Enemies can think while game is paused

>enemies can think while game is paused

Name 1 (one) game where this happens.

Super mario bros, the goombas are thinking about you and looking at you through the screen but you can't tell

>pausing the game doesnt freeze the game
>you die while looking for the uncheck fps option on your bloodborne ps4 game

Kind of an interesting concept. The more time you take the better strategy an AI will develop. In a horror game you could have previously unaware enemies in your range of view slowly turn to face you.

>game lets enemies pause too
>never notice since you're paused during it



What if they never unpause the game? Then what

the game unpauses when the enemy dies of old age

>pausing the game pauses everyone in real life
>nobody knows i have this power


>worthless frogposter bumps my thread off the catalog


>enemies try to get you aroused and then drain the seed from your cock and/or rape you

I hate it when games do this

>enemies can ragequit the game

autism the post

>Enemies can over power you

dota 2

>enemies can frogpost

>enemies can sneak up on you when the game's pau

>enemy can ambush you in your inventory

>game changes your desktop background

>enemies can remove games from your steam library

real life

Killer Instinct learns your patterns the longer you play the game.

>Enemy stops you from loading save data.

>tfw i might have had my dick sucked and didnt even know it


Name ONE game
please do I want to play that

don't be a fag

>enemies can add games to your steam library

any multiplayer game


>enemies can spy on you through windows