Why do you still subject and confine yourself to using Windows Sup Forums?
When will you finally ditch and free yourself from both Microsoft and Windows for good Sup Forums?
Why do you still subject and confine yourself to using Windows Sup Forums?
What the fuck is S mode?
Windows Store apps only.
That's right, faggot. Want your old .exe's back? Fucking pay us, fuckface.
for what purpose?
I mean is there any benefit to that?
who knows, that's microsoft for ya.
Yeah, it guarantees them money
You mean UWP? Kek, the day M$ stops supporting Win32 is the day Windows die.
I pirated windows 10 Enterprise like I have done for 20 years. It runs everything. Go away Linux fag.
When will the Chinese come up with an OS to free us from this microshit sionist cancer?
they can full them up with adds
In running kmspico and have pirated and cracked wangblows at least 25 times in my life. I will never pay them
"confine yourself to windows?" As compared to what? AppleOS? Linux? Either way 90-98% of games won't run at all. In the case of Apple I'd also have to buy a grossly overpriced computer.
it just werks
I have no reason not to
FOSS is a meme. We've got plenty of apps to prove so.
It turns your PC in iPad with 1% of apps.
I have Windows 10 on my laptop. Will I be forced to upgrade to S or can I still continue using the normal W10?
When I can no longer just install Windows 7 and handpick my updates.
yeah sure
whats better than US data mining our information
oh i know, lets give it to the Chinese
How braindead are M$ executives that not one of them realizes that their userbase is based off of having Windows preloaded on pre-builds.
no thanks, if i want a calculator that uses 300mb of ram i'll launch mathematica
>pay us fuckface
They are literally give you a free upgrade to normal now....
Of you just want a cheap web browser machine. If you have it for kids or old people who can fuck it up. If you have it as a set of school computers save on licensing fees etc. Basically just IOS but not as shit.
I'm only down to one PC now that's stuck at W7 SP2, a few updates before the one that forces W10 down your throat.
this but unironically
What's with Sup Forumss irrational hatred of W10? That is almost always based entirely on falsehoods
>hurr your free upgrade only lasts a year
>hurr they are gonna block cracks
>hurr they are gonna block steam
>hurr they are gonna force S version on you
>hurr they are gonna charge you massive amounts to get out of S version
>hurr security updates are bad I can escape wanna cry by just not clicking sketchy links!
>hurr DX12 is bad because they didnt backport it to a 10 year old discontinued OS they should support everything forever.
Meanwhile the second console wars are brought up Microsofts renewed commitment to PC gaming, that I for one appreciate. Is suddenly an insult to Xbox.
>Hurr xbox has no games because Spencer cares about PC and you can play them all in W10 now!
The sad part is these are probably the same posters.
I mean dont get me wrong the W10 store is a dumpster fire. And yes I am cheering Vulkan over DX12 but come on appreciate the effort. Spencer at least acknowledges a lot of the problem and it is a fairly new problem. It sucks that some of the games are withheld from steam(lots seemed to be timed exclusive only even), but it's better than not even on windows. And to be honest Origin has shown holding out games is the only way to give steam much needed competition. I love GoG but unfortunately DRM free will never be the norm and it will never give Steam a run for its money.
it feel like linux
W10 is not PC.
But thats a good thing
Quite literally a Personal Computer operating system.
Unlike linux, it has games.
Because I play games on my pc rather than just shitpost about them.
>install some just werks Linux OS like Ubuntu
>set up a VM of Windows 7 and Windows 10
>keep the 10 machine offline so you don't have to deal with Microsoft's bullshit and the hundreds of mandatory updates
>use the 7 machine for online games
There. Problem solved. It's not even hard to do.
Is the S for 'spyware'? Because the majority of windows users are already in S mode.
I don't confine myself to Windows, I use windows for some things and macOS for others. I game on PC and console, if MS ever really killed off x86 applications I'd just stop playing PC games in Windows and spend more money on Playstation and Nintendo.
to be honest op, I'm not really sure. I don't even play games that much
This is an absurd distance to go for no real gain or advantage. If you have to/actually benefit from Linux and dont want to dualboot just run w10 in the VM. I get you dont really need the security updates in a disposable VM but its not really worth running two separate ones over.
