
Fortnite gets a patch every fucking week with major improvements, changes, and other shit. AND THEY REGION LOCKED CHINA AND CRIPPLED HIGH PING ABILITY TO PLAY.

PUBG is promising that they'll get most of this tiny done by the end of 2018. And no region lock, just 'low priority' for high ping matchmaking.

I wouldn't say that Fortnite gets major things constantly
>Hunting Rifle that sucks
>Deagle that sucks
>Impulse nades are fun
>Landing spot at the very bottom of the map aka no reason to land there ever
The biggest feature in over a month of Fortnite was buildings going through trees/rocks.
Considering the only good things on there will take 2+ months to come out, like the 4x4km map, asset updates and improved animations, PUBG is still on the decline

user, I can add sweetcorn to my shit but it doesn't make it any better.

You get what you pay for.

PUBG is the feces, I agree.

Typical fortnite player with dumb comeback lmao

aww yiss, they keep delivering. the new map looks sick

At least Fortnite is capable of a comeback, it's eating PUBG's userbase at a consistent rate. It's down from peak concurrent of 3.2 mil all the way to 2.5 mil. It's also full of chinks.

Fortnite is at over 3.5 million consistently with china region locked. The second they make a china only version, it'll eat even more of PUBG's audience without ruining western player's experience.

Salty faggot Fortnite player is mad we're the people's republic's #1 game.

Chinese players are a benefit to PUBG.

Normalfags have already latched onto Fortnite like ticks. Too little too late from PUBG

game is dead

1) china hackers

2) map too big, gameplay too slow

3) fortnite building is actually interesting and adds to gameplay

4) you dont lose if you dont find a fucking 8x scope

fuck player unknown for not banning china or adding region lock.


nice try pajeet

>FTP game has more players than a paid game

Are you dumb, user?

It's still a shit game. My mates 11 year old brother plays it purely because it's free.

It's basically roblox.

>Fortnite gets a patch every fucking week with major improvements
And yet it still plays like shit.

in pubg, you instantly lose if you dont find an AR with a 4-8x scope.

it's ALL about sniping. and so much dead time.

fortnite also has more modes, 20x5 is fun as shit.

He has a point though. I can only take so much of some chinese 500 ping faggot shooting me behind cover. Or hacking chinese players.

I'd rather pubg made more shit clientside and region blocked china, but they fucking refuse. So I'll settle for less fun than functioning pubg but more than actual pubg.

my 11 year old nephew has won games against other players on ps4. fortnite is a kids game with a kids aesthetic designed for kids

PUBG and Fortnite are different flavors of shit, who cares?


my FIRST FUCKING GAME had a chink hacker in a mountain. literally clipped into it.

I finished 4th. first impressions are worth a lot.

You should. Every multiplayer game is going to shoehorn in a battle royale mode as the main focus.

And because battle royale means you're not held hostage for a whole match and theres no pay to win shit or hundreds of hours of grinding, it will be the main focus for those games.

PUBG fags still mad they flushed $30 down the toilet for this broken down mess of a game, but can't accept/play superior Fortnite because of sunk cost fallacy.

Yeah but his point is dumb since my point is we're 11 years past Halo 3 and we still have not only NOT matched that game in quality, we've regressed.

play the 20x5 mode. when people actually stick together it's fun as hell.

reg mode is good too but the 20 man teams, and that there are 5, it's crazy. way better than 4 man squads.

I fucking love fortnite.

Not because it's a good game (it's not), but because it shows just how fucking desperate sonybros are for the biggest game this gen.

It's blatantly obvious no one plays it but psnigs and a few Xbox/toaster owners who can't handle this performance.

Just accept it and stop making these absolutely pathetic threads.

>Implying PUBG plays any better.

A lot of what's in there is already on Fortnite. Also, Fortinite will be adding 20 player teams soon.

I don't get the point in your reply.

You love fortnite because they want pubg?

50 vs 50 when?

When did I even remotely imply that you fucking mouthbreather

I only wish they'd limit materials on squad mode to ~300 a mat

it's live, go play it. it's really fun.

It's like this generations WoW.

People who play Fortnite:

The threads are funny because they're always made by PS4 owners who don't have a choice. no one on pc gives a shit about fortnite, that's why there's a complete lack of "fortnite btfo" threads when pubg does something like move up the Xbox most played. (It's 2nd now, only fortnite left)

By calling Fortnight shit in a thread about Fortnight vs. PUBG. Get your context in check.

Except I play PUBG on PC and have played Fortnite?


Fortnite is a game which requires absolutely 0 skill. It's boring as hell. I play it occasionally like maybe 2/3 times a week with my friends on console and it's a really bland and boring game who's main purpose is to try and be pubg. The guns have autoaim, there's no realism in looting, there's little to no recoil with guns and the building mechanic is gimmicky where you often find yourself just building a house in the middle of the circle and camping in there with your squad and traps. It's basically a kiddy version of pubg, but we know from the devs themselves that it's not targeted at the competitive player anyway, moreso for teens.

