This thing is lame. Waste of $80

This thing is lame. Waste of $80.

Other urls found in this thread:

I tried telling you

>I know bro

you should have bought one from a used games store and a couple of games instead.

i got one, hacked it and loaded about 120 more games onto it. it's not that bad

You mean you've bought one to use and/or keep it? Wow, crazy.

>No DKC 2
>No DKC 3
They were retarded for this.

>not getting the classic wii u


>not just using a weak mini-pc or something for emulation and have it do everything with far less limitations and annoyances since you can just run a proper OS
I'll never get why people even bother getting and/or hacking consoles to emulate.

I'd pay $80 for one even though it's just a stupid gimmick. Too bad nintendo intentionally limited the supply and scalpers bought up everything with bots.

novelty. it's not like $80 is a lot of money anyways

go to walmart during the evening i guarantee they will have one
>T. ex walmart employee


I thought there was an extremely limited supply and they stopped making them.

No. I bought one for me and my nephew last week. Walmart and best buy are still getting them. Right now Walmart surprisingly has a frequent supply of them you just have to ask electronics clerk.

snes classic thread?

I just beat Star Fox 2 on Hard. It's actually not bad. What are the coins for? I have 15 of them. Do they unlock Expert?

It takes less than 5 minutes to hack this system and dump games onto it. It can play US/Jap games and translated ROMs.

No Terranigma, Tales of Phantasia, or Star Ocean though so far for me.

Because it's got authentic controllers and the small size makes it super easy to bring to parties

People who say "b-b-b-but you can do more with just a Raspberry Pi!" are being dumb, a RP looks ugly as all hell and is impossible to transport unless you make a case for it


>Pi impossible to transport

Literally being this retarded in 2018

Try putting a raspberry pi in your coat pocket and then whipping out a literal circuit board at parties and going "hey let me just plug this into your tv and then you can use some random chinese usb controllers i picked up at techdirect" and see how that goes

I mean a case is like 5-10 dollars on Amazon. Any kit you buy comes w one anyway.

You can literally buy (S)NES cases for the Raspberry Pi you fucking dipshit. That, the controllers, and the RPi3 itself costs LESS than Nintendo's method.

>"""Authentic""" controllers
>He doesn't know that the classic mini series are pure emulation

This is what happens when you have zero skills relating to electronics and computers. You simply become retarded.

>not mintypi
Someone is upset they burned 80 USD.

I bought it. Played and finish SoM. Hid it for when my friends and sisters come over n shit. Fucking lost it somehow

The only reason I bought this thing was for the controllers. They're pretty good quality, so it's good enough in my book.

>120 more games
how? I'm using hakchi and it says not to upload more than 40 games because it'll crash

>dream course over dream land 3
This whole thing was a mistake to begin with.

Actually you know what, I'm gonna just reiterate that greentext, because it pisses me off way more than it should

>they chose kirby's dream course over dream land 3
>they chose kirby's dream course over dream land 3
>they chose kirby's dream course over dream land 3
>they chose kirby's dream course over dream land 3
How the FUCK do you FUCK that up?

I know it's an emulator

You think it wouldn't also be an emulator on a Raspberry Pi?

Also you're literally wrong, a Raspberry Pi 3 is like $55 on Amazon, add in $10x2 for the controllers, $10 for the case, and you're already over $80. Not to mention the time investment.

>oh hey user, can we play contra force on your mini nes?
>sorry man, its only got super contra out of the 20 games included because im a jewpanese puppet
>*chad enters room with his 714 free illegally downloaded ROMs because he's alpha*
>*everyone goes to him and everyone ignores you*

He's trolling

This is bait posting at its finest.

Te only advantage with the pi is that you can use different emulators for stuff like GB/GBA and SEGA. However its around $40 for the pi itself then another 10-30 depending on what kind of shell you want. Then another $60 for a couple of controllers. Then there is whatever you value your own time at, if you get paid $20 an hour at work and you spent an hour config on emulators then that just cost you $20, time is money. Or just spend a flat $80 and mod the thing down the road if you want more games.

