>not maining switch axe
Not maining switch axe
Other urls found in this thread:
>maining in a game that offers complete freedom in switching between equipment
>look up MHW vids out of curiosity
>stumble upon top 5 SA vid
>4/5 use Elemental or Status Phials
>the comments recommend shitty non Power Phial SA
This pisses more than it should for some reason.
>Stun animation is long enough
>Made even longer by the fact your character has to slap their face like an idiot afterwards
I hate this so fucking much
The slap serves a purpose. It's to let the player know the exact moment that control will be regained with a distinct animation. Without it, players would be running in a circle for the first second or so after stun and might run headfirst into an attack that would've missed. Look at it as part of the stun duration and not something "extra".
>implying that wasn't the case before
In previous titles your character would just shake his head for a sec and that's it.
But I do user.
It makes an already long animation unnecessarily longer. Seriously, it feels like it's almost 10 seconds long. It's fucking ridiculous. Wiggling the stick does nothing.
So my current two weapons, Lance and Bow, are both really safe. I love them still, but I've become complacent with them and I'm not pushing myself much anymore.
What's the total opposite? What's the most high-stakes and dangerous weapon?
I run earplugs on my switch axe but I'm thinking about ditching it for something like pic related
Gunlance and Hunting Horn
So, why can't I get the Gift Pack from the Housekeeper?
Stun is supposed to be a punishment for playing badly. It isn't supposed to be fun or beneficial. It's already generous enough as is, because getting hit that much should have killed you to begin with. Stagger and flash bangs already render some monsters stunned for minutes at times when abused.
Only burst GL is unsafe, charge shots GL is fairly safe.
Hammer/hunting horn are pretty life threatening, you're aiming at the head which is the most active part of all monsters. No shields and they're filled with long animations that lock you in place.
I challenge you to show me a single creative mixed set. You literally can't do it I bet. Every set is always boring drone shit.
>pic related
Graceful Charity > Pot of Greed
Yeah no its not its always been a cheap way to cause a death every once in a while against bullshit like black diablos where one stray hit can stun you.
Why would I when the Charge Blade is the same but better?
>Charge Blade
why dont u like it
I hope G Rank Nergigante isn't such a pussy.
>implying charge blade is more unga than switch "just stay in sword mode as much as you possibly can" axe
>implying unga is bad anyway, when the best weapon in the game, the hammer, is unga kino
>just stay in sword mode as much as you possibly can
t. brainlet who doesn't wild swing into sword
reddit is >>>/reddit/ that way
Its a twitch streamer weapon
I don't know what your favorite weapon is, but whatever it is, it's shit, especially compared to mine
For real though, why did every youtube and twitch "personality" who's first MH game is MHWorld flock straight to the Charge Blade?
But my favorite weapon is your favorite weapon
did I fucking stutter?
Decided to give swaxe a try. Went with hazak, since I have fun fighting him.
Not bad desu.
it has the most attacks, and can go from "hit fast" to "hit slow but strong" at will. its also difficult to put down for another weapon because of just how many options you have. also, if you like parrying, its your only option.
Mastered Charge blade, now learning light bow gun.
I play the exact same weapons
I've started messing with Hammer, gunlance, and switch axe and having lots of fun but whenever I need to get serious I always go back to lance
How about you shittiers actually go for the head instead waiting on the slide the whole game.
>Hammer shitter joins my elder dragon quest
>Plays like no one is around and constantly launches people
>Kick him when the monster has a skull icon
These are 90% of hammer players and they deserve it
>That forward-circle sliding attack with the Charge Blade
I seriously hate it, it's beyond useless
You mean 100% of the time when you see one join the lobby.
>B-But h-hammerbros...
Yeah, I sure do love getting launched into the air during my SAED.
Monster stun got nerfed to absolute fucking shit in World, so why bother?
