What's the verdict Sup Forums? As someone who never experienced Rift, is now the best time to give it a go...

What's the verdict Sup Forums? As someone who never experienced Rift, is now the best time to give it a go? Is it worth it?

There was a big thread about it yesterday, is anyone playing it?

It was just a bunch of Trion shills. Nobody is playing that shit.

How is this game not dead?

>Short answer:
Trion. This means stay the fuck away from it.

>Long answer:
Rift was actually pretty fun back in the day. Very good and memorable class system. Ruined by Trion being Trion.
The game turned to shit after it went F2P, and now it's reached the point where there aren't enough whales to keep it afloat. They're doing a 'classic' version of it now in a last-ditch attempt to grab some cash. The fact that this version is Pay to play is actually a selling point.
It's not a true vanilla experience - classes from later expansions are apparently in. It's basically the current game with everything post-vanilla turned off, to be turned on over the next year. Yes, I said 'year' - The progression through content will only last a year before the server gets merged into the P2W crapfest that is the current game.

It could be fun for like a month or two if you're just looking for something you've not played before to scratch the MMO itch.
Reminds me of when they tried reviving Archeage after fucking it up so badly.
Very clear that this is a cash grab aimed at whales and nostalgiafags.

2011 was the best time to give it a go. You missed it.

It is, but they are trying to reignite interest by releasing Rift Prime, which is like a classic server without all the P2W shit, where everyone starts over from the beginning. Like WoW vanilla. It's an attempt to get people to play Rift who never did back in 2011, and to bring back those who quit because they hated the P2W model.

>to be turned on over the next year. Yes, I said 'year' - The progression through content will only last a year before the server gets merged into the P2W crapfest that is the current game.

As far as I'm aware that's not official, just speculation, right? There hasn't been any announcements as far as content patch releases, or how they plan on ending the Prime server. I wouldn't be surprised if they have no idea themselves, they just want to wait and see how it goes after a few months.

I'm giving it a shot because I've never played Rift. I still play WoW and trying another MMO sounds like a nice break. Even if I only play this for 6 months, that's still worth it if it's enjoyable. I only played FFXIV for like 3 months to break from WoW and I enjoyed that. But, ultimately I go back to WoW because I'm a huge faggot.

I actually have a character named Rosalina on Rift.

Only MMO I got a character with a popular name on.

>is now the best time to give it a go?
It aged like semen on a kleenex.

This was the first game I ever refunded back when it first came out and had the beta or whatever. I got to keep the tf2 weapons too which was kinda cool I guess.

As someone who loved Rift from Storm Legion onward, it's just shit.
>Storm Legion and the free 2 play were fucking fantastic, fun raids and dungeons, tons to do, maybe a bit slow leveling from 50-60 but it's still enjoyable
>Nightmare Tide goes full Jew because Archeage showed whales generate more revenue than real players, so it's INSANELY GRINDY (About the same time it takes from 1-55~ is the same from 60-65), shitty dungeons that are a huge step down, literal grinding for slots to equip shit because ifyou don't you can't dungeon/raid because your stats are too low
>Recent expansion is released literally half finished, not free at all, but almost got sued for the name of it so handed it out free to cover their asses

Holy shit, Rift was so good then Nightmare Tide happened. What the fuck Trion? I used to love the company but they're just a bunch of fucking retards.

They confirmed it in a Q&A, it's getting merged after a year.

They're so fucking stupid they don't even know how to host a classic server.

But this Prime server is supposed to be how it was at the start, with the exception of having the newer classes or whatever. So if the game was fun at the beginning, it should be fun to try out Rift Prime, right?

I understand the current game is trash, but I am interested in this fresh start server.

Not when it's going to be wiped in about a year, it's just fucking pointless then.

>this game went up against one of WoWs worst expansions and lost
fuck no im not playing this trash

> Implying Sup Forums isn’t auto-generated replies based on modern day media extracted to Sup Forums’s master data base, and based off of algorithms created before Moot left Sup Forums.
> Implying HIRO isn’t H.I.R.O (Hyper Intelligent Robot Ordinence).
> Implying anybody in this thread except you is actually human.


beta player here, so many fond memories from back in the day, tried to get back into it about a year ago on steam and it's like it's not even the same fucking game
I still have old youtube videos of the bugged ass earth invasions in that desert zone that would spawn hundreds of mobs and they would just sit there in a huge group and not go anywhere

My friends who used to play back when it was good convinced me to try it and I'm having fun. Plane invasion portals are aesthetic as fuck.

>Very clear that this is a cash grab aimed at whales
Are you the same guy that went on about whales in the last thread? Is there a reason why you wont tell me for what reason a whale would be interested in a non-P2W version of the game? I've asked you twice so far.


what's the best mmorpg on Steam right now?

It was actually one of the best competitors against WoW in it's time. This was of course during a time when Cataclysm was nerfed to the ground after being "too hardcore" for the majority of players and was in a slump with the fucking Zul'gurub/Zul'aman patch, so it did come out during a time when many people were starting to look for a fresh MMO experience that retained some of the challenge that early Cataclysm offered, and it filled those shoes fairly well. But WoW is still WoW, and it really had no chance to match it even if what was to come in the Cataclysm expansion was lackluster as hell.

I played it during release and it was fun back then. The PvP was great and the rifts were an interesting mechanic.

However now it's probably full with microtransaction shit if you want to progress since it went F2P?

>Be cleric
>spec for double knockback
>go to the highest cliff you could find and wait for enemy players

those were the days

I remember playing bard on release in PvP.

Their AoE healing skill was absolutely ridiculous and made them top the charts every single time while still doing ridiculous ranged dps. It was incredibly fun.


>Play Chloromancer/Warlock/Archon in PvP at cap
>Retarded Groupwide healing, self healing, and basically groupwide buffs as well
The only class I'd really have trouble with was basically any with a bard/riftstalker/doesn't matter setup.

Oops forgot to mention this was at release.