Built up to be a cold loner type who's only out for himself

>built up to be a cold loner type who's only out for himself
>falls in love with a woman he barely knows in the span of less than a day
>constantly loses his cool
>is unable to shoot during a critical moment

Why did he end up being absolutely nothing like he was made out to be?

Other urls found in this thread:


The reality is no match for the legend, I'm afraid.

The reality never lives up to the legend

He was literally an inferior version of BB.
He was also remarkably human.
And in the end, he took down Liquid, BB, and Venom Snake.

You guys are alright.

>cold loner type
...who always operates while in contact with a skilled support team
>who's only out for himself
...and fighting against nuclear proliferation

Why did they say the guards had advanced senses if they can't see 5 metres in front of them or hear a gunshot 10 metres away?

It turned out all of Big Boss's traits they got from genome therapy just gave all the soldiers his autism.

Something something faulty genome. Was supposedly why they needed Big Boss's body; to fix the defect.

Probably because that was almost superhuman for a regular enemy back in the day.

We're seeing it from Solid's perspective.

The reality is that the Genome Soldiers were actually really good at their job, but Solid Snake is so far ahead of them in terms of skill it just LOOKS like they incompetent.

>can't hear footsteps that echo loudly from throughout the room
>can hear quieter footsteps when metal panelling is stepped on
>but can hear quieter footsteps

Despite Kojima's claims that Solid Snake wasn't human, I felt that he was the most human out of all the Snakes.

compared to the guards from the original 1 and 2 they are pretty advanced

Were those guards from the originals stated to be superhumans though?

No they were just normal dudes like the MSF and Diamond Dogs.

No. But they were personally trained by Big Boss. If we ever got a remake of those games, I'm sure they'd all know CQC and shit and they'd be the first clue that something weird's going on.

I think they meant to say that they have sub-human senses but they thought it sounded uncool.

Well Johnny's a Genome Soldier, so.

>constantly loses his cool
Name 837 times this happens

I'll wait

"This isn't glorious. It's just plain killing! Violence isn't a sport!"

Real answer?

It's a video game.

Why is Snake so likable?

He's ok I guess. Nothing amazing.

This. Snake is one of the most overrated character in videogames.


I love MGS but not because of Snake. MGS2 is my favorite one but I also don't particularly care for Raiden and would pick Snake over Raiden if I had to.
Personally I love MGS because of the crazy 10 minute long codec calls and cutscenes about ridiculous conspiracy theory shit or how the characters will just talk for 5 minute at a time about some random bullshit like movies or food on the codec.

Compared to who else though? I can't think of a more likeable character.

This is also the reason I think MGS V is a terrible MGS game. It's missing almost all the flavor of the prior games which upset me because, as retarded as this sounds, the gameplay is way down there on the list of why I play and enjoy MGS games.

V literally has all of this, did you not listen to a single tape? They talk about regional politics, cloning, Cipher conspiracies and fucking hamburgers.

The few cutscenes that are in the game are spread out by the long stretches of free roam gameplay and the casettes are absolute shit in comparison to the codec calls imo

The only difference between codec calls and tapes is that you can choose when to listen to the latter and can pause them.

Why not? There's plenty out there, what makes Snake so special?

So what exactly WAS a Genome soldier? Did they just inject Bigboss DNA into their dicks to grant them Bigboss autism powers?

I recently got V Definitive Edition and tried out Ground Zeroes. It's actually a lot harder than the previous games.

I disagree, once you get Quiet the game is just broken. You have to just not use her or you can basically just lay in some grass while she does everything

>So what exactly WAS a Genome soldier?

Let autistic MGS fans explain it to you:

And that codec calls actually have Snake talking and interacting with the person. Which is my biggest gripe about how soulless the tapes were

Really? Well, Ground Zeroes doesn't have Quiet. And carrying NPCs around is kind of annoying.

So you didn't listen to them?
Venom talks way more in the tapes than in the cutscenes.

He talked a lot in them early on and all the way through chapter 1. The cloning one is a big example.
I agree he was too quiet in Chapter 2s. Probably a mix of rushed development and Venom slowly separating his personality from Naked. Notice how much Naked talks in the Truth tapes.

