to beat King Dice. Confirmed for not playing the game.

HAHA what an EPIC MEME my good friends I was truly Laughing Out Loud when I read your posts !!!!!!11

Go back and try to earn some A+ ranks if you want party practice. Once you have the timing and hit box for the party slap down, you’ll find that the king dice card section is unironically the easiest part of the fight

Use the invincibility super.

they've stated to haven taken inspiration from contra 3 and hard corps, gunstar heroes, and the thunderforce games.

>P Sugar only works on the first parry. You have to do multiple parries in sequence to beat King Dice. Confirmed for not playing the game.
if you still can't get through it with that, you're trash at video games. FUCKING TRASH

> Stayed on one side of the screen
Bruh, did you even read the process of the tip I gave you? Besides, the cards only go in one direction from left to right and vice versa depending on the direction the hand is at. Stay in middle, go behind hand using inv dash, use chaser the whole time.

I got tired of only having 3 seconds to learn the parrying pattern before dying and having to restart so I just cheesed him by hiding behind the hand summoning the cards and using homing shot.

Won't matter because I don't know the speed for the cards. Or the hitboxes on the cards, they seem to extend past the top of the cards on most of the frames, but the parry window doesn't.

if you haven't mastered parrying by the time your got all three supers, you're beyond saving.

I already exposed you for not having played the game, silly. Getting mad won't help you.

Not possible since the hand's hitbox appears before his arm comes down. You can pick a side to stay on and avoid half the attacks, that's it.

you can invincible dash past the hand.

>I already exposed you for not having played the game, silly. Getting mad won't help you.

Then crouch when behind his hand.

Getting all 3 supers was really easy. Ghosts have huge parry boxes, way bigger than anything else that's parryable. If they were honestly supposed to be an attempt to teach you how to parry and not just fun goof-off bonus levels then the game design is way worse than I thought.

nope, tried that on a whim

>generic Steam achievements pic

oh wow lol u convince me

> Said to inv dash.
Fucking hell. No wonder you're getting hit.

>Ghosts have huge parry boxes
so do the cards. stop sucking at games.

>oh wow lol u convince me
what would it take for you to be convinced?

>moving the goalpost

That's why you stay in middle and then react by inv dash behind hand. Don't pick sides randomly.


Its only challenge is in timing, how is this a problem

>the hitbox for a parry on an item is smaller than the hurtbox on it
False. There are some that have too small a difference, for example the spiky pink balls in the first run n' gun level are too hard to parry for that point in the game, but if you take damage before the parry goes through you parried too early. The parry has pretty good range, and tons of people have beaten this boss, many of them with no lives lost. If the parry hitbox was smaller than the damage hitbox this would be impossible. You are exaggerating, which is not a good idea if you want to be taken seriously.

Hey Kotaku

Seriously one of the easiest bosses for me, I have no idea how people took more than five tries to beat him.

That makes you look even more retarded than if you actually hadn't played the game.

One of the first things I tried, doesn't work. It's a solid wall.

Not compared to the hurtboxes of the other cards, no.

I told you, you already outed yourself here: lurk moar

Clearly you can improve. Fucking DSP beat this game user

Ok, now I'm curious as to how you're playing it out because I'm pretty sure the method is still viable. It sounds to me you're doing it wrong. Show me a webm as to how you still get damaged trying to go behind the hand and still get hit.

I beat him in three tries

That card march was the most annoying part of the boss. I never really "solved" it, I just managed to minimize the rest of my mistakes so I had enough health to get through it when it happened, and managed to get good enough that I could sometimes get past it if the order of cards was good.

>but ultimately it just falls apart the longer you play it.
glad I got bored like 3 bosses in to world 2.

you do know that your parry lasts for about 30 frames after pressing the button, right? youre probably trying to press the button right as you hit the cards like an idiot.

>Doesn't realize how easy it is to just cheat at the dice game and avoid every encounter
>Got all the way to King Dice without figuring out how the parry hitbox works
>King Dice only has like two moves and you can't figure them out
Nah, you're just bad.

Bad hitboxes, can't parry on the way up from a jump, the amount of height gained from a parry is variable.

Timing isn't the problem, positioning is. And the fact that I'm not allowed to learn the timing and positioning.

>calling people out on using shitty memes instead of legitimate arguments and criticism means you're Kotaku now

I hate nu-Sup Forums

congrats on getting lucky

hey, if a bunch of retards gave me money to sit on my ass and play vidya I'd have beaten a lot more games let me tell you.

I'm not sure what's unclear. He starts neutral and you can travel the whole stage. Then he picks a side for his attack and an invisible wall drops down splitting the stage in two, you can't smoke bomb through it. Then his animation plays out and he starts the card attack. If you're on the wrong side he can't hit you, but as soon as you know which side is which it's too late to change sides.

How does the parry hitbox work? Tell me, oh master of vidya.

You can't, neither can anyone else, because it is made poorly and is inconsistent between different items.

I could figure out his moves if I was allowed to see his moves without wasting minutes upon minutes going through his game.

Objectively wrong. I'd say it lasts maybe 10 frames, and even that's really pushing it.

Explain how millions of people have no problem with that boss but you do

> invisible wall
The fuck? That's it, give me a webm. Either they patched or glitched the stage the last time I checked this stage.

Because either they are lying about having beaten it, or they have the autism to waste hours on it. And I assume a handful are just lucky or really good at timing.

dunno how to make webms. and I honestly don't think I can go through that stage without falling asleep right now

>I was only pretending to be retarded

I can't even imagine being as bad at games as you

Then have a video and use link to show us.

