>no thread
>only one day since its release.
You HAVE been playing it, right user?
Vermintide 2
Its pretty good wish wasn't at work so I could play some more
Holy Sigmar - bless this ravaged thread!
Unchained is fun; is it any good outside of Easy?
Not bad, but still not as good as cousin Okri
>be Iron breaker
>be fucking invincible
Damn I forgot how good this felt after not playing Bardin at all during the preorder beta. I don't like how long you have to charge drakegun now though. How are the Drakefire Pistols? I've barely used them and never really figured out how best to use them
Fun as shit. Way better than the Drakegun now that it's been nerfed.
It's fun, but the combat is simplistic and there isn't much character progression. Also, the character variety isn't as big as I thought it would be. All the class can be summarized as either Melee Fighter, Tank, Ranged Fighter.
kruber main here
what is the point of short reach weapons? long reach is so much better in almost every situation
Game just started crashing because of low memory, I managed to play the beta and during release just fine, is there anything i can do?
>they made kruber's default greatsword skin look like an actual sword instead of the ugly grey slab it was in the beta
Thank the gods
Download more ram
kruber main here, thinking of leveling an elf... talk me out of it bros
Waiting for the console release.
can someone tell me how much hp do I have? it seems retarded to me you can't see the actual number
>hate elf and her shitty lines
>love spears and her V1 outfit
Help me bros
can i somehow skip the fucking tutorial mission? i've done it thrice now.
played all the maps most are actually pretty solid, some bad ones though. kinda disappointed in the last map hardly any enemies to kill it felt like, although it looked incredible.
I feel like you are over simplifying it. Melee fighter is super generic to lump shade and handmaiden in because both play drastically different. There's more examples. The variety is there but requires a bit of comprehension of what that class specifically excels at.
Could be an issue with win10, try rebooting before you start the game.
Another Kruber main here, I use the mace&shield exclusively to ragdoll ridiculous amounts of rats and pretty much locking down hallways all alone.
>action game
Im not a teenage anymore.
How do you tag people with Witch Hunter's passive ability?
Are these devs just this hell-bent on making the perfect balance in a fucking 4-man PVE co-op game with random bullshit difficulty spikes?
RIP huntsman, fucking up bosses in seconds might be too much, but the release change just fucked him up real good.
Keep having fun as Sienna for as long as you can, she's probably next.
The requirements are pretty low or do you just not own a pc?
yeah i got this after the 1.01 update
8gb ram
i know i need more, really. but this should be fine for the settings im on
Oh, how silly, thanks
>tfw one day after release and it's already double the amount of players compared to V1
answer this!!!!!!!
Yeah, I did kind if oversimplify it, but but it seems like you have to spend a decent amount of time grinding levels to unlock classes and talent points to make builds unique.
Refunded it. It was really bland. I was hoping for a more complex melee system
I'm both liking and a bit dissapointed with unchained. I feel like I take no damage on recruit at least, I like doing more damage with overcharge and living bomb is a neat ability. But I also feel like I do way less damage than pyromancer did, living bomb feels sort of useless, especially when burning head outright killed chaos warriors, did nice damage to bosses, thinned the horde a bit, Living bomb feels like its just there to exhaust your overcharge and it recharges too slow to feel great I think.
Anyone else have thoughts on unchained?
i find melee fun but i have a strong feeling i will burn out on this game within the month. needs more depth
F2 twice during the cage cutscene and press esc
Does that Iron Breaker talent that regens 10 HP when passive is broken get fixed or is it still some meme temp health shit.
>get downed as elf
>party walks over to my body
>"the only good elf is a dead elf"
lets all have a moment of silence for our fallen friend Hunstman Kruber.
>Skittergate mission is bugged
>Zealot's passive keeps proccing even when it's on cooldown
>Can't be killed by anything unless it's a incap special
which character/class is best if I'm shit at the game?
Why can't I find any players? These bots are terrible.
>get orange trinket with 30% curse resist
>because of this retarded power system I'll just replace it in two games anyway
To get to your first new spec it's like only level 7? Took me no time only like 4 quick matches
I get your point about the talents but honestly a lot of the variety comes with gear and class. Talents are just further icing on the progression cake. For me honestly the system adds a lot more to the game from the first.
>Tfw playing Elf
>Tfw cleaving Stormvermin in half
>Tfw still get fucked sometimes on Recruit because some of you fucking mayflies can't survive if I move ten feet away from the group, and Berzerkers are fucking bastards to fight
So it's confirmed that Spawn is the hardest of the usual bosses, ye? That thing is fucming annoying.