Pubg on the other had has a high skill entry which is very rewarding. You use the world around you as cover instead of building your own which makes it a very tactical game and also the gunplay is pushing for realism so there is heavy recoil and no auto aim etc. I'm glad they're working on the sound and ballistics of pubg to improve them because this is the kind of stuff you want from a battle royale, not endless jumping up and down and building walls.

Everyone played it on pc a while ago, found it to be crap and switched back.

Really? thanks

I think you may be retarded user.

If I were a PS4 player why would I make a thread saying the only version of BR I have is shit?

I've played both Fortnite and PUBG on PC and PUBG is easily better. Fortnite is just FTP trash.

You can literally make your money back after buying PUBG

They just said that so they wouldn't have to play with you :^)

or you know, people who like fun

I keep tabs on my friends, and I can verify they are not playing Fucknight (my name for fortnite)

the sniper rifles in fortnite have more bullet drop than fucking pubg

>PUBG is easily better

PUBG has too many random outcomes and barelly any skill ladder

Shroud said himself that fortnite has a higher skill ceiling than PUBG.
I'll trust him over some shitter like you.

I know a lot of people who play fortnite and not a single one of them says it's a fun game. We mostly play just to take a break from other games and because trolling people and ruining other people's games is pretty hilarious. When you take the game seriously it isn't fun at all.

it is fun. I like how you dont HAVE to find a scope to do well (unlike pubg), the game is optimized well and runs at 60fps, and there are (most importantly) NO CHINESE HACKERS AND A REGION LOCK.

also the building adds a new dynamic to gameplay. pretty cool how you can navigate with it.

I've won countless times on pubg without a scope.

I'm glad you enjoy your roblox battle royale game tho

I honestly think he's saying that because he's only recently started getting into fortnite. He's been palying PUBG nonstop for like a year now and knows everything about that game completely. I'd be curious if he changes his tune once the honeymoon period is over with fortnite for him

>nothing in there to address the fact that you spend most of the match bored (more than half the players in each match go to and die in the same 2-3 areas each game and are dead before finding a decent gun), dealing with minimizing RNG, or dealing with shitty game mechanics (terrible loot system, circle is still retarded at times, the bombing zone still fucking exists) instead of actually fighting people, which is supposedly the purpose of a battle royale
Maybe some of those other game modes won't suck 'cause their BR one sure as fuck does

you ignored the hacker problem.

but in pubg there is WAY too much emphasis on ARs with scopes. you are essentially fucked if you dont find one before endgame.

Nope, I play it and it's boring. I've also played h1z1, pubg and arma 2 br and can compare them. Arma 2 was the most fun but it was on an abortion engine. Pubg is the best sound design, looting system and map design. H1z1 and fortnite are just boring copycats of arma 2 br with fortnite having a shit cartoon aesthetic and a flawed building mechanic.

>you are essentially fucked if you dont find one before endgame.
if you can't find one by the end of the early game you are terrible at the game

Battle Royale games holy fucking lol. Rng in a pvp game is some amateur ritardando bullshit and I'm tired of dumbass normies getting hyped over this kind of shit. Anybody can get #1 in these shitsmear games. They are designed in a way that congratulates luck. We need competitive more focused games. Is there anything that feels better than learning from your mistakes and becoming skilled through practice and effort? Osu! Is my favorite game at the moment because if you FC a song or get a huge combo, that was all you, you passed the mind blocks, enhanced your precision/cursor control, map reading skills, and tapping speed. I'm just really sick of these "you almost did it, so here you go!" Pansy ass randomized handholding fucking baby video games where anybody can shine. Bring back contra, ddr or Halo on legendary and see how many fortsnore/pubsnore #1s can actually do well in something that requires some skill and effort. Got damn

>special game modes
Wow who's copying who now? Lmfao
>new map
Oh goodie, you get the same broken ass 12 fps lag fest on a different map
>stability, performance
Major laughs. They've been promising better performance for over a year, still a garbage fire
>e sports
Even more laughs. A game so heavily slated in RNG can never be a true esport. Hearthstone isn't a real esport it's just an excuse for blizzard to make more money off of little kids

PLEBG is going to hell in a handbasket, but what can you expect from some tiny ass nobody chink devs working with some half assed arma mod

>Hacker problem

Fortnite is FTP.

0 consequences for hackers.

nigga i've won a game with a silenced ump and a vss
i've also won a game with an smg and an sks with a holo

>buttmad poorfag crying sour grape tears
Oh it shows

games should not depend on scope RNG

gameplay is too sniper based and scopes make you a god in pubg

Haven't seen hackers in fortnite since the first month. Try again

pubg can suck my dick until they ban china.

fuck them and their hacking.

quite literally false

I've ran into way less hackers in fortnite than pubg, because pubg basically has no quick detection for hacking. It takes weeks to eat a hacking ban.

