We can never go back

>we can never go back
why was this allowed?

I like to use mobile because you cant get banned

>stupid console-war wojacks
You're part of the problem

translation: Grug use phone cause me shitpoost

PCs aren't consoles though? They aren't toys like consoles are.
>duh me idort me buy console to play the 2 exclusive games gyehhh what u poor?

Phoneposters/consolefags have had a negligible affect on Sup Forums. The reason Sup Forums went to shit was TORtanic, ever since then everyone deliberately started acting like edgy contrarians who claim to hate everything so that they can act smug if the thing they hate happens to fail and they can claim to be some sort of vidya Nostradamus. Then gamergate happened and thrusted Sup Forums back into the limelight again, which just caused the entire site to be swarmed by a new wave of redditors who (for some reason) think that video game journalism was actually worth arguing about. They ruined every single board on Sup Forums because they weren't satisfied being just contained to Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Then Trump's presidential campaign brought in yet another wave of newfags and that was the final nail in the coffin.

you talk like if this hell hole was ever good

Yes OP, I too remember 7 years ago when this site was a utopia.

no console wars at all

>PC dominant Sup Forums

You may not like, but this is want peak Sup Forums looks like

>Steam and PC gaming gets bigger since 2010
>Sup Forums became worse


>it's not good so let's make it even shitter
>btw I'm an oldfag, I came here in 2015

>"waaah, things were better before"
The internet isn't new anymore, get the fuck over it

Steam stopped trying to be good meaning you actually had to turn on your brain to get the most out of PC.

Gen Z come here now and they grew up on closed platforms. Maps made by the community, mods, not paying for online services are all alien concepts to them.

Is that what I said? The post quality was definitely higher. No mutt shit, no anal vore, no golden face, no 60 smash threads.

>consolefaggots see my thread (they don't like it!)
only recourse of action is to shit post and rewrite history

>2011 Sup Forums

>no 60 smash threads

Shows how much you've been around.

>no 60 smash threads
nobody tell him

>no mutt shit
kek, it really got you my 53% friend?

I miss the angry Sup Forums
Why did cringe have to replace rage?


>rot in hell furfag, Lucario will never be in Smash
Poor bastard


This is why I left this fucking place for /vg/

Sup Forums has had a number of events after which the quality dipped noticeably. The most recent of which was probably Gamergate.

Phones aren't toys either. What's your point?

Don't forget the american elections

T_D spilling over into Sup Forums and then Sup Forums spilling over into Sup Forums definitely ruined this board for me. American politics are so boring and dumb

That consoles are? What's your point? children never use phones so console players aren't manchildren?

My point is what's the big deal about choosing a platform for your innately childish pursuit of playing with children's toys?

Videogames are toys not consoles

say what you will but the creation of /vp/ /vg/ and vr/ have been one hell of a quality of life inprovement.
ofcourse the room that got freed up quickly filled with different types of shitposting cause fuck knows that the ps3/360 console war was a 40 year track through blasted lands filled with airborne syphilis

Unless I'm doing it wrong it never works for me

>PC dominant Sup Forums
>literally all threads devolved into PCtards crying for petitions, shitting on consoles exclusives, and instigating consolewars
>"waahh, why did this place turn to shit, fucking consoletards"
I'm glad consoletards took over. You pcsoylords were horrendous and when the PS4 and Xbone were announced, you guys got so smug and sure they would fail, it was absolutely glorious when the PS4 became so successful and its fans drove PCtards out.

I'm not gonna be delusional enough to say Sup Forums back in 2011 was 'good,' but I would take Sup Forums 2.0 over whatever the fuck this is now any day. People only come here to shitpost now and get (you)s.

>People pretending to be some extreme political caricature to troll people, while someone else does the same thing in the exact opposite direction to troll them, all the while nobody is actually getting mad for real because they think they're trolling the other
What's the fucking point?

>Using wojack to represent pre-2012
This infuriates me to no end.
Is there nothing you fucking children wont copy and paste frogs and wojacks onto?

Because the lazy shit poster's of today can only post 1 or 2 memes no matter how old, unfunny or reposted they are.

I turned myself into a pickle user

there are too many posters nowadays, which leads to all kinds of terrible things

>more public attention which leads to more normalfag posters hungry for hipster points
>normalfags demand board be cleansed of "inappropriate" elements
>more normalfags and ideological crusaders applying for power positions
>higher server costs mean there is a need for advertising
>good threads don't last for more than a few hours
>more legit shills and campaigners spamming grassroots advertising

even Sup Forums in 2008 was too fast for my tastes

>Japan time then
>idorts of various consoles talking about how hyped they are for the new smash brothers, only one thread even saying something like "haha Nintendo wins"

>Japan time now
>"console war shitflinging every 5 seconds, cannot go more than one thread without dickwaving metacritic scores and console sales

user, you're talking from 2010 onwards. When Brawl came out this board was smash central 24/7 thanks to Japan Time. The golden never ever face is the evolution of PC not getting Red Dead Redemption (2010) and eventually GTAV. For fucks sake, you act like we didn't have daily It's Pete Time threads or that Tails scat comic.
You are either new or literally never left the same threads.

> he can't separate his business computer from his virtual 2d toys
fucking manchildren, I swear

Faggot I'm not browsing the Chan on my work computer. Go fuck yourself

>more legit shills

That's not as true as you think it is. There's so many anons just fucking with people because retards fall for even the most blatant 'shilling' as real. I mean that dude that spammed shitty memes about Bug Fables day-in-day-out was able to convince some people he was the dev

>cannot go more than one thread without dickwaving metacritic scores and console sales
It was back then when Sup Forums started shitposting with scores, I remember multiple threads about famitsu giving Brawl a perfect score and I think IGN or some big site gave MG4 a 10/10.

Forget about famitsu and Brawl, do people not remember fucking 8.8?
That shit resulted in a fucking WAVE of shitposting.

God i wish i could be an honorary mod due to seniority on this site.

So many threads would get banned for being shit off topic hellholes, and yes, i know the difference

sincerely, 2004 user

>Wave of shit posting
It's become this every fucking day.

I'm so sad I missed this. I got here around 2010, and didn't heavily lurk until 2012.

I remember 8.8
I remember because that was the first under 9.0 a zelda game got and i remember all those threads shitting on IGN and Zelda for being shit.

Modern shitposting is less a wave and more a constant current.
Sup Forums is a literal ocean of diarrhea.

The answer is in your post. You wojakposters and frogposters.

Diarhhea? I thought the established narrative was that Sup Forums was an ocean of piss?

No, that's Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is especially terrible.

Nothing killed this site more than faggots not lurking a while before posting.

Spoonfeeding dumbfucks just enabled them, so if you've ever spoonfed, you're part of the problem.

The newer generations of anons have no idea how to tell a bait thread from from a real thread. Shitposters have been allowed to run rampant with even the laziest of bait threads hitting post limits in record times. The entire way people handle discussion on the major boards has been completely warped and no one seems to care. All people had to do tell was just tell people to fucking lurk more.

But user, telling people to lurk more is "elitist."