Kingdom Scam: Scamerance

>Now, nearly a month after the game was released on Steam, Warhorse is unwilling to commit to fulfilling all of those goals. It also remains nonspecific as to the goals it will be able to fulfill, despite making the promised amount of money to do so.

>“The development is currently focusing on creating the best experience for the base game as possible for as many fans as possible,” said Tobias Stolz-Zwilling, the public relations manager at Warhorse. “There is more in development including some of the KS stretch goals, but there’s no public timeframe for release yet.”

>But fans have been vocal about the team’s silence regarding the original stretch goals, specifically the female character and the dog companion. Today’s statement is unlikely to satisfy them.

>(((Publisher))) Deep Silver says it's not responsible for what was promised to backers
>“There is more in development including some of the KS stretch goals, but there’s no public timeframe for release yet.”
So the publisher is saying they have no responsibility, while the PR head for the developer studio is saying they're still working on stretch goals. Fake news.

>actually taking anything polygon reports seriosuly

SJW media will do anything to try and shit on this wonderful it game it seems.
Publishers have nothing to do with kickstarter goals and the developer said they are working on them.

Why do you hate video games so much OP?

Can they actually say "lol no were not doin that" after the shit has been released?

>There is more in development including some of the KS stretch goals

>female character and the dog companion
who the fuck gives a shit

>“There is more in development including some of the KS stretch goals, but there’s no public timeframe for release yet.”
do they have more than this or is it just them blowing this up because they don't like the devs?


Didn't that website make an article about how they weren't going to cover the game
Is this just outright smearing at this point because the game is selling despite their influence

>based dev

That was Giantbomb iirc.
Polygon just shits on them for not includung niggers.

What do you think?

You seryoulsy gonna believe Polygon? Especially when its pretty clear the site has a vendetta against Warhorse Studies because of their politics?

>>“The development is currently focusing on creating the best experience for the base game as possible for as many fans as possible,” said Tobias Stolz-Zwilling, the public relations manager at Warhorse. “There is more in development including some of the KS stretch goals, but there’s no public timeframe for release yet.”
only part that's relevant, ironically the part not written by """journalists"""
rest = clickbait


Is this game actually good or do people like it because it a certain people of a certain political persuasion have made a cult around it?

If you've played any TES title you know exactly what to expect.
>Charming world that is surprisingly compelling to hang out in
>Bugs all over the place to the point of comedy
>shit combat
>really fucking wonky mechanics and balance
>still very easy to enjoy for 500+ hours for some reason

>>Fake news.
>I only read the headline therefore it's fake news.

You do realize that headlines aren't there to substitute reading, right? You can't get your news simply from soundbites. That's not what fake news is.

It's so weird that all these article come out attacking the game. These game journalists must really be pissed about that time Vavra argued with them on twitter years ago. It seems very petty.

Good, but very buggy.
Sometimes you can play for an hour or two without any interference, sometimes you get stuck in some furniture, or the physics fuck up or the AI makes it impossible to continue almost every second minute.

It was simply too early released.
Wait until they patch all the bugs and you'll get one of the best RPGs released in the last couple years.

>Believing Polygon
Their agenda is extremely well known at this point, you have to be retarded to think they wouldn't try to slander KC.

This right here already proves my point literally fake news.

I enjoy it greatly. Think of it as a mix of Oblivion and Chivalry, in a historical, non fantasy setting.
The writing is good, not great.
The Graphics and Atmosphere are amazing, espescially in the woods, and it is still pretty buggy, hopefully fixed soon.
I am a right winger though, if you think that disqualifies my opinions of the game for your purposes, so be it.

Not to mention Vavra apologized in a German interview about his behaviour on twitter.

But the headline sets up a false narrative.
It should say that the devs have no plans to make the streetch goals available in the near future and not that they're not developing them at all.


>You do realize that headlines aren't there to substitute reading, right?
In most cases headlines are fluff to bait people into reading the article, usually where the lede is buried several paragraphs in or the actual facts are surrounded with misleading troll language.

fucking based

>polygon literally lying to shit on this game
that is some extremely petty shit

The latter unless you're really into the history and survival game mechanics.

dat damage control

It's a mix of both, but right-wingers are blowing smoke up it's ass because they sympathize with the opinions of one of the developers.

The game itself is very buggy and very slow and not a lot happens unless you look for it. Example: You wouldn't walk into the wilderness in The Witcher 3 and then just go AFK without pausing because something will likely spawn and fuck you up before long. In this, you can just stand anywhere and go AFK forever because absolutely nothing will happen unless you specifically do a quest for it. It can be a bit boring like that.

If you're into historical RPGs and this sounds fine by you then you'll like it; if you like a bit of spice in your games then it'll probably bore you.

>polygon posting some asspull headline against anti-'fuck whitepipo' video game
Imagine my shock

>If Kim nukes new york

yess give me your clicks

What other features did they promise other than girl mode and the dog?

That's quite literally a lie

>don't work on kickstarted project
>behave like a complete faggot to backers

>complete game
>side content stuck in limbo while more pressing technical issues are being addressed

This is beyond pathetic

>I sit around afk in games to prove nasty internet nasiz wrong
Hello Polygon

>polygon prints false story
>dev says its false
>d-damage control

So can he sue for damages/libel at this point?

Based Vavra still shitting on game journalists and triggered neo/v/

Nope. It's perfectly legal for news websites to out right lie and you can do nothing.

>The game itself is very buggy and very slow and not a lot happens unless you look for it.

