Fifth time's a charm

Fifth time's a charm.



Switch doesn't have the processing power needed for him. Same reason ice climbers won't be in.

I didn't know the Switch was as weak as a 3DS.

Undocked it really is.

But now you have been enlightened.

Its so tired...

Got some stats you can post to back this up?

I don't remember people clamoring for Ridley to be in the first Smash.

It could happen this time. They have to convince a bunch of smashfags who bought a Wii U specifically for Sm4sh to dump their allowance again.

What's Sakurai's issue with big body characters?

Is Ridley bigger than Zero?

He's too big.

We must shit post everyday until he is in. We didn’t have enough meme magic last time

guess Sup Forums doesn't has as many newfags as I thought.

he fears if he adds big characters then smash bros might actually become a fighting game
he doesnt want that

it's a livin'

This irritated me and posts of this nature usually don't. So I begrudgingly respect the craftsmanship

nobody wants that

Fifth time's a charm

I missed this so much. I'm so excited for the new character hype.

Not that design though. Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Fusion, heck even Samus Returns, or anywhere between those designs. Just not MOM Ridley.

Kroc the vote

Put Cyrax instead

Reminder that Sakurai made a perfectly-usable Ridley design in Melee, but he's so autistic that he thinks Ridley needs to be huge in order to be "true to character" while he turns Ganondorf into a Captain Falcon Clone and doesn't give Samus her weapons from the Metroid games as Custom Moves.

I unironically agree with you on this, but MOM design could be worse

What does autism have to do with this?


The guy who's gotten a trophy in three Smash games, meme mster.

He's right, but there should be a Smash that can have huge playable characters.


>He's right
How? He already changed several characters' sizes and Ridley's size isn't the reason he's iconic.