>Splatoon in Mario Kart
>Splatoon in Animal Crossing
>Splatoon in Smash Bros
>Splatoon Amiibos x100
Why is Nintendo pushing this franchise so hard?
>Splatoon in Mario Kart
>Splatoon in Animal Crossing
>Splatoon in Smash Bros
>Splatoon Amiibos x100
Why is Nintendo pushing this franchise so hard?
because it sells very well, especially in Japan.
It’s fun and fresh baby
It’s their most popular new IP. 5 million on the Wii U, 6 million on the Switch within the first year of launch.
i love it, you should love it too
splatoon is the call of duty of japan, they're not pushing it, they're using it to promote other franchises
Why wouldn't they? Splatoon will probably sell over 10 million.
Monster Hunter is nip COD you dingus. Or was, anyways. MH is for western audiences now.
nah monster hunter is geek shit, splatoon is totally normalfag tier
its good
its good, its just the community that is shit.
because it draws dimes ya simp
>Why is this company advertising one of their breakout hits
Does it count as "pushing" when the people want it?
It's selling really well
because it's conceptually very good and they just want to make sure the audiences are optimally receptive before they pour massive amounts of resources into growing the franchise.
think of all the baby-steps Monster Hunter took in its early years before its titles received massive budget increases. They're testing the waters.
Cause it's nice and i hope they put it in more things
>Why a succesful franchise is being pushed in other franchises?
It managed to eclipse a storied franchise such as Dragon Quest in Japan in the span of two years and two games.
splatoon is new meme
Is it worth getting Splat 2 if I'm not too interested in the multiplayer?
It’s an extremely successful new ip.
It's being put into everything because it's extremely popular. It has an 80% attach rate in Japan. If ARMS sold as well as Splatoon you'd see Spring Man put into everything.
Because it's really popular, easily the most popular new IP they've created since Animal Crossing. Makes sense that they would want to further establish it's place in the Nintendo roster.
prolly not, its the biggest part of the game
lots of people like the single player but its really more of a tutorial
No, the SP is good but it's nothing big.
It's extremely popular in Japan, probably one of their top 5 franchises at the moment.
Hey all you rollies, FUCK YOU. Don't think you can beat me and my dualies just by trying to smash me, I'm too quick for that.
>Splatoon in OP
Why is OP such a shill?
Depends on how good the new Octo single player content is.
Splatoon is cool.
No. Splatoon's single player campaign is supplementary content designed to familiarize the player with the controls and mechanics without throwing them straight into the online deep end. It's absolutely not enough to carry a $60 price tag.
Having said that, many people who "aren't interested in multiplayer" come away from Splatoon enjoy it anyway. I wouldn't knock it before you try it.
Nintendo isn't pushing anything, the series became one of the best selling new IP extremely fast and logically Nintendo is letting the IP grow naturally. Splatoon is bigger than 80% of the cast of Smash, so of course they'd be in Smash bros. Mario Kart isn't just Mario anymore, and Splatoon is one of the top selling series just like Zelda and Animal Crossing now so that's also logical. Amiibo are just figures, every Nintendo IP worth a damn has them.
Then he's paying 80 dollars for incredibly vapid single player content lmfao
fucker should just try the multiplayer
Because it's fun and cute.
Japs seem to like it a lot.
What community? You can't even communicate with each other outside those miiverse boards
It's the first original thing they've put out in a while that actually did well.
Splatoon is new meme.
>best selling game in Japan in over a DECADE
Geez, I wonder why?
If you're a casual bitchboy who doesn't like multiplayer because he gets stomped online, there's a pretty decent PvE multiplayer horde mode.
Fucking Nintendo is ruining Mario Kart putting these shits in it. Soon they're going to cut out all the iconic Mario characters other than a hand full of "must haves" so they can fill the roster non-Mario characters. Fuck Nintendo.
>why are they pushing a new Franchise that sold 4 million WW and millions in Japan consistently?
>Not wanting Mario and Nintendo All-Stars Racing
It's the only new one they made that sticks at all.
Bigger question:
Why the FUCK are we getting ANOTHER Dillon game, more Yokai, dumb ass sushi shit, etc.? They fucking failed, give it the hell up.
Is there a story mode?
What happens in the storymode of Splatoon 1?
What iconic Mario characters are there that don't fall under "must haves"?
There is a story mode, it's about as compelling and interesting as any other Nintendo story
i.e. completely ignorable and has no real bearing on the game
There's a single player campaign and co-op mode.
>They fucking failed, give it the hell up.
Why should they give up? It's good for them to focus on trying to make more new series.
Dillon's character designs and aesthetics in general are too good to be tossed into the 'failed franchise' pit.
If they ever remove Shy Guy or King Boo heads will roll.
There will be too much Splatoon when it gets a dozen spinoffs like Mario. Speaking of spinoffs, I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't made one for the 3DS, the 3DS has nothing Splatoon.
>mfw STILL no Petey or Kamek
Yokai Watch isn’t a Nintendo game fucktard. Also kill yourself for wanting less new games.
Because it's Nintendo's best new IP of the past decade. And it's hip and fresh and sexy.
There's a singleplayer in both. Though there's some good worldbuilding, the stories of them are Mario-tier.
In 1 there's a giant fish that powers the city called the great zapfish. It gets stolen by the opposing race called the Octarians. You set off to return it and then the old nigger you've been talking to named Captain Cuttlefish gets kidnapped near the end, you beat the big bad and save them both.
In 2, it's the same thing but the person who was kidnapped was hypnotized into working with them.
I'm not a huge multiplayer fan of most games, yet Splatoon 2 sucked me in like no other. I bought it about a month or two after it launched and I've been playing it since. So yeah, get it, but not just for the single player (which is great, mind you, but not $60 great), but also for the extremely fun and addictive multiplayer.
Also, creating a cute little woomy gf never gets old.
Monster Hunter is gook WoW
Splatoon is chink CoD
>Why are they pushing the most successful original new IP they made this millennium
It is a mystery
It’s too bad they’re wasted on low budget eshop games.
Because you can't have enough squid lolis.
>2nd row 1st pic
Woomy sex dolls when?
splatoon rpg spinoff when?
They're around
Splatoon 2 with proper servers on PC would be incredibly fun
Everything you mentioned is awful and you should be ashamed for using them.
You asked for the community, that's where it is.
Because it sells like hotcakes.
Right now I would say no. It has a very fun campaign but it still wouldn't be worth it.
Once the new expansion comes out it would be worth it though.
>80% attach rate
What does this mean?
Cunny sells, oh and also the game is pretty fun I guess.
80% of Switch owners in Japan bought it. Not sure if that number's quite accurate though.
It's actually 60%. Still an amazingly high attach rate, though.
You couldn't be more right. Don't know what it is about most multiplayer games but I just can't stand them. Splatoon is one of the few I can play and have genuine fun.
Because lolicon sells a lot
Because it's a good game.
Pushing a successful franchise seems like a good idea to me. Also they're pushing all of their IPs into other IPs. And it's pretty good.
People, mostly kids, like it. Nintendo still markets itself towards younger age groups. I don't mean that in a shitty "ninten is for babies" attitude it's just a fact.
Because it's a really __fun game
It has its' own festival in japan
They just want lolicons to buy their other games.
>Why is Nintendo pushing this franchise so hard?
it's a new IP that became a success, why wouldn't they push it
I'd like to think this is the main problem of the other big wigs in gaming.