Voiced by Laura Bailey

>voiced by Laura Bailey

Other urls found in this thread:


What's wrong with Laura Bailey? Woman can act and has decent range. Shin-chan still gives me weird boners. Shame she dropped Rise, but I'm honestly happy for her doing more Triple A now. I feel the exact same about Troy Baker, mind you.

Also, she's a qt in the current Critical Role season

>voiced by Tomokazu Sugita

>voiced by grey delisle

>voiced by Grey DeLisle

Mah nigga!

>voiced by Yuri Lowenthal

As long as it's not Troy Baker or Tara Strong I'm good.


2160740 - Critical_Miss Erin_Stout Rapetacular

>voiced by Lindsay Jones

>voiced by ashley burch
automatic no buy for me

thanks, cropfags should be gassed. even yandex can't find that shit half the time.

>Not automatically retrieving information for the nether realm
>Not absorbing answers from the ether.

There is literally nothing wrong with her. If she didn't have her brother, Sup Forums wouldn't give two shits about her.


who's her brother

What's with all the hate over Ashley Burch?
I legit do not know, for i have not invested my time in "the now" as of late.

Honestly I could have found it if I knew Erin's last name if nothing else. Just like I'll easily find this because I know the character exactly.


>voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch

she's a shitty voice actor?

>ruining tuturu

Every single character she voices is annoying as fuck. They all have the witty zany shit humour that only redditors find hilarious


Shit, I should have used this one

in all fairness i'm willing to give a benefit of a doubt that she just happened to fit the profile of most annoying characters written by annoying people.

> Implying Sup Forums isn’t auto-generated replies based on modern day media extracted to Sup Forums’s master data base, and based off of algorithms created before Moot left Sup Forums.
> Implying HIRO isn’t H.I.R.O (Hyper Intelligent Robot Ordinence).
> Implying anybody in this thread except you is actually human.


One of the characters she plays is the exact opposite thou.

maybe you should GIT GUD or check her tag on paheal


see Just didn't know the last name.

>Is a cunt to everyone except the protagonist, who thinks she's super cool

>watching teen titans go network

>english dubs

>voiced by Cam Clarke

>voiced by tara platt

I'm sick of Japs' 8 voice actors being used over and over again. When are we getting the superior Korean dubs?

You can't hide your shame from me, user.

H-haha I have no idea what you're talking about, user

fuck off you racist
you being too retarded to tell japanese VAs apart doesn't mean they don't have a massive talent pool, unlike chris fagat and friends in the US

user... Come on.
It's time to come clean.

>wahhh m-muh pristine pedigree VAs desu mo
Why don't you show off your superiority by typing in moonspeak instead?

>chris fagat
What's wrong with Vegeta?

Cam Clarke's great. Way too much range for a giant pole smoker. Also apparently massively flamboyant outside of the booth. Crispin Freeman of course. Steve Blum may be in everything and heavily played out but I still like him. Troy Baker's just okay. Matt Mercer is worst Leon. Travis Willingham's alright. Scott McNeil's a major part of my youth so I gotta mention him. I think he also voiced Eliphas, no, Sindri in DoW. Maybe the Metal Boxes guy?
That blonde girl who's in some fucking tv show now always tickled my dick bone. Wish I could remember her name. Ashley something? I think she voiced Ellie or whatever from Last of Us. Oh, Claudia Black. Good god I have such a fetish from hearing her talk.

>massive talent pool

your point being?

>play New Vegas
>they're both in it


Nope, still no idea, user. It's not like there's anyone fucked up a spoiler or anything!

it's objective fact that the japanese VA industry has both stronger and more numerous talent by a country mile
the actually good english VAs don't dub shit so you're stuck with rejects while overseas they dub everything so you'll see talented actors doing hollywood movie dubs also in anime and games
all his voices sound the same and for some reason they have him voice every other fucking character in every dub ever because the number of VAs they have is so pathetically small
it's impossible to hear any english character as their own thing instead of (this person's voice) because there's so few of them and none of them have the power to still make it believable anyway like someone like wakamoto can

there's no reason to ever watch anything not in its native language unless you're an illiterate fucktard

user... Come on

If I can't tell japanese VAs apart then they aren't so great to begin with, are they?

