What are the scariest video game models? Not counting childhood fears or lore or atmosphere...

What are the scariest video game models? Not counting childhood fears or lore or atmosphere, just looking for some spoopy shit.

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put me in a videogame



Lost my shit.

I had that game as a kid, didn't remember the characters looking so fucked up

the big spider in dark messiah

Original buglady model from blooper reel in Thief Gold



Did that "how to draw a manga character" faggot make this? It's literally the same.


The gazillion smaller ones climbing down the tower walls was worse.

Post spoopy videos

I’m not sure what it is about low-poly spookies, but they’ve always made me feel really on edge when I look at them


is that resident evil or silent hill? god damn


Wall necromorph, but mainly the noise



I loved that addition in REmake

Even the sound she makes spooped me


Most of these I post are scarier in motion


Shit my pants every time


that one always made me uncomfortable, or getting pulled into holes


el abominatidas...

Getting axed in the dick in Outlast 2

>Inb4 someone starts posting the Goofy child killer guy

>that bottom left photo
Open with caution

that dude killed a child?

Killer 7 would be terrifying if Rave On wasn’t in the ost to pump you up.

Could you not read OP?