Play elf and write nice things in chat.
I really wanna buy it, but I think I'm gonna hold on until there is mire content and patches out there
Waystalker/Ironbreaker are the games two shitterproof careers, though Ironbreaker is better in this regard
Or just disable the cinematic in the options.
Worked in the beta, maybe it does now.
Same herd
wait for shut the fuck up elf mod.
Spawn is the worst because if it decided its going to spam eating heal there's nothing you can fucking do about it and you can very well end up fighting over three times its actual health's worth before it dies.
>interested on this game
>but not sure how to feel about 1st person view only
>not sure how to feel about the fact online will probably die sooner than later like on the first Vermintide either
What to do, what to do
You can interrupt the eating heal if you have any sort of large stagger like a bomb/shout/kruber charge
Where were you when you realized that all elves deserve to die in a fire?
>Always strays FAR THE FUCK AWAY from the group
>Always steals the ammo pickups
>Always steals the health and only keeps it for herself
>Never focus on important targets
>Never pick up allies but instead use their tiny piss-quality of a bow to chip away at a boss' health even if it's near full
>Never do call outs
>Never do anything right
Can I run it on a 980 and is it worth it? I heard the first one had some pretty bullshit loot system that turned it into a tedious slog.
>neet for 3 years
>bought this game
>play for 10 hours only
I don’t have fun with video games anymore
can't bombs or kruber's charge stun and make it release the grabbed player?
get this game if you dont have any friends to play with?
its not realistic enough for my gang
Wait, you can interrupt the chaos spawn eating with Kruber's charge? I main him and I didn't know that.
I run it on a 970 dude, not on max but a few things turned down from the preset of max
Its optomised like shit. I could run the first just fine, but I can barely get 20 fps in this one.
What are some good realistic games out there that you could actually play you with your friends now?
>like the idea and playstyle behind Foot Knight
>but that
I hope to God he gets a closed helm in one of the Legend cosmetics
got the same problem, hopping from game to game hoping Ill find something fun again
You can certainly run it, and they fixed the loot system a fair bit.
well, we played PUBG and they want to pick up World of Tanks again :(
V1 literally never died though.
I regret delaying buying the first game so much a second one came out, this is actually pretty fun.
What do I want on my elf? Is there anything that stands above the rest?
But would the game crash and become laggy still or not anymore there?
I've been on the fence about buying this all day since it's only $22 on GMG right now. I thought the first one was ok, but didn't love it even as a huge L4D fan. I also have no friends who are interested in it. Worth it now or no?
>Hating on the OG stache
You don't deserve Taal's grace
it's a fine stache.
You're friends are chimps if they play that shit and use the word realism unironicaly.
>Only move away during the lulls in combat for tomes n such
>Neverr pick up ammo outside of the infinite boxes because GLAIVE
>Always try to carry a tome outside of the designated heal breaks
>Turn every special's face into a pincushion
>Cleave every elite in sight because GLAIVE
>Smash the fuck out of bosses with GLAIVE
>Always go for pick-ups unless the boss is actively on me, in which case the other two lumberfoots should have no trouble fetting the revive
>Point out every bomb and potion not in my inventory
>Get all them circles except Saves and Damage Taken
Mayflies need not apply.
So are commendation boxes champion General or Emperor boxes?
>like on the first Vermintide either
but it didn't die, in fact you can even find full parties right now if you want
First, no. Second they're boxes that scale with your level and crafting level so they could literally be anything, even reds.
My computer fucking blows when's the console release?
Am I the only one whose game crashes every other loading screen? What gives?
They're equivalent to Champion boxes, that's it.
Rarity is entirely random
Its your PC. This game is clearly optimized better than the first game.
Any pro tips? Just bought the game and don't like to be an absolute shitter.
Any way to get performance stats to display on screen through the game itself?
You could achieve a console comparable level of detail and performance with a shit computer using custom settings.
And plus also that's how they're thinking of customizing on there tank's pretty much.
Just bought it. downloading it atm. Probably won't be done tonight with my 750kb/s download speed. Heard it's pretty much 1 but better which is really all I want in a sequel.
well the game is pretty good soo.
How do I play Saltz zealot
>Nerf Wayfarer's abilities to almost half of what they were
>Leave Handmaiden the same, the class that is considered the worst since the the first beta
You whip your flail back and forth and shout obscenities in voice chat
has anyone here managed to fisnish 1 mission on legend with a pug?
Pick frail, scream loud, bash heads