>Voiced by Cristina Vee

Japanese people are notorious for being some of the least vocally diverse on the planet. Don't lie to yourself. I won't pretend American voice acting is anything but basic but if you've ever actually watched a Japanese dub of something in English, French, German or Italian then you'll know right away why people tend to avoid JPN over all others.

This. They could cast one and the same for every character and I wouldn't notice it

once again, your racism and ignorance about the differences in tone of foreign actors doesn't mean they actually all the sound the same
plus you retards continue to focus on just the sound of the voice instead of the quality of the acting, which shows just how stupid you really are like all other dubfags

>moving goalposts

>voiced by Darin De Paul

>actually they don't you're just fucking retarded
I'm done here

>voiced by Michael McConnohie
Mostly know him from blizzard stuff, but my favorite VA work by him has to be captain gordon from disgaea. He hams it up perfectly.
>voiced by Darin De Paul
Hope to see him in more stuff. His Ardyn was a 12/10 work, best part being when he starts talking like Prompto on the train.
>voiced by Jamieson Price
All his characters that arent loud, screaming,
and sometimes obnoxious, are amazing to listen to. Loved his stuff as Nier and Zahua.

Wish these guys would get more credit, they are almost always top performers in their games.

>voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch

>changing from voice similarities to "BUT THE ACTING GUISE" is not moving goalposts



>I only read the second half of posts
>I don't know what the word plus means
>I ignore posts blatantly proving me wrong and double down while pretending they don't exist
dubfags everybody
enjoy your terrible voice acting, mutt

>dubfags and subfags at it again when the Original audio for any country should be done for a first play through
But still
>voiced by David Kaye

>differences in tone
When people are playing certain games or watching certain media where the focus is (the majority of the time) not the specific voices coming out of someone's mouth, no one gives a shit about the "subtle tonal differences" between cat girl #3 and cat girl #5. Jap VAs are phoned in as fuck.

>getting this mad

>jap VAs are phoned in as fuck

>voiced by Tara Strong

I don't see the problem here, that was campy in a good way.

you are beyond hope
here's some actual good VA

Trunks and Frieza are great but so are the English voices. The difference is one of the versions feature a fucking grandma voicing the entire main character's family. Dub wins.

>voiced by Laura Bailey

>voiced by Daisuke Ishiwatari

that grandma is a goddamn talented actor, unlike the grandma who turned one of the most intimidating villains in anime into some transvestite faggot
if you actually started with dragonball with her voicing goku from day 1 the voice isn't jarring at all, especially since goku is never really anything but a kid no matter how old he gets
the only time I will legitimately say she was miscast was for bardock, but even then her acting prowess still carries her immensely

I was a kid when DBZ aired on Toonami, and internet was not a thing yet. I watched shows in my goddamn language. The voice was fine when he was a kid, it's not fine when he's a father of kids who sounded like him- oops sorry I mean SOUNDS like him when he was a kid. Pedigree and talent don't mean shit if the voice doesn't fucking fit. You could have Morgan Freeman voicing Krillin and it would be awful.

>Z toonami babby
explains a lot


Actually, you both suck. You are personifying how literally every sub vs dub argument goes. Neither of you make any actual arguments, you just have one guy going, "Western dubs are great!" followed by, "Nuh uh, they suck. Jap audio or gtfo." Like, I have never actually seen a dub vs sub debate that actually analyzes the tonality of each performance and provides an argument for their preference. Why does everyone suck at explaining how a given performance is good or bad?

hey guess what faggot, I was a Z toonami babby too but eventually I grew up and got some fucking taste
there's even a faithful redub of Z that completely invalidates the original at this point so you have no excuse

>voiced by Hellena Taylor

And I watched it too, your point? Still doesn't change the fact that your inferior GrandmaBallZ still has a father with kids all voiced by the same grandma. Also original dubbed Gohan was superior.

I'm not fucking pretending I'm some kind of professional voice connoisseur. My point was I don't want an adult male being voiced by a screeching old hag, and I'd like to understand what the fuck they're saying.