Yeah Ground Zeroes was hard for MGS.
I liked how GZ had a more traditional MGS map where there were patrols almost everywhere and although the map was technically wide open it was an enclosed space. One of the things I disliked most about MGS V was the way that you could approach more places from absolutely any angle because it was just in the middle of a big desert. I liked the tight hallways and indoors environments from the older games much more.

I can't deny that overall the gameplay is much much better than in the older games though.

to be fair he recieved all of the recessive genes from Big Boss
He's done quite well for himself under those conditions

This is why Big Boss is best Snake.

idk the way the codec calls took place in the present time and had your character huddled in a corner or up on a cliff while he talked made them better imo. It gave it a certain valuable context.
The way the casettes take place in the past ,make them just feel like every other kind of shitty audio log you collect in other games

I don't think the gameplay in MGSV is all that great either, the shitty open world and base management mechanics really drag it down.

>Hey Snake have you ever heard this Chinese phrase before? It means...

>reading through the wiki
>genome soldiers
>possessing IQ levels higher than 180.

>'huh, what was that noise?'
>'must have been nothing'
>proceeds to get 100% distracted staring at a playboy on the ground for five minutes

Imagine this.

>Metal Gear remake
>It's made in the Fox Engine, but while it's somewhat expanded compared to the original, it's still a very short game.
>You beat it, but wonder if it was really worth the $60 price tag.
>Metal Gear---Episode 1: Outer Heaven completed.
>Metal Gear---Episode 2: Zanzibarland unlocked.

How would you react?

This will never happen because Konami are a bunch of shitty jews

>base management
There's barely any management, though.
You just fulton some guys and let the game auto-assign them to whichever unit they fit the best.

MGS died with the departure Kojima I have absolutely zero hope of ever seeing the release of another desirable MGS game in my lifetime.

The reality is no match for the legend I'm afraid.

You really only have to look a Johnny to understand what was up with them. Johnny is incompetent, constantly has diarrhea and he keeps making stupid dumb-fuck mistakes. But he wasn't completely stupid. He was pretty tech-savvy and he has good aim and reflexes.

The Genome Soldiers were only genetically modified, but they had no real experience and never learned beyond basic training protocols. They were untested and never utilized in real missions.


Even if we'd get MGS6, it would most likelyjust be more dull base building shit in the vein of PW, TPP and Survive.

Posting the theme song for the death of a great franchise

>mfw I remember that Johnny carries Big Boss' soldier genes

New game starring the last son of Big Boss when?

>No more Solo Sneaking Missions ever again
>No more pure weapons and equipment procured on-site

Peace Walker truly fucked up the gameplay formula.

>tfw you were one of the mgs fans who shit all over mgs 4 but not have shitloads of nostalgia for it

Why can't I ever realize when I'm in the good ol days...

>b-but Kojima!
Can't fucking wait for Death Stranding so you fags can finally shut up about that hack being any good at making games

I'm not saying he's the greatest ever and I'm not even really looking forward to Death Stranding but I feel like Kojima was an absolutely essential part of making MGS what it was.

Because you didn't play the first two games. If you played at least MG2, you would know Snake was tired of all that bullshit, he was ready for more even if he wouldn't admit it. Snake was looking for peace. He didn't find it in learning about his identity, love or war. He found it in beliefs for a better tomorrow.

4 did it first. It gives you a weapon to start and you can buy a lot of weapons too.

He is the genetically inferior clone from all Big Boss clones and basically only succeed by accident (he's better and smarter than a normal human tho).

He succeeded because he had more raw determination. He's also the only Snake to really have a circle of friends, friends who had his back, friends who supported him. He wasn't a narcissist like Liquid or Solidus and he didn't burn what bridges he had like Big Boss.

He succeeded because he was the most human of all of them. Big Boss got too caught up in the times he lived in.

Kojima is nothing special in general.

This site really loves to Namedrop as if these fags are responsible for 95% of the decisions made about a game. If you blame Kojima for all of MGSV and Konami's Jewery your no smarter than the morons who claim the Survive is shit for being without Kojima and not because it's uninspired garbage that's just reused assets and microtransactions.

