How's the PC version of FFXIII?

How's the PC version of FFXIII?

Just as shit but rendered at a higher resolution

Some weird framerate thing going on, it's either capped 60 fps or 30 fps and constantly switches between the two.

Put bluntly, it fucking sucks.

It's not a good game?

it's alright. Def better than on the old consoles.
I recall reading people with laptops with nothing but i5 and intel HD Graphics 4000 running it at 720p and 30fps - AKA the OG console quality.

You been living under a rock?
FF13 is one of THE most hated games in the series.

Even I was part of that gang at one point. Then I actually PLAYED the game myself.

It's one of those that's excused by
>It gets good 20 hours in
Only, it doesn't actually.

There's a PC port?

Isn't every FF game on PC by now?

The game gets better every single hour. At 20h, it's already very enjoyable. And that's still a mere fraction for a game that can take 100-120h to beat, without even doing all side content.

All FFs are on PC.

No I just ignored all FF stuff on Sup Forums because opinions are always contradicting and most FFs are objectively horrible games. But this seems to have nice aesthetic.

The first 2 aren't.

The PC port ain't perfect, but playable.

What comes to the game itself, It really isn't as bad as people say.
I personally picked it up for dirt cheap a few years ago, despite having heard all sorts of shit about it.

The BEGINNING really didn't even try to prove all the bad claims about it wrong, but luckily, to my own surprise as well, the more I played, the more entertaining and hooking it became. It's not GOTYAY or best JRPG ever in any sense, but it's FAR from the "worst crap ever" -category. A solid 7/10 experience IMO.

The sequels fixed, expanded and improved many things, especially pacing and gameplay. Up to you whether you like the direction they went with the plot and cast, but they're not hideous either. I found especially LR to be total blast, easily my 2014's GOTY. The 13-2 was simply fun, easily 8/10 at least.

You can literally emulate all the dozens of systems that have ports of 1-2.
Dunno why'd you want to play them though; they're easily some of the worst and most dated games in the saga.

>FF13 is one of THE most hated games in the series.
>Even I was part of that gang at one point. Then I actually PLAYED the game myself.
I'm convinced it's a meme to hate it at this point. It's that or Sup Forums is full of ADHD teenagers who are the target audience of the open world garbage that is 90% of games nowadays.

>I'm convinced it's a meme to hate it at this point.
It is. Hell, many ppl "hated" 13-2 and LR, without having ever touched them, just because "they're related to XIII".
Not too surprisingly, even many 13-haters have admitted both -2 and LR being good to great JRPGs.
I think that people just had some crazy expectations for the "first next-gen FF game", and were expecting some now meme-tier mega openworld roaming with no borders and shit. Something I personally got sick and tired of already at the turn of the decade.

What was the game SE released that was so bad it created FFXIII apologism?

>m-muh apologists!
13 was a fine, entertaining game.
A huge improvement from the total snorefest that was 12, and still miles above the unfinished openworld fetchquester that ended up being FF15.

I'm not joking. Not trying to be ironic. Not a Lighting fag. Not new here or to FF. Straight and serious here.

>Sup Forums loves X
>Sup Forums hates XIII literally for the same reasons they love X

explain this

>no mouse support for lightning returns

30 in overworld
60 in battle

Or other way around. But it still fucking sucks

Sup Forums is not 1 person.
I like X and 13 equally, but for different reasons. Also, neither's my favorite FF.

>A huge improvement from the total snorefest that was 12
god i hate you so much. you are the reason this franchise is dead.

Ye most FF fans have really shit taste. XIII is actually one of the more complex games in the series and one of the few without completely brainless gameplay. Go for it if your PC can run it (the optimization isnt great).

12 was a horrible Suidoken Let's Play video wrapped in a Final Fantasy packaging, except even more shit than that because its essentially an empty server MMO.

And there isn't even a proper main character.

It's shit.

>Horrible suikoden lets play video
The fuck does that even mean?

Yeah no, I'll take it over a corridor with cut-scenes straight out of a bad anime

The focus on politics is more fitting in a Suikoden game than in a Final Fantasy game.
Let's play video means exactly what it is, the game plays itself.

>full of ADHD teenagers who are the target audience of the open world garbage
If you feel the need to preemptively defend the corridors you're already admitting there's something wrong with them.