Epic already had a shitload of the best people hired for their engine so they can play cat and mouse all day with hackers, and they are incorporated in so many countries that they are willing to sue the shit out of any hackers.

>can't refute points so let's just call him mad
Enjoy your 30 dollar chink fest, bub

Also fuck Mario kart, when I'm in first give me some decent items so when I get fucked by last place blue shell 3 times in a row I still have a chance at making it back to where I belong

So thread, riddle me this - why the FUCK DOES FORTNITE HAVE LESS HACKERS AS A F2P GAME THAN A $30 ($16 in china) GAME

>Oh goodie, you get the same broken ass 12 fps lag fest on a different map
how does it feel to be a poorfag. game runs consistenly over 110 fps every game for me.

again, if you can't find this shit before the end of the early game, you are shit at the game. stop dropping random shacks in the middle of nowhere you fucking retard

Fortnite is more fun to watch, it's going to win over PUB-Gee
Quality pasta.

>"We want the minecraft crowd"

>game runs consistenly over 110 fps every game for me.
And still looks worse than Crysis did in 2008.

Copying emotes LUL

are you saying fortnite looks any more realistic?

Can't blame them for that, the Minecraft crowd is still fucking huge.

>durr just get better RNG

that isnt how it works

nice job moving the goalposts

>consistently 110 fps
Sure it does, even though it still lags like hell for all the rich ass streamers with dedicated PCs that have thousand dollar GPUs. Yea I buy your shit guy

>No mention of dealing with chinks

fortnite copied h1z1 with emotes. keep crying

Those bland shitty robotic emotes

Fortnite doesn't require a high end PC.
Nice job defending the worst optimized game on the market right now.

>I play it...on console
>The guns have autoaim

user, what did you expect?

Tell me how do people unironically like fortnite? Im honestly confused

no it doesn't. i'm like that guy. consistent 100+ fps on my gtx 1070. just because you have some shitty african internet connection and your stream is some jerky and laggy piece of shit doesn't mean they're lagging

They already have ping based matchmaking

it's simple

ban china or I never play again. fuck those hacking fucks.

here's how the game goes if you aren't a pussy retard
>drop mil base barracks
>first three rooms have only a pistol
>next room has an ar
>kill someone rushing you, take their equipment
>keep looting the barracks and find more ammo and armor
>kill more people around the barracks and get fully kitted within 5 min TOPS

>drop Pochinki
>loot multiple houses, getting better loot progressively
>kill players along the way for loot snowball

>drop hacienda
>get a billions ars and kills
>fully kitted

all of these, you are GUARANTEED ars within minutes assuming you win your engagements. As I said, don't drop in some pussy spot and then bitch in the late game when someone who did the above kills you

Alright user i'll let you in a a big secret. You may not understand it but here i go.
its fun

PUBG will probably do it eventually because they got tencent publishing in china now.

Fortnite has it RIGHT FUCKING NOW though.


>Fortnite doesn't require a high end PC.
....neither does pubg. this guy i play with all the time uses a fucking 2011 amd apu. amd a8-6600k or something. he has it paired with a gtx 1060 which was piss cheap before the whole mining craze. his whole pc is probably equivalent to ~$400 ameribucks

and yet all those streamers will consistently tell you they are getting >100 fps at all times.
again, sucks to be such a fucking poorfag you cant afford a better GPU faggot

>he doesn't like JL

I am so fucking sick of hackers and china in general.

player unknown is sucking china dick so he doesnt care. and fortnite, who get it, have a region lock which helps EVERYONE.

I dont want to group with chinamen I cant understand.

The building is cool but gets in the way of mid/long range fights. Literally can sit in your base until someone decides to spam you down, leaving them vulnerable, or rush you which you probably want anyways. Fortnite's map is the biggest seller for me. PUBG's 8x8km mammoths have so many dry periods, and it doesn't help with 50-60% of the people die in the first 2-3 minutes. Fortnite's players die faster, because of Tilted Towers, but the map size being small helps it out.
Also Fortnite can get wacky, the Impulse Grenades are neat and they can add anything they want.

I think I would prefer a perfect version of PUBG over Fortnite, but that seems unlikely for now.

dont forget:

Take it as a pasta my d00d. I'm just mad that fun things used to be fun, but now fun things aren't fun because instead of having fun gittin gud you're supposed to have fun seeing #1. Ez shit isn't fun it's boring

China is roughly 70% of PUBG's playerbase, he is letting them fuck him in the ass to keep him around.


Like 90% of the entire game goes tilted towers because they don't want to be caught alone/in a smaller group, its fucking insane

>that caillou shit he's doing