Not him but while I recognize Nozawa's ability as a voice actor, and honestly hate Freeza's OG voice and have been watching Super since day one and have gone back to watch some of the older Dragon Ball episodes in Japanese I still have to say that Nozawa, as good as she is, doesn't work for a grown man's voice. That whole, always being a kid thing is all well and good, but there is a reason why pretty much no other other anime that comes to mind has the voice of a child character voice into their adulthood. It's basically something you are required to get used to or have to have grown up with. It doesn't matter how talented a VA is (Which is why i don't understand why people who defend Nozawa throw that out) if a voice doesn't work, a voice doesn't work.

Nigga, I'm sort of a dubfag myself, at least by subfag standards. For reference, I watch about 75% of anime in Japanese, and about 90% of vidya in English. I don't buy the argument that literally all Japanese performances supersede English dubs, which I think makes me a dubfag by default.

I bring this up though because just because you're not a conoisseur, as you put it, doesn't mean you can't use observation and critical thinking to explain why you like a performance. I just wanna see some effort put into this argument for once. I'm not mad at you specifically, just at the debate in general.

>voiced by Norio Wakamoto

Hey subfagman, out of curiosity, who would you point to as talented English VAs? Not within the anime dubbing industry, just in general.

I understand, however I'm focusing on the main problem which is an adult male is being voiced by a grandma which the only argument defending that is
>b-but she's talented though
It's not really why I like a performance, it's why I dislike one which makes me prefer the other any day of the week. The dub is decent, there's no argument against that, sub has a granny, and there is apparently no defense against it.

>voiced by Jason Griffith

In theater, there's a casting method called Dawson casting, in which actors for a given character are chosen solely on their talent and ability to portray that character well, regardless of elements within the screenplay that would suggest the race/age/gender of that character within the work. This choice is a creative one, but not one that is followed very rigidly for somewhat obvious reasons. Some audiences like the fact that the quality of performance is all that matters in a production, while others point out that doing this type of casting can be somewhat immersion-breaking, as a black guy playing a character who is clearly supposed to be white can be distracting.

This is, I think, a common link that this argument can be traced back to. Both lines of thinking have valid points, but preferences are just kind of a thing that exist, and arguments are naturally going to arise because of it. It's arguably worse in dubbing, because you don't have the live actor's face to connect the voice with, but it's the same basic concept. Granny Goku vs Manly Goku is basically an example of Dawson casting argument on a grand scale.

>Sonic voiced by Jason Griffith

I don't follow english VAs so I can't give really specific examples, but anyone who voices american cartoons/games that aren't some low budget trash are usually good, especially shit like disney or any equivalent

I don't think a lot of people understand just how terribly limiting dubbing something that already exists is from an acting perspective, especially when you're translating from such a radically different language and have to fit the fucking mouth flaps
when you're just allowed to act and then the character gets animated around YOUR performance (which happens in every native language version of something) the limits on your acting quality are so much less retarded it's almost silly dubbing is attempted at all and why most actually good actors don't want to bother, besides the shit pay

>voiced by Elias Toufexis

I mean sure that makes sense but it also makes sense that it's fine that an adult acts to portray a child character, but some things are way too jarring like a child actor portraying an adult. Let's scale it even further beyond by asking you if you would be fine if an 6 year old female actor is playing the role of a 30 year old male while the rest of the cast are adults playing the role of adults. There is a line that can be crossed, preference doesn't change something that should or shouldn't be. People can like bad things, like how autists defend Sonic Forces, and Grannyku is a bad thing that some people prefer.

>There is a line that can be crossed, preference doesn't change something that should or shouldn't be.
only if you are some sort of fag who needs to interpret shit super fucking literally as possible i guess. ya unimaginative fuck

Voiced by Travis willingham

>Voiced by random anons

Sometimes limits like mouth flap syncing are there to truly test how talented or passionate a voice actor is.
>good actors don't want to bother
Then they aren't actually good actors. People passionate enough for the role look past the limits and truly stand out as great among the rest who are just phoned in.