Do you play games with your girlfriend?

Do you play games with your girlfriend?

No, I play with my MOMMY

>Implying anyone on Sup Forums has a girlfriend.

Nah, she's shit at them. Also that pic looks annoying as fuck.

>wanting stds
>using condoms to prevent stds
>thinking there are std free women in my age
nah my dude, looks like im sticking to the 2d


Me on the right

>Not exterminating the white race by isolating yourself from humanity by shitposting on the internet and masturbating 24/7

More seriously though I have yet to find a woman I enjoy being around. Found one online I liked talking to but then she flaked out hard and I bailed. Kind of a shame since talking to a woman you enjoy is a different experience than talking to a man you enjoy,
but oh well.

>here's your controller bro

Sometimes with my wife yes, last time was The Division for a couple of months until past christmas.

>jolt backwards with an exasperated yell
>knock partner over from the momentum
>never try retarded sitting positions like that again

playin mario cart or pokken after some wine or weed

My girlfriend is a huge weeb and her and I play osu! a lot

I do lol

with no friends and bother the ugly popular people that is traped ugly way ugly way

I used to, but then his family discovered he was gay they disowned him and kicked him out, and he slit his wrists in the park. Since then I've kind of preferred being alone.

and that is the only way you can be better then the ugly popular people by trapping people ugly way and the ugly people losers outnumber everybody and going to lie to you saying they cant trap people ugly way

This picture is almost as new as your MOMs dicksucking skills.

>finally find a gf who likes me and isn't a vapid whore
>she's nonwhite
>still exterminating the white race

Genuine question, why didn't he move in with you? Sure as shit not trying to put his death on you or anything, but even if his family shitting on him was hitting him hard it sounds like he would've had some support from you at least.

God I want to be that guy and have my fiancee to be the girl on the right

gross, porn is for degenerates


I'm getting close to a girl but she lives in Australia and she plays some games but isn't super into them and i'm slowly pulling away from games to spend time talking to her and I don't regret it. I guess wish me luck anons.

what the fuck are you talking

Never let her go Pepe. I was just memeing about destroying the white race.
I'd take a 1/10 black woman with a hairlip as my wife if we got along great. Bodies age, someone you get along with is more important than anything else.

Obviously, how the fuck am I supposed to play using only my left hand, you retard?

and also by lying to the cluless people ugly way and force everybody to like the ugly people losers even if the ugly people losers that smell worse then dog shit is losing or lost cause hurt the ugly popular people ugly way by bad services and so can stil surivive while not getting bullied ugly way but the ugly popular people if they are losing they get bullied ugly way and while have to surive and so the ugly people losers got nothing to lose and live life cortable and have some good things on the side and they outnumber everybody and torture people ugly way and like on tv shows and on the public have to see there beaty eye ugly face and the ugly people losers that smell worse then dog shit read this right ok and so that is why the ugly popular people cant do anything and the attrative loser people so fuck the ugly people losers that is ugly and lame and disgusting and smell worse then dog shit and is ugly and the ugly people losers outnumber everybody and going to keep trying to be better then people ugly way

Do what I did and move there, we live in North Brisbane area now

That's not super far from her desu, we're talking about me flying out this summer to stay for a few weeks.

Nah but it's a bit frustrating though

> majors computer science and minors mathematics
> hasn't built a pc or has a steam account and is more interested in photography

No, and in fact my boyfriend doesn't play anything other than console sports games and constantly interrupts me when I'm on the computer. It's fucking annoying.

you spent a lot of time replying to other people. don't waste that time on me, start enjoying your life

The first time I visited I went to do a semester in the sunshine coast, we hit it off better in person than we did online



What if I give you a VB, can we be buds then?

I got my permeant resident visa approved like a month ago, it's okay I work and pay my taxes.

Yeah i'm wondering how well we'd get along in person, she's really into me online and tells me so, we talk daily over voice and tell eachother about our days and stuff and she definitely wants to see me but we've also only known eachother about 3 weeks now and neither of us wants to rush anything. I just gotta deal with the costs of visitng her being so fucking high but she's gonna let me stay with her so that helps.

I’m really fucking sick of you inhuman monsters assuming my gender and sexual orientation with these threads

>in Queensland
God I wish we were allowed to bash immigrants like the good old days. We might be able to beat the stupid out of you.

It will never be okay. Every one of you scum that comes here contributes to the destruction of my culture. Americanisation is a cancer.

Yeah, it took us about 3 months to decide we wanted to meet in person, took me two to do the application, and didn't get to actually go until the next semester.
You guys need more white people
I'm sorry, you guys are cunts even when I'm being nice to you. Fuck off

I turned 22 a couple months ago and I've never even kissed a female, wtf are you even talking about lol

Definitely hang out online more user. I wish you all the best, but not long ago I met a woman online that seemed special too. First few months were magical and we shared everything and talked constantly. Then she suddenly turned into a frigid bitch for 2-3 months until I finally dumped her. Her reason for the change was "I wanted too much of her attention", when she was the one who initiated 8+ hour conversations in the first place.

Moral of the story was she was cool with long conversations whenever she wanted, but as soon as I'd try to strike up a conversation when she was playing videogames it was a no-go. I do hope it works out better for you though user.