I'm playing 4 for the first time and jesus christ chapter 3 was fucking retarded. You can't even run ahead of the guy you're tailing to try to get through it faster because he isn't allowed to move unless the player is right up his ass. That sections lasts for like 20 minutes and then you watch a fucking 30 minute cutscene purely made up of exposition, and then do a fucking turret section which you JUST FUCKING DID AT THE END OF THE LAST CHAPTER and then finally you fight raging raven which is probably the most forgettable fight in the entire franchise. And then you watch a 40 minute cutscene and thats fucking it. What in the absolute fuck was that shit. How the hell did Kojima go from 3 to this garbage? It seemed like he was finally learning from his mistakes.

lol I remember the watching the cutscenes at the end of chapter 3 and then looking at my clock. shit took fucking 90 minutes

>30/40 minute cutscenes
I sincerely hope you're exaggerating

When I was speedrunning 4 I learned of a trick to speed it up somewhat. I forgot how it worked exactly but if you save and load the guy you're supposed to be following ends up at the zone area.

What sucks the most about that is Chapter 3 would be an interesting setting to be sneaking in.

Chapter 3 is the worst chapter in the game. The good thing is, it's all uphill from there.

I take it you haven't played MGS4?
They're not exaggerating. The game's ending alone is feature length.

MGS 4 is a 3-4 hour game with 10 hours of cutscenes. Everyone knows this.

So I can legit watch it on youtube instead of getting ps3 and not miss out much?

Yeah basically but if you do the cutscenes + codecs you could do this for every MGS game.

I hated PW, couldn't stand the fucking mechanics and South American setting. It also made MGSV what it was.

Here's a video of the entire game with no retarded commentary.

I thought South America was a nice setting. Maybe a bit too similar to the jungles of Snake Eater.
Definitely better than Afghanistan and the Angola-Zaire border region in TPP.

Cool but what does Iroquois Pliskin has to do with it? He only looses his cool once and that is when an imposter is posing as the legendary hero Solid Snake.
Also, he never falls in love

>super soldier specialized in infiltration
>gets constantly taken by surprise and captured

Naked Snake best Snake

>Venom Snake

MGS5 doesn't exist stfu

He already released the turds known as MGS4 and MGSV and they still haven't realized it, why do you think Death Stranding will be different?

Naked Snake fucks up more times in MGS3 than Solid ever does.

Didn't Big Boss get captured twice? And there was that thing where his base got destroyed, all his men died and he was in a coma for ten years.

Honestly everything in 4 so far just seems like such wasted potential so far. The first two chapters could have been really cool if there was more you could do by helping one of the factions out. Always starting the player out on the rebel side was stupid and could have been such an easy way to encourage replayability because maybe on the second playthrough you could decide to start on the PMC's side or something.

Also sneaking through a warzone is cool and all but it kind of just leads to the game being a lot more easy to sneak through a lot of the time because both sides are busy fighting eachother. It really is a shame that chapter 3 is so shit because I would have really liked a more traditional sneaking level at that point.

Bravo Kojima

MGSV is an objectively good game though

>And there was that thing where his base got destroyed
At least he got a base
Bets thing Solid Snake could make was Philanthropy with barely any people and he still couldn't keep it together for longer than 1 game intro

If I recall correctly, the game's original concept involved far deeper faction interactions but those things never saw the light of day because of hardware limitations.

Snake didn't want a base. The last thing he ever wanted was to make a PMC.

that depresses me

>Hardware limitations
I feel like this is just an excuse. There's no way it'd have trouble handling any kind of modern system like that.

>implying solid snake didn't fight for everyone while big boss only fought for himself

david didn't need a base. he only needed his cardboard box and smokes

I haven't played it no, I have no idea why anyone would make a game like that though.

Hello this is the correct ranking of the MGS series

3 > PW > V > 2 > 1 > 4

You're forgetting how ridiculously technical the ps3 was, especially the first 3 years it was around while people were still learning its curves

mgs4 pushed the fucking limits of it and even had to reinstall every chapter you wanted to play

Kojima always seem to have been able to push every system he has been working on

Just look how ahead of its time every mgs game was on launch
MGS, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4 fuck MGS5

That's cool and all but my personal opinion is
1 > 3 > 4 > 2 > PW