One of the worst FF ports but 13-2 was a significant improvement. I don't think there's anything wrong with it if you have a decent PC though. As for the game. It's better than 12.

The gameplay of IZJS is miles ahead of XIII, what are you on about?

>I'll add stutter to that user's post to make him look worse

>without completely brainless gameplay.
Switching roles is not extreme depth that makes everything else brainless by comparison, you know.

XIII-2's port is much much worse, though.

How? No seriously. It was much better.

the focus on politics also means we were spared le badass anime character riding around on sword motorcycles and got some actual meaningful world-building. the fact that 12's literally unfinished story was better than any of the "writing" in 13 says a lot

The story in XIII is nothing to write home about either, I'm afraid.

>The focus on politics
What politics? The story is just "this nigger has taken over my city, and I want it back, so I'll look for allies and magical artefacts to kill him and get it back". Are you so shallow that this constitutes politics to you?

>opening 20-minute long cinematic of FF12 that shows >muh kingdoms at war

Yeah pass.

It wasn't defense, just stating the issue people seem to have with the game, because it's a silly fucking criticism to have considering the love other linear games get.

to be fair there were a lot more politics in the story that you just let on, it just wasn't the focus. if anything it should have been more of the focus. that guy is still retarded tho.

It's a great port, but garbage will still be garbage even at 4K.

not him but the fucking minimap killed the framerate. that was my experience anyway. you turn that shit off and it ran mostly fine. even then the performance was inconsistent.

The performance was better than the original PC port of 13. Turning off the map makes every FF game run better. The performance being inconsistent just implies you have a shit PC. Lets just admit to that. A port isn't bad just because it can't run on every PC. FF13 games have good looking graphics. Flashy effects etc require a good PC. The performance an average PC would get was objectively better going from 13 to 13-2. You also had more graphic options.

Horrible optimization isn't excusable.

Holy shit dude maybe just accept it was a bad port, because it fucking was, take 30 seconds out of your busy schedule being an autist to do some research

It is. People that can't afford up-to-date PCs can't afford video games. There's no need to optimize an extreme amount because it's a matter of diminishing returns. It's objectively more optimized. That's all my initial claim holds.

The game is 100% beatable. At a constant 60fps. What were your issues with it?

Pretty much this but the worst part is that it's still probably the best way to play the game compared to the PS3/360 version. This is coming from someone who bought on PS3 day 1. If the FPS bothers you just cap it at 30 at that point it's basically the console version but looks a little bit better.

>you're just not playing it right
>your pc sucks
pathetic. it's a shit port. end of.

Lightning is love
Lightning is life
Lightning a cute
I want to hold hands and have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
If she told me she was pregnant with my child tomorrow I would immediately take responsibility

Sour grapes.


And if she told you she was pregnant with someone else's child?

tons of framerate issues but still playable with a good rig.
its sequel, 13-2, is one of the most poorly optimized ports of a console game i have ever played on PC. so many framerate issues that the UI itself would slow down significantly. I had to consult so many third party sources for fixes, with one "fix" preventing the game from ever starting. i eventually found a fix somewhere that stabilized the fps at a low, playable number. go ahead and play 13, at least its not 13-2 levels of bad port.
lightning returns port was perfectly fine, not the best, but fan fucking tastic compared to the 2 games before it.
in terms of port quality, FFLR > FF13 >>>>>>>>>>>>> FF13-2


I enjoyed 13 and 13-2, but I legit don't understand why Sup Forums dickrides LR so hard. It was such a hot mess.

>13-2, is one of the most poorly optimized ports of a console game i have ever played on PC
But says otherwise

Wonder what his specs are to have such an experience. Trust me when i say that 13-2 runs like ass. just read all the reviews

is fairly wrong, though the problems are largely shared with 13, with the big ones related to how the game handles multiple cores. It's more noticible in 13-2 because of areas like academia though.
Definitely not the most poorly optimized though, just one with relatively unique problems that don't usually turn up in other titles. The existance of Koei-Tecmo alone guarantees "worst optimized port" will never belong to 13-2.

I went from absolutely hating FF13 to absolutely loving it. It's kind of crazy. The only time I've had such a shift with a game is Dark Souls. Both times it was from accepting that the game was trying to be its own thing, and didn't really care about me wanting something different.