Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Come on, there's still more for today!
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
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D13 participants, tell us stuff about your mins!
there isnt
dragonfucker put up the synchtube
Just make sure a lot of vermin are already unlocked so he doesn't have to spend time unlocking them. He probably won't spend much time on it if he has to put in effort.
should we keep working on the suffering chart?
Placebow is just a massive gashapon capsule with Dosine as the prize inside.
Synchtube is only for days that are supposed to have nothing happening, man.
but nothing IS happening
Oh hey, coconut dude. I didnt see you there.
I've been hard at work so you should be done soon.
I just finished this guy who gave me a terrible headache on making a melody
I really wanna make these next Sup Forumsermin be good so I wont be taking requests until they are done.
Sorry to make you guys wait though ( ._.)
post vermin that are cute
More than enough has already happened for that to happen today. Plus, d13 host is likely going to be beginning his tournament by the end of the day.
>tfw no last supper edit with /OUR/ Savior
I can wait, I'm patient. I always wanted a custom theme for at least one vermin and I always missed your posts.
just whos vermin is this and why is it so popular?
Someone post the winners picture that one drawfag has been updating
I don't know how to draw cute stuff.
Uhhhh I didn't make bonf-bonf, but I submitted him. I just assume that he's one of the only VEK mins that actually made it to gnawbone island after VEK was chased off during Christmas
I did it
Then I hope i do your Sup Forumsermin right by you.
fund this
He's just a shill lord, root for the real underdog!
Uhh, I think this one is up for interpretation.
Powerlevel is just a normal piece of construction equipment
>mouse finally broke
well shit no more vermin from me i guess
Chee, I like this, please finish it.
Even if it's based off a shitpost, I really like what you did.
Moon people is small.
not as popular as mine
We don't fucking need encouraging for this kind of shit
What a cute fish.
/OUR/ Savior is secretly a skeleton
ted is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He said cute not obese.
The star in Homuncreation's forehead is his their missing stat point
What about posting vermins dressed as other vermins?
Reminder I called dibs on Moon People first.
You mean good art?
Squeeslug models for Firehydra’s water park and is paid in salad bar vouchers and guest passes
Even though I've never gotten to submit one to you, Good luck. You're a cool dude
I never expected someone to send in one of my mins. And it sounds pretty fitting, Nice!
You did well mate
Fat """people""" don't deserve to exist.
Decent art wasted on a shit subject, yes
and all of his evos too :))
Who are the other vermin with music coming up?
Also pretty cool song.
sorry i only did that as a warm up so i dont normally draw furry
if you want more stop by at my patreon where i draw exclusive furry porn for my patreons and stop by my furaffinity account at
I started and finished mine first and uploaded it to the booru
You look out the window and see this dude out in the distance, running right in your direction. What do you do?
i like it user
Does anyone have Zoot's recent sugar monstrosity? It's not on the Booru.
uhh he came from space and shit, thinks asteri is an asshole for some reason, he crashed with team space and time for a bit and then he decided to enter the tourney
activate my counterspell
Its already too late!
What's the subject? A poorly draw min is redrawn but better?
He wants to die.
call the cops
Use my newest vermin to stop him for 6 turns.
How does one make planet people? Do you just make weird aliens or pay close attention to whatever planet/moon you're saying hey're from?
fuzons r kool
A shitty min with a shitty concept made by a shitty user should be priority -501000 for a decent artist, draw a vermin that actually deserves it (no not mine)
>genie variants
I look up information about the planet/moon I plan to use, and use my knowledge of existing animals/creatures to attempt to make something that could have evolved on that planet into the dominant species.
Also, Homuncreations aren't individuals, they're mass produced like Power Ranger putties
uh fuse my vermin and my dad
QUICK! Make a tri fusion of your three most recent vermin!
post uhhhhh random shit you had in your vermin folder
A mixture of speculative biology and "does this look like a rubbersuit kaiju?"
>Telling people what to draw
you triple gay
The first form is my favorite.
>plan to make a trifusion of my failed vermin to do something new but wanted to wait until HH to add the third vermin
>everyone is making trifusions now and I'd be considered an unoriginal hack if I did it now
Yes, it's pretty nice.
this is supposed to be the horse stand in jojo
i dont know anything about jojo
What tournament is this
looks like one of the ace tournaments to me
Ace 2.
Ace uhhhhhhh 2? 3? maybe 4? I don't know
Have we had the champion's tourney yet?
On an unrelated note, are there VEK versions of the new starters?
I liked that thing last thread where we posted our first and most recent vermin, let's do that
I made this, but never entered before
champs tourney is NEVER happening
>Have we had the champion's tourney yet?
No. It will probably never happen at this point.