You can kick ppl in quest? Wtf how did i nit know this
>get into memester hunter
>its actually good
>the western community is shit
Now I only join jap players, and it made a HUGE difference
Westerners are literally the Brazilians of the world
I only launch people if they keep hitting me and getting in the way of the head. On another note, I hope all bow users fucking go to hell. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SHOOTING ME. AIM A LITTLE HIGHER YOU FUCKING RETARD
>if you like parrying, its your only option.
Do you not play the game or something?
Stun works user. If I can get stun with the impact mantle I'm sure hammer can do a better job.Stop being a bitch and waiting at the slide.
>Not becoming more than just competent in using a weapon
Its good to reposition.
remove potion non-moving animation with FLEX
make stun unable to speed up with spinning analog and has a retarded face slap
id rather position myself during a fight and pop a potion with flex then be unable to do fuck all when it actually matters, FUCK THIS GAMES STUN
the tutorial for getting out of stun is a fucking LIE
clearly the game was still rushed.
Sometimes I see godly HH players time a pitfall trap and stun it afterwards, making it stop moving completely. It's pretty crazy I didn't even know stuns can be stacked this way
I main the insect glave
I do as well.
Im at 1001 Attack on Axe of Demons with white sharpness and protective polish. Still don't have an augment on it either. Why use any other SA?
Are you standing by the head? That is hammer zone, stay out of hammer zone. Literally the only rule playing with hammer bros.
If you were by the head, then you kicked because you're a fucking retard who DESERVED to be launched into oblivion again and again.
>not becoming a master of every weapon
step up kid
>play 4U
>really like using the Hunting Horn
>learn that it is absolute trash in the late game because of how slow it is in buffing stats
>still want to keep using it regardless
How is the hunting horn in World? I hear it got butchered in the diversity of looks, which was one of my favorite things about it in 4U.
I used to "Je sui monte" with the best of them, but I can physically feel the nerfed damage whenever I play it. hundreds of hunts over 2 games with the IG, and my kill times on monsters are higher than every other weapon i use in MHW. Maybe they'll give them a slight buff in a patch later down the road.
>Remove flex for drinking and eating
>Make eating a single well-done steak take a decade
>Make stun unable to recover faster by spinning or shaking the analog stick
>I have tunnel vision and literally cannot change my playstyle so it's your fault if you get hit
Every hammer's excuse
>Join a Tempered Kirin Hunt
>Bring mega barrel bombs and sleep weapons for sleep bombing.
>After joining, greeted with a mouth breathing hoodrat constantly talking like he's some rap legend.
>he constantly wakes up the sleeping kirin before bombs are placed.
>he carts 3 times and we fail the hunt after 15 minutes.
I have never been so mad in my life.
Being real for a moment, I just cannot get into Charge Blade and Lance. Just about every other weapon has caught me with that "OH SHIT THATS WHAT THIS WEAPON IS ALL ABOUT" but its not clicking with these.
>main purpose of hammer is to beat the ever loving shit out of the face
>can't change playstyle to avoid the face so hammer fagget can do his ONE FUCKING JOB
>says hammer bros are the ones with tunnel vision
OK then
When you use Lance you must think like a Chameleon. It's all about moving forward and back in a rhythmic way, to stay aggressive and safe, while face fighting monsters.
Charge Blade is just Hunting Knife with a DPS switch.
Strawman faggotry aside, your one job can be done with different attacks or even by another person. Don't be a retard and play like you're the only one who can do your job
Yes other weapons can do blunt damage, but the hammer's purpose is ONLY to do blunt damage.
Using CB I know very well I can KO the monster, but I'll mostly leave it to the hammer instead because I know that his his main job.
That being said if I can smash the face while the hammer is not currently wailing on it and he comes running in to send me flying then yes, that hammer bro is a faggot.
All it takes to get rid of that is 3 stun negating decorations. Problem solved.
If you're so bad that you're getting stunned, then go ahead and put in these decorations, which drop like hotcakes from tempered monsters.
I have like 20 of them right now.
this is getting boring. when is deviljho?
>blue sharpness
i'm no horn expert but the song selection kinda sucks in world.