Fuck off, homosexual.

learn how to read the air here bro

Is there anything I should known before I go? I mean i'm just gonna be flying in for like 2 weeks not like stay there for an entire semester like you

thank you user I really appreciate that, I'm sorry things didn't work out for you

>You guys need more white people
We need more Australians.

I'd rather the country fucking sank into the ocean than became a colony of fucking America. Importing the citizens of your diseased corpse nation isn't a solution to anything. Fuck you all.

It's pretty hard to play vidya with just one hand.

I seriously can't tell which one is the girl.

>mfw 32 y/o kiss-less hug-less virgin.

>Is there anything I should known before I go?
Yes. I'd really rather that you didn't.

Jesus you are retarded

Just kiss a slut, retard.

You say this like India and China aren't the biggest immigrants, by far. Worry about them first
It's very expensive, be sure to look the opposite way when crossing the street. I almost died my first day here because I looked the wrong way first out of habit

God, I wish that girl was my girlfriend and the guy on the left a black guy.

>girls shows intrest in me
>shes a mulato
why does she think i would want to have a child that wont even represent both of the parents in their looks or culture?

>tfw a girl likes you

XD cuck memes. Kill yourself, shitposter

I'm the same level of wizard user. I read online that we're all going to make it though. Just a matter of time. Maybe when our hair turns gray we'll get some of those women with daddy issues.


get your eyes checked then

>You say this like India and China aren't the biggest immigrants, by far. Worry about them first
Or maybe I'll worry about all of them.

Fuck off, yankee. You're just as bad.

Where do you think you are?

>gives up the desktop

what a cuck

sauce? is there more?

Enjoy your alcoholism and poverty.

She might play plants vs zombies or some Chinese phone game shit while I play on my pc or laptop

How cool are your wizard powers?

get over whatever redpill Sup Forumsrigin propaganda these anons pushing. If she is already mixed then your qualities will come out more in the child.

>everyone who disagrees with me is nonwhite
>"whiter than you mohammed"
This is why yankees need to fuck off.

Only if you're rich. Women aren't attracted to poor old guys.

and forsake his wizard powers? You must be joking.


but i have no qualities and i made that story up since im a shut in neet that imagines life together with grocery store ladies

I kissed my first female when I was 22 user, it's not too late, 25+ is when you need to start worrying and preparing for your wizard powers

Oh. Well then. Looks like I won't be inside another living being until I'm dead and being eaten by the worms. Time to come to terms with this.

I never said anything about that. You just seem bitter for no reason. You know nothing about me, I'm sorry you feel your culture is threatened but I'm not going to go back to the States just because you asked me to

I wonder who is behind this post?

My what?

Becoming rich isn't hard though. All you need to do is buy some crypto right now and you'll be able to retire within two years.

>I never said anything about that.
Yes you did, you repeatedly implied I was an abbo.

>You know nothing about me
You're American - that's enough.

Fuck off. This isn't your country and it never will be. You're not wanted here. The sooner we trash our alliance with your fading star - and we will - the better. I can't wait to watch your nation slip into the sea.


Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>im a shut in neet that imagines life together with grocery store ladies
I know that feel all too well, bro

Thank you user, you're always looking out for me. I'll buy up all the crypto I can so I don't die a virgin and my life will improve!

good job you told him
please dont image search pic releated

we play some games from time to time if we're not busy having sex or watching tv

>tfw you don't like her
What a shitty feeling. I had one who was really into me but she looked like Drew Barrymore and I just couldn't imagine being with her. I'll bet I can find a hot gf sooner or later.

if you are
>fucking obese
>have no hobby apart from vidya
>have no job
>don't brush your teeth
>wear some shitty clothes, like a fucking fedora
>don't go out much, if at all
>have no sense of fucking humour
Then you shouldn't fucking complain because you brought it all upon yourself.

I know that feel. Sometimes I think I should've been more open to women who were interested in me because then I wouldn't be a wizard. Plus who knows, maybe if I got to know them better I would've liked 'em more. She seemed annoying on a superficial level, but it's possible we would've gotten along had I known her on a deeper level, and people don't have to have identical interests and personalities to get along well.

Kinda regret it but it's too late now.

We just completed I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream yesterday and it was a pain in the ass to do the stupid endgame sectario.Great game tho

Yup. We've been playing Monster Hunter World together recently.

>6 foot 200 points
>Vidya, books, TV, movies, board games, RPGs
>No job
>Brush and floss teeth daily, shower daily, wear deodorant
>T-shirts, jeans, hoodies, hawaiian shirts, shorts
>Don't go out much
>Have a sense of humor and often make people laugh
Is it possible for a woman to find me appealing y/n?

I'm not the 22 guy, I'm one of the 32 year old wizards.

Scenario* fuck

where do you 'hang out' online?

Look man, if you don't have money, forget it, women are like cars they need to be taken care of and that costs money

Good luck, user. Can you tell how did you meet her?

Spend more time with her online, Apu. Rather than spending the money to immediately take an international trip just to visit a woman you've known online for a couple months.


Get a fucking job/degree then worry about girls.