Parents start talking about vidya

>parents start talking about vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

>normies start talking about anime

You don't know what this gif is, do you?

"Just pause it lel"

inb4 barneyfag

>your kid start talking about phone games and wants to use your credit card

My mom has every nintendo consoles
Everyone and their dad have watched Dragon Ball


Is there some specific reason you used an Equestria Girls version of this gif instead of the normal one?

What games reference rule 34 artists?

>talking as a parent with other parents about video games

Kill yourself Barneyfag.

does anyone have that comic of the dad asking if Claude from GTA knows where he's going

I can't imagine any other purpose other than shilling.

Wow, are you still around? Maybe I've just been out of it but I haven't seen you in months.

No really, I'd actually like to hammer your fucking skull in until you die.
(remove the first period)

He's been very inconsistent lately. I've seen threads full of shit that should've activated his hateboner radar and yet nowhere in sight.

I think he got a script or something that notifies him when a Derpibooru pic is posted. That or he just browses 90% of the boards the whole day.

>Still haven't found that screencap of Barneyfag getting publicly banned four times in row in a single thread

Fucking bleed to death you goddamn fucking fuck


And you're not doing anything about it? It's your duty as a native Sup Forums citizen to report that shit whenever it appears so I don't have to.

fucking die already

It's not him.

>implying its just one person

How long has Barney been using this site? I remember seeing shit about him in QA before I saw it on v

hang yourself

>he doesn't know

get hanged already you destitute fuck

Why does Barneyfag hate MLP so much? He obviously hasn't watched it, because it's actually quite good.

or he's the one actually creating the threads in the first place

c'es du seui parle?

I have it, but it'd take too long to find it. Settle for this instead. ^:)

>He obviously hasn't watched it
I wish I was that naive

>start talking to my family about vidya
I don't have any other interests
my aunt and uncle were interested enough to try and watch a fighting game tournament on twitch

>he didn't grow up playing games with his dad and now as adults, laugh over dumb shit in games and recommend stuff to each other
Must be a sad life, user

Might be this one though.

You should kill yourself for even thinking that

That's the one. Many thanks.

die already


bleed out plz