Does Halo sell Xbox consoles?

Does Halo sell Xbox consoles?

Other urls found in this thread:

>343 Industries Halo


>Destiny-era bungie

hasn't the shooty tooty brain dead audience transitioned to shitty arena shooters like overwatch now`?

We all play battle royale games instead.

Depends on if it stars Master Chief or not.

I can't wait for Halo 6.

Of course, halo for xbox is like super mario for super nintendo 64, if you have one and don't have another, you are a thot

Does for me

>hasn't the shooty tooty brain dead audience transitioned to shitty arena shooters like overwatch now`?
What do you suggest people play instead? You're clearly euphoric and above the sheeple masses, what do you play?

>Halo after 3

>halo far more popular and well reviewd under bungie
its not relevent, 343 is still garbage and bungie made better games

No. It used to, not ever since 4

not since COD4 became the biggest Xbox Live game
it was all downhill for Halo from there

the xbox brand is pathetic right now.
not only did they hand the generation to Sony with their bullshit "lock used games to consoles" stunt & calling their system the "One" like we're living in 1985 at the height of Wall Street opulence, they trivialized their own product with the stipulation that Xbone games will appear on Windows 10 -- PC -- as well.

what an utter failure lmao.

they've barely invested in their brand at all by not making any first party games. and the ones that had been announced have mostly been cancelled.

in 50 years, or less, advertising guys will talk about the Xbox One the same way they talk about the Ford Edsel

>its another "people who believe Halo 3 was the best think they have an opinion on Halo" episode

I think also that the dudebros who were super into "drinking beers & playing Halo with the bros" back in 2007-2010 have mostly grown up and into jobs and families that require their attention, so naturally that market for the brand has pretty much gone. So who is left for Halo? No one else truly gives a fuck enough about this vaguely once-great franchise and it's boring-by-now gameplay to buy a system just to play it.

Unique and interesting games sell systems, you can see that with the PS4 & Bloodborne. Games like Halo are standard fare boredom by now.

Normies still buy it and pay for Live, some people don't have an interest in PC and just buy it to play third party on.

There is always going to be money in it thus worth doing, I just wouldn't be surprised if the next Xbox is a bit more a PC with controller UI.

Halo 4 sold 14 million.

I consider Halo 3 the best but I never wanted the series to end and think Halo 6 will be the game that will bring the series back. not Halo CE-3 back but better than Reach-5.


Of course it does. It's one of the few household names in gaming. Almost as big as Mario is for Nintendo.

yeah they esentially hoodwinked people because they assumed it would be bungie quality
instead it was cod and player retention was horrible

True but that wasn't the reason Halo 5 undersold, that was because of the lack of Master Chief, split screen, and lan.

>Almost as big as Mario is for Nintendo.
Halo 5 cant even outsel most Ps4 games

it sold 3 million less than uncharted you dumb sonygro even though ps4 is double the xbox base meaning halo sold more to a 1:1 ratio than uncharted did

Speaking of which, what mascot(s) does the PS brand have that's as popular as Halo or Mario?

For awhile there...yeah.
Yeah it did.

not any more the best halo experience for years has been Destiny PVP. and now that's even on PC whats the point getting a console for halo feels.

Halo 5 is actually good, but I agree that reach was garbage.

So another "Lol we've heard PC gamers :^)" from Microsoft? After 10 years of this? Who gives a shit?

destiny 2 died in 2 weeks

>Master Chief is barely in his own game
>no split screen
>no lan
What did you expect?

Sold 3 million more than Bloodborne despite PS4 having like fucking twice as many more consoles sold

Best current Halo experience is 5's custom games.

Remember this cringe trying to pretend like it was an important game?

Tastes this bad.