How the fuck can one kid be so bad he fails at killing a boss that has a SINGLE EASY PATTERN.

The hitbox follows the hand that comes out of the straw.
This is why it appears to not work sometimes. You have to time your parry. It's not inconsistent, unless there's some item that changes the hitbox. I never didn't use the smoke grenades; I kinda regret that they're the first item you get since aside from plane levels there's no reason to not use them.
>I could figure out his moves if I was allowed to see his moves without wasting minutes upon minutes going through his game.
You hit the dice I think two digits before the number you want. Or one. Either way, it wasn't hard to figure out how to abuse the dice and avoid the bosses.
Also, his moves really aren't that bad, once you figure out the parry. I can see why it'd be annoying if you didn't get how the parry works, but once you do it's not nearly as bad.

remember that you can parry the same card multiple times. and dont forget to dash

>being this bad

No, not the dragon. There is like 3 things to parry at the very beginning of the fight and then you're on your own. And you'll only need the super in the last phase anyway.


Learn to parry.

congrats on being part of the handful, assuming that's a legit pic, which it almost assuredly isn't

and we're back to the standard redditor "LOL U IS LE BAD" shitposting, well this was fun for a while I guess

a single easy pattern that I am not allowed to practice on

sure I might get it if I tried it right now, but I might not, and then I just wasted my time going through shit minibosses I already know how to beat for nothing

why would I want to do that?

>hey, if a bunch of retards gave me money to sit on my ass and play vidya I'd have beaten a lot more games let me tell you.
So you admit that you can beat the game by spending more time playing it? Exactly my point. You can improve. The boss isn't that hard, it's not even the hardest boss in the game

I literally just tanked him, if you use the invulnerable frames correctly and dash you can get through 1 cycle with only taking 1 damage.

The invulnerability special helps a bit too.

>i can do every single miniboss flawlessly
how the fuck did you get past the rabbit boss being this bad at parrying? bouncing on some cards has much more lenient timing than hitting a downwards traveling heart.

>He thinks fucking King Dice is such a viciously difficult video game achievement that people would shop a picture of it on their profile just to prove you wrong
Holy fuck.

Respond to this, OP.

>assuming that's a legit pic, which it almost assuredly isn't

nope you can't control the die, it's randomized, or at least it is for the latter half of the game, I felt like I was getting it for a while but then it's total nonsense at a certain point.

HAHAHA those are some HIGH QUALITY memes really DANK brah haha

Respond to this as well, OP.

>nope you can't control the die, it's randomized
Yes you can.
I don't know how I can argue this. The dice is very clearly based on when you hit it. Not only have I done it, but I've seen several other people do it as well.

>The game won’t let me
OP, instead of laughing at you and calling you a fag, I’m going to assume from how you call the Parry broken that you’ve only been using it when absolutely necessary
If that’s the case, you’ve been gimping yourself this entire time, because you’re supposed to be really good at parries at that point in the game. Yeah, that section is hard, but at this point, you’ve had the entire game to practice and it’s only sort of a challenge.
I’ve got to ask, what makes the parry timing broken? It’s pretty liberal IMO, as long as you start it right when you jump, you’ll parry anything that comes your way for the entirety of that jump, and if you can’t get that down, all you have to do is equip automatic parry and you’re set for as long as the first jump. Or just even use the Invincibility super art and wait the cards out while wailing on King Dice. You could even use the Extra heart charms and stockpile lives by landing on heart spaces, and now you’ve suddenly got 8 hits when you’re fighting King Dice.

It's not random, though. You just need to time it well.

I could improve if I was willing to sit down and play through long minutes of garbage in order to get a brief chance to improve. I'm not.

Tried this, had 6 health, took one damage per turn, hid on one side of the screen so only half his attacks would hit me, shot him to hell every chance I got, etc. Still took less than half his health.

I honestly didn't fight the rabbit that much, faced that attack maybe twice. Still, you just stand underneath the heart and mash jump when it's just under halfway across the screen, not really complicated.

I think I'm aiming for the cards well enough. But then I just take damage and it's impossible to tell whether it's the parry that was bad or if I clipped one of the other cards.

My cousin, who is 11 years old and last time he was here we battled some bosses in co-op simple mode because he wasn't very good at the game, recently beat King Dice and last I heard was battling the Devil. You're worse than him at video games, you're worse than a child, or at the very least you're more whiny and give up more easily. Stop being such a bitch.

>defending how shit he is at games this vehemently
Wow user-kun, you really are a faggot!

can you upload a video of you fighting king dice? it would make it a lot easier to see what youre doing wrong

>You have to get better at the fight to beat it
>"I don't wanna get better, the game is bad because I have to try."
I dunno what to tell you, OP.
You're just bad.
That's all there is to it.

lol op don't be so buttblasted.
You haven't even seen the Devil yet.
Dice boss is easy; parry the pink cards and when you're near his face, use CHARGED SPREAD shot.
Keep at it, you big crybaby.

What is so hard about positioning yourself over the pink Ace of hearts cards and hitting Z? Of course it's much easier said than done but it's really not that hard. If there is a large gap between the cards you may have to dash (dash early since you can't parry straight out of dash).

What's the most frustrating is having to go through the minibosses every time to learn the timing, but it's definitely doable.

t. has S-ranked every boss