You can say the exact same about most AAA games, but leftists don't call you a nazi-larping Sup Forumslack for liking Skyrim or Mass Effect. Almost like you butthurt faggots have a bone to pick with this particular developer.

no. libel laws are literally useless


They didn't say they werent making the stretch goals. They just said there's no ETA at the moment.

Stop believing clickbait Polygon headlines.



>full of bugs and frustrating combat mechanics that only become tolerable after you mod it so you can save efficiently
>interaction is poorly voiced and animated for a game so story heavy
It's good, but it has some glaring flaws that keep it from being wonderful.


more like kingdom come: did not deliverance

more like cuckstarter lmao

>Get called out
>Oh-oh...rig-right....the content's totally dates of course but...yes...

Why are the alt right so dumb and actually believe this guy?

Holy fucking shit.

It doesn't matter, you're still supposed to read the article and extrapolate the factual information using your brain. If you get swayed by the narrative then that's your fault, not the website you're reading it on. Headlines are designed to be eye-catching and to make you want to read the article, because that's how the publishers make their money. That's what a good editor does - takes an article and edits it to be more enticing. Just because you were mislead and jumped to conclusions from only reading the headline doesn't make it fake news, it just means you're an idiot who didn't check the facts. Unless it's nationalized, Journalism has to make money to sustain itself - that happens all sides of the political spectrum and has done for years, catchy headlines are just one way of making you buy their dead trees or in the modern context, get them tasty ad-revenue.

>talking about violence in video games means we should ban games
>instead of talking about gun control, we should talk about video game control in light of a school shooting
Clickbait should be ignored in general.

>leftists resort to create fake headlines out of butthurt because they cannot choke on nigger cock in historically and racially accurate games

hon hon

holy kek


Everybody does it so it's right.

Your arms must be so tired.

>dat damage control

>I cant quicksave every minute
>The combat needs mods
Imagine being this casual

Yoshi loves me, he wouldn't say that.

anyone have the pic about the lefty raging about the czech ethnostate in regards to this game?

Fake ass fake news


hmm yes who should I believe game journalists or the other guy

Yoshi is forced to be around fat smelly autists for eternity. There is no love. Only pure loathing.

Doesn't matter whether it's right, it just is what it is. The only actual 'fake news' are the sites set up on dodgy domains that get spread through on Facebook to gullible idiots and literally print complete lies with nothing to back them up.

>its not (((journalists))) fault that they're lying parasites
>they've got to make a living

>i-it's actually y-your f-fault! haha gotem
The dev had to speak out against it. They were saying he skipped out with the money. They had no reason to say this except to be nasty little cunts.

>the best experience for the base game as possible

simply they suck

Based Vavra is based

>Create the best RPG of this past 5 years.
>Create a wonderful experience from the beginning to the end.
>Strong characters, excellent quests, great mechanics.
>Slightly bugged but the writing more than makes up to it.
>Neofags are bitching because there aren't any blacks in the game.

Kek. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk. Fuck, I'm dying of laughter. HAHAHAHA

Good god, how embarrassing. Who fucking agreed to let that story run without even basic fact checking beforehand?

I agree but the game is not "slightly" bugged

To anyone interested:

The game is actually, unironically, good. Like really good.

It's just that you're on Sup Forums, where we aren't just discussing the game by itself. And 'discuss' is a stretch. There are a certain group of people here that are not even of any identifiable political background that simply like anything tied to a hot topic. They are very similar to the clickbait writers you know and love today, except they remain anonymous, so they can clickbait with more outlandish shit that soy writers have to refrain from.

Basically, this site is operating as a large click blackhole. People are baiting for fun, and KCD is only ever a topic because it is useful, just like any other shitposters favorite.

The game is good. Buy it, play it.

If you were legitimately confused by the fake drama surrounding this game, I highly suggest taking a hiatus off Sup Forums or social media for a little while. Because there's no telling what else you'll let shitters confuse you about.

>literally print complete lies with nothing to back them up.
Just like the OP

Oh I see. I guess I should have known better than to believe a polygon headline.

>The sky is red
>The sky is blue (Update)


>slightly bugged

>buy my game

Literally this. They have to resort to lies and slander because the game is good and it sold good and the dev is good. Everything worked out.
Pathetic little worms just have to try and destroy evevrything.

Literally no one gives a fuck shill. Try to be less intrusive next time.

>publish fake news
>get BTFO

>Deep Silver are a pack of cash-grabbing jews


Is Czech the best country in the world

I fucking hate Bethesda games, why is this game any different/better?

...And another thread goes 404 before anyone explains to the shills why they are wrong

Oh man, who we should be more inclined to believe? The director of the game, who's directly involved with the whole production of the final product, or some jornalist who doesn't even link a source in his own article? Really hard question here.

This. The bugs are blown way out of proportion 90 hours in and I've had 1 crash and no bugged quests

the combat literally looks boring as hell
If I want ultra realistic fighting, I'll go out the street and start a fight with anyone I find

I like a historically accurate storyline and background
But I don't like ultra realistic combat

Don't feed the fucking shill man. He'll start to think that type of opener is acceptable.

OP is obviously making a thinly veiled game journalism thread, he's not a shill.
It's been a pass time years before the Trump campaign.

Aha! Look.

I hate them too. KCD is refreshing. But that's not to say that it's not alike. Torrent it maybe?


>the absolute state of american video game """journalism"""

wait, so according to the americans.. im racist for playing this RPG game from my own country?

what a wierd world you live in

I don't care about shilling, but this isn't the thread for it and the way you went about it is asinine. If you're gunna get paid to come here you should at least add the board instead of acting like a total faggot right off the bat.