Post build my man
i was gonna but after learning how to actually use GS, I ditched my CB and bow and start playing GS most of the time now
Not him, but that much damage with Axe of Demons is piss easy. And you won't even need augments.
Here's a possible set off the top of my head:
Dragonking Eyepatch Beta
Dober Chest Beta
Kaiser Arms Beta
Nergigante Waist Beta
Dober Legs Beta
I'm pretty sure this gives you at least Attack Up +7 and Weakness Exploit +3 at the very least. With a Non-Elemental Boost gem, you get 10 percent extra damage automatically. And with Might Seeds, Mega Demondrugs and Demon Powders, your attack will easily get to over 1,000.
Pretty boring. Song selection is trash on everything besides one or two horns. Designs are all the same. Only upside is encore which can be strong on certain horns though you have to sacrifice songs but at that point you might as well be playing hammer
I LOVE switch axe to death but it's underwhelming as fuck in this game.
>>If you're so bad that you're getting stunned
Fuck you, Teostra and Kush are shit
It's somehow even worse in World than it is in other games. But for 4U or any game in general just use whatever you want. You won't be hitting IG/CB/GS level times, but you'll do alright.
What is the best weapon in this shitty game ?
Which weapon makes my dick look big?
Stop whining and get good. And if you can't get good, put on 3 easy decorations that fit into any LV1 deco slot. The game gives you so many tools to win that whining is never a justifiable option.
Only good for game runs. Any jap not using a gs or bg is assumed to be a shitter imo
Mega Barrel Bomb
The ability to predict.
Unironically SnS, if you're one of those guys that brings the perfect element sword to every fight and cucks everyone out of fun by ending the fight too fast with your 50-60 damage a swing.
Dung Pod
The HH feels amazing but all the QoL can't save the absolute destruction they did to the damage of non recitals. If you aren't storing songs so you can get multiple recitals on the monster being down you are giving NO damage. Because of this it's a HORRIBLE solo weapon. I use it to make SoS easy with nergs HG earplugs which more than makes up for the issues of the weapon.
post them
First build:
Bazel Head and Waist with Earplug gem for Hearing 5
Dober Chest and Boots for Attack Up
Nerg Gloves for more Atk Up and some Agitator
Weakness Exploit Charm to null the -30% on AoD
Protective Polish and Elementless gems.
When you get your rocksteady use:
Eyepatch to null -30% on AoD
Kushala Arms, Chest, and Boots for Handicraft
Nergi Waist
Attack charm 3
Protective Polish and Elementless gems
Just enough handicraft in the set to make AoD white, but Protective Polish makes that sliver of white last.
Also, Weakness exploit 3 isn't needed. You're just trying to erase the -30% as I said before with WE 2. Its more meaningful to stuff in the Atk Up, Handicraft, Elementless, and especially Polish.
Fuck off nerd
MH has such a gay fanbase
I've been trying out a palico rally/meowlotov cocktail HH solo build. It's actually not that bad. A super buffed up palico can solo a tempered teostra in about 20 mins, so giving it HH boosts is pretty good
I really dont see how. I've used it since I started playing this series with 3U. Its always been my main, and styles were fun in Gen, with striker being balls to the walls curahzy. But World has probably the most solid moveset I've seen for SA. Axe mode is solid finally, and I slay shit as fast as any other weapon with AoD.
Damascus Mail a
Kaiser Vambraces b
Damascus Coil b
Ingot Greaves b
Gives defense boost 4, attack boost 3, WE 3, and Focus 3. Comes with 9 slots for whatever you want and looks awesome.
This is how that feels
>maining a weapon introduced after 2nd gen
I run a blast/bomber IG set for fun. Does fine damage in my solo runs. Still a WIP.
Dodogama IG
Bazel Helm and Waist
Zorah Chest, Gloves, Boots
Still deciding on what charm but Handicraft is probably a good one.
>axe mode is solid finally
We playing the same game or you're taking me fo a ruse cruise?
Is crit boost a tempered hun drop only ?