>pi 3
>power adapter for pi 3
>case for pi 3
>heatsinks for pi 3 since you're putting it in a plastic enclosure
>thermal paste
>sd card for pi 3
$12 each

>when you have zero skills relating to electronics and computers
reading a tutorial any buyers guide on reddit isn't skills

hopefully you still have a wiimote so you can use it for pretty much anything

I literally put all the SNES games I would want on the SNES Mini anyway, no biggie

Also normies are scared of piracy a lot of the time desu

You can also get the snes classic UI as it's pretty nice, what I did

>Reddit spacing
>Also happens to be retarded

Yeah, fuck off dumbass. Both are emulators, except the RPi3 is more accurate on top of that, so your "authentic" claim is dead in the water. Also, tell me where you're getting an NES Classic Mini for $80 dollars, because you're about to be rich. That shit goes for hundreds on eBay due to scalpers.

>Time investment
>Literally admits to being a brainlet who can't spend 30 minutes getting 714 games over 20 games instead

Yeah, I also have a Classic Controller Pro lying around as well. They both feel like solid controllers. I just hope the SNES Mini one lasts as long as the CC Pro.

>$12 each
So crap that is going to break after a button mash.

>typing using proper English spacing like you would do on literally every other website and form of interaction that isn't Sup Forums
>"reddit spacing"


And I bought my SNES Mini for $80 from my work when it came out

>heatsinks and thermal paste
>nes games
>when you're not even going to overclock
stretching some straws there, I sense nintendy desperation and a lack of knowledge about how hot a damn arm cpu actually gets. that adds up to $92 bucks. the nes classic mini goes for $100 and gets you 35.7 TIMES LESS GAMES.

the snes mini is fucking fantastic except the lagg in some games (that might have been just as bad in the original at the time but i was too young of a shit to realise)

saying it's a waste for 80$ is exaggerating a lot, when was the last time you spent half the amount on a single game and felt buttfucked. cmon man there's at least a handful for anyone to enjoy on the snes mini classic whatever.


my segenes saturn controller still works. I built my pi into an arcade machine. Still hold up to MVC abuse.
















So sell it?
It's more than double it's asking price since Nintendo isn't making many, if any.

They're plentiful this time around. Nintendo didn't fuck around with this thing like they did with the NES Classic and actually made enough this time.

>Spent $80 dollars for 20 games at low accuracy
>I spent $71 for 714 games and a full fledged PC with a better case as well
>He has to spend another $80 to play SNES games
>Still can't play the entire libraries


Being able to put games from other consoles on the Pi gives a big advantage.

>lagg in some games
thought i was the only one experiencing this

Honestly I'm kinda surprised a lot of people don't just emulate and instead go for the real games no matter what.

Most emulators are plug & play and only a few require the actual bios to run.

I can't imagine myself forking over hundreds of dollars just to play Earthbound.

I highly recommend people buying them now as they arent hard to find. Just wait until the holidays and people will be dying to find one.

Because people wanted to own the physical aspect of it and play them for nostalgic reasons and not play it on a pc.

thinking about contra 3 mostly. but as i said i don't remember thinking it was laggy then but probably because i didn't know even what lagg was.

I have one and tired playing SMW, but it had a huge input delay that made the game unplayable.

It's a stocking-stuffer intended for people who don't know or don't care about emulation

It's more of a collector's thing to me.
I've maybe played for about to hour and sent it back to my dad's house in Georgia to sit next to my still working OG SNES.
I'm pretty satisfied and it fills some of the holes of my SNES collection.
I don't see why you're so ass blasted.
We know toaster level pc can handle all of these games the SNES classic looks cooler.

This was $190 well spent.

I imported mine from Yurop because I always thought the Super Famicom looked rad as fuck. If you need to know yes, my computer has a hdmi cable connected to the tv, I hacked my Wii and 3DS and I could potentially play on my phone using my usb controller.

I just wanted it because cute user. The console also happens to play games and you can add more Snes and Nes games. It's a combination of disposable income plus nostalgia.

>y-you get less games!!!
>proponents of Pis trying to pretend something can't be modified

>y-you can modify it to get more games!!!
>defeats his own argument and proves you may as well get a Raspberry Pi

Is there a list of must have games that isn't just generic shit? Some sort of list that might cover the top 5/10/20 of every genre.

take it easy cowboy, start by playing one before asking for top 20 lists.

I just want to load my SNES mini with games so when I take it out to play it, I don't need to fuck around with it.

but the snes mini gomes with 21games and you can't load more games with it. it's a literall plug'n'nplay

you can hack a snes mini with no problem and get other emulators too if you feel like it
rasppi 3 also has overheating problems and should never be put into a plastic enclosure without heatsinks (aluminum would be fine though)

I was more upset that they dropped Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack in the West.

