Games only you played

Games only you played.

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god this must have been annoying to play

how'd you do it m8

Was this the game that kept downloading maps/sprites as you go since they couldn't fit it all in memory/storage at once, and it'd wreck your data plan in the process?

That sounds like Bethesda all right.

I've always wanted to look into those early phone games.
They all looked wierd as hell and I can't see any of them playing well.

Makes me think of the Doom RPG that was out for old phone's good times... Good times.

Back in the day i played this cod 4 mobile game on my flip phone, was dope atthe time



Is this the mobile game thread?

I played a splinter cell phone game.
It was actually pretty great dude. Needs a PC port.

>tfw half a dozen metal slug games are trapped on flip-phones

easily in my top 10 favorites.

>tfw most of these dumbphone games are impossible to get now and have no emulator, making them lost to time

>be 13
>get cool flip phone
>it only has tetris DEMO on it
not even the full game

they were aight

pretty awful by todays standards

Anybody play the harry potter gba game?


I had that too it was dope, along with the prince of Persia game all pirated from a mobi site with all the gameloft shit and text porn stories, simpler times.

I actually really enjoyed it

I’m sure you could find them if you google mobile java games hard enough, most pajeets and Africans still use dumphones

>used to play the games that came free on my iPod

I don't ever remember being that bored.

Only one I played was a shitty Castlevania clone I think just called Dracula or something.

There's a mobile phone version of Devil May Cry 3 apparently. Sprites at least looked solid.


Step aside

I had it on xbox, wasn't the steam version complete unplayable trash?

>being 13
just get your parents to get you an iPhone X, user! they're the best phone around and you can even buy the full version of tetris for only $1.99!

they made phone versions of everything for some reason. I had Guitar Hero 3.

There's a Java emulator for Android, it's a recent release.

Can't help with games though. I know some Russian sites that are still up, but I doubt they have English interface.

i'm actually trying to find any of the shin megami tensei mobile games

i think they might be lost media at this point


the quest is my shit

blackberry brick breaker was gotd my guy

none of you have ever even heard of this thing, but it was fucking great. The minigun was the best.

The problem with these is that you need a japanese SIM card to activate them or some bullshit like that. Someone on Youtube subbed the Soul Hackets mobile game though

I love this game. I was really excited when they brought it to Android. Kind of disappointing that they didn't allow physical keyboard controls for my Keyone, but still great to have again.

Is it good, user? I'm kinda on the fence for now.


Yet to speak to anyone who also played this

Very good, but only if you like games that don't hold your hand. It plays like an early-90's PC RPG.

Is there any way to emulate these fucking things, like the Doom RPG?


I love the old Sierra games, but I've never even heard of that one. Did you play Shivers? That game scared the crap out of me as a kid, and has one of the best soundtracks in all of gaming.

the DOOM mobile rpg rougelike was actually fucking AWESOME!

only old mobile game that i think should of gotten a gba port or something. it really was a good 20 hour experience and i dont say that often about games.

oh shit! beat me to it. BADASS game.

I remeber watching my dad play that. Freaked me out - something about the soundtrack + the imposed people.
I recommend Torrens Passage if you can find a way to get it to play. A lot more light-hearted and super weird with great animations.

I played some of them. Pretty okay RPGs.

There's Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death which is an alright game, but I think there's a decent amount of people who hae played it. Anybody here ever play the Mission: Impossible GBC game?

Sometimes I forget there was a sequel to The Getaway

Is this the reason why Sup Forums hates mobile games?

It's the app store casualization I hate


I remember the time my PC and Internet were shit back in the day, so I downloaded shitloads of mobile games.
I remember enjoying Gothic 3 java a lot.

Gameloft Java games had pretty great spritework.

I remember this. You could charge up with the halberd and cut like half the arena in half. Stealth sections were shit though.

No, because while these are all weird and mostly bad games, they were proper games, not skinnerboxes built to drive microtransaction profits.

DMC4 got a mobile port called DMC Refrain
All things considered thats pretty good



Plus you didn't have 30957803780 copies of minecraft, endless LITERAL meme games on whatever is the latest fad like right now Ugandan Knuckles, and a bunch of other complete horseshit apps like "talking tom" and such.

Pic is my submission.


You HAVE played the best version of DOOM there is, right?
I mean this is a Christian image board after all.

>Wolfenstein reskin
Doombabby please.


Are there any good jar/java/symbian emulators on phones and PC? I really miss the old days playing GBA on my nokia n90.

I had Metal Gear Acid on a nokia. It was weird.


Any germanbro back in the early 2000s played this and the sven games

This is the only game with turn based combat that i like. I wish it was canon.


I played some bug game while in elementary school. It was on those old ass apple computers with the colorful backs. No clue what the game was called. You played as a blue beetle i think, and you collected keys to progress.

I have yet to find an user in all these years of posting this picture that actually played pic related.


>lawbreakers on a phone

I was able to nab this while the creator temporarily made it free to download for whatever reason

>OP says games only you played, not necessarily on the mobile
Fucked you there, huh fucker?

>TFW you download too many games on your flip phone and your parents cut your data until they switch off verizon

so the idea of lawbreakers on an old button phone isnt amusing to you whatsoever?

you didnt fuck me
apparently this came out the other day


Can I download Aigis: The First Mission?

Also There are dumbphone emulators in java, some mobile games had java browser demos on their sites.

Oh my god
They were really really great
Stealth/Puzzle games
Jesus Christ they were truly amazing

>The game is set in Northern Europe, presumably in a country where a North Germanic language is spoken. The player controls Sven, the only black sheep, and, at the same time, apparently the only male sheep of a flock owned by a shepherd called Lars Einnicken. It is Sven's task to mate with the white sheep, which will disappear after reaching a state of happiness resulting in points being awarded to the player. To clear a level, Sven must make all the white sheep disappear.
>this game was released in fucking 2000
holy shit, the germans were always cucked

I had this, I remember the "plaza" (?) stage that had real paintings on the inside of the center building

I win, I always win.

played this in IT class back in high school.
then I played them all on PC at home. the side-scroller ones were terrible.

garfield bowling and frogger a best

Its based on the saying "the black sheep of the family"

i played this

holy fucking shit you just triggered me


Monster rancher was a niche series but I rarely see people talking about this game

Thought you were pointing out the thread topic. Sorry.

Ill fuck you next time.

So Germans are into incest?

I played a dungeon crawler sorta thing called Talisman. It was on a floppy. Sadly I have never seen it again.


On the topic of cell phone games there were a lot of surprisingly good ones on the old flip phones back in 2007-2008. Rainbow Six, Doom RPG, there was a Sims-esque game called Miami Nights or something similar that had a lot of personality for a cellphone game back then. Wish I could play all those games again

anyone else play this? I must have played so many hours in the first and Second

Speaking of cellphone games, is there any reasonable way to play Doom RPG? I remember playing it waaaay back in the day and enjoying it.

user, I have NOT played this game but I played the shit out of the demo and I regularly check if they got the game on GoG.

I dont know know why I didnt get it back in the day. Guess I was busy playing Dark Omen but I never forgot that demo