Input lag is better on a hacked Wii than any pc on the planet. Fact.

>it's a literall plug'n'nplay
And you're a literal dumb boi. It's plug'n'transfer whatever games you want onto it too.

snes classic is just running a linux distro with a nice front end also my tv isnt supported by a rpi3 and my controller feels close enough to my super famicom controller that i used with a usb adapter to play on my laptop so far its nice to have

How well does this play gba games? I'd imagine it would be comfy as cranberries to play mother 3 on my tv

I like mine a lot. Yeah.

My sides, its all true.

Use folders

I live in Portland and target and gamestop have plenty

I got all that but the controllers for $50 on Amazon. There are bigger bundles as well just for the pi 3

what games came on this thing?

>It's more of a collector's thing to me.
They are banking on idiots like you to buy them for "collecting purposes." They can shit out whatever bullshit they want because they know there are always people like you who will lap up whatever Nintendo makes. They don't even have to try.

>It's plug'n'transfer

So dragon drop? Does it work on Macs?

I'm going to guess they'll never have an N64 Classics.
Eh, just got Rare Replay, that has pretty much all the good 64 games.

Spoon feed yourself. It's unironically the easiest shit to do in the world, you wouldn't even need to fucking read anything just download a program.

>not wanting a comfy console with all the nice snes games

id say rare made 50% of the good n64 games
Both Zeldas
Duck nukem 64,
Battle tanx ect

They're not as hard to come by as you'd think. I've seen them at my local wal-mart twice (bought it the second time), and my friend even bought one in my hometown, and that's a little backwater rural wal-mart.

anyone have a zipfile of roms that come on this thing?

>They are banking on idiots like you to buy them for "collecting purposes."
Those fucking retards, buying a collector's item to collect it. When will they learn?

According to a guy at one of my local Gamestops, Nintendo is supposedly doing another run of NES Classics this year too.

>buyers remorse

>super easy to bring to parties
I was witness of this happening and it was pathetic as hell.
9 nerds (counting me) waiting to have a go in Star Fox 2, after losing a live the controll passed to the next and so.
It was never my turn and it was boring overall since the game is uninteresting.

Later that week I sent the mini snes owner's brother a zip with roms and emulators and he rapidly passed to call the console a rip off.

Portability is the worst gaming meme.

Hold on a second what's a raspberry pi and what's it capable of emulating?

A RaspPi is a Raspberry Pi which is a cheap and small circuitboard that can act as a full computer, typically used for DIY projects such as remote-controlled vehicles or in this case emulation machines. Sup Forumsirgins that bring them up are typically thinking of already-souped up models that have HDMI-out, a microSD slot, and several USB ports.

>Got my RPi3 starter kit for $35 with a power adapter, and case with removable top for adding in a screen or ventilation later.
>Bought 2 Bluetooth controllers for $10 each.
>Loaded a spare MicroSD with the Retropie install package (Took about 10 minutes)
>Let it install (About another 10 minutes)
>Typed the IP for the Pi into my Windows Explorer bar.
>Copied all my roms over.
>Now have fully portable, SMALLER SNES with comfy controllers.

So yeah. A grand total of $45 + Shipping, about 25 minutes of my time total, and a couple extra picking a RetroPie theme that looked cool? I managed to get the same experience you fuckheads got for $80.

And it does PSX games pretty fucking perfectly as well, so there's that.

>mfw the first time I ever played/beat Snatcher for Sega CD and Legend of Dragoon was on my RPi.

I don't know why SNES mini fanboys just don't come out and say
"because I'm lazy" Options on a Pi are much less limited but it takes more know-how to set it up, and there's honestly nothing wrong with not wanting to bother with that.

Where'd you get a RPi3 starter kit for $35? Sale?

>RPi3 starter kit for $35
Did that include the actual Pi board or are you just being a lying faggot to own those nintenbabies?

>doesn't know you can easily hack it
You are too retarded for this.

You know how people are getting all excited over ports and multiplats on the Switch? Even if they haven't owned or played them before they had every opportunity to play them on a different console they own. The Snes mini is the same thing. On a psychological level it feels good to play the same games you had previous access to in a new format alongside the authenticity of owning a real Nintendo console. The limited 250mb storage space forces you to put only the games you actually want to play onto it while making it feel more like you own a set of games rather than having an impersonal complete set of roms.