S mode already failes and they upgraded everyone to normal windows FYI. Most people are just using it as a facebook machine and they are experimenting on how to better fend off IOS in that sphere. I dont see whats wrong with that?
Meme does not mean "bad" or "things I don't like".
But its quite literally a meme. Ever been to Sup Forums?
I'm going to bed soon so I won't type up a proper answer. Pic related is my personal notes on why I'm not going back to W10.
>cheap web browser machine
Chromebooks exist. Those things are a teenage girl's wet dream.
I'm still on windows 7 and have no real intention of upgrading. I just won't play games that have that gay ass windows store / W10 exclusive shit.
Valve will probably release a gaming OS in the next decade anyways and W7 support will likely last that long for games not bought-out by Microsoft.
brb installing Linux Mint right now
W10 is an objectively bad OS:
1. It does things I do not want it to.
2. It does not do things I want it to.
Anything can be considered bad if it has those two properties. The Start menu alone is a clusterfuck. It's clear MS just doesn't care anymore, expecting people to put up with whatever it shits out because they feel they have to.
Having said that, it runs video games fine. I Never really noticed a difference to 7.
>Microsoft expects
Remind me when microsoft predicted anything correctly in the last few years. Like when they predicted the Xbox1 would be the dominant console.
It's already here, and it doesn't cost anything to disable. It's just a security feature for your clueless little sister, mother, grandparents, etc. Turn it on and they won't be able to download Limewire or whatever retards use these days.
S mode isn’t windows store only, it’s just UWP only.
UWP is all around a better OS design.
>still fear mongering windows 10
fuck off back to Sup Forums
If you have a job that actually expects you to get work done, they're not going to work around your special snowflake MUH FOSS excuses. You'll either take a bite out of the shit sandwich or go back to the welfare line, Jamal.
Shit mode
why the fuck wouldnt I have apps AND games?
There's plenty of applications that prove that FOSS does not equal best. Turns out that when money is a factor, more things get done.
>I can escape wanna cry by just not clicking
what did Pablo mean by this?
This is a late reply, but here's the real, non-"18 year old who thinks he knows computers because he used the command line to install chromium on Ubuntu" answer.
It's a retard-proof OS. It's optional, and you can upgrade to Home or Pro, which will still support .exes, at any time. The "majority of these users" will be office workers and people who use computers as Facebook machines, who don't know not to open "fire_playlist.mp3.exe"
Dont bother with w10 fags, not sure how they gained a foothold here on Sup Forums must be because this shithole is full of retards that dont know better
I use windows now, but if s becomes mandatory then I'm out.
I'm not debating that, the problem is he was using that word incorrectly.
Because games don't work on linux and who the fuck wants a mac?
I don't give a fuck about some nerd shit to install linux, I just want to watch movies and play video games.
They will drop Win32 within your lifetime, while swearing up and down that they're not.
There are literally people working on Win32 emulators as we speak. Look up BoxedWine.
>giving people optional built in tools so you don't have to install third party programs is a bad thing
I paid a pirate on ebay 5 bucks for a key I have no idea how they get so many of. Microsoft gets none of my money and I don't have to constantly have that emulator running on my machine forever not knowing if the creator suddenly wants to fuck with everyone who is using it.
got a new card and literally didnt work when i was on w7 still
didnt really have a choice
>Pic related is my personal notes on why I'm not going back to W10.
Autism. If you are actually going to go great distancea for "tech reasons" then stop falling for FUD and start blocking packets. Not that hard. With the much better terminal and stolen Ubuntu features under the hood windows 10 actually gives you more control than any previous Windows OS IMO. Its no linux in that department but its not meant to be.
>Chromebooks exist. Those things are a teenage girl's wet dream.
And Microsoft is not allowed to try and compete with Google because...?
This is true about every operating system in existence.
Eternal Blue preyed on an already patched deficiency in the wangblows implementation of SMB. It had nothing to do with just "common sense 2017" or even running antivirus.
No, I wasn't. Words can mean more than one thing. Meme was used correctly here.
>getting any form of advice from pc world
>Actual quote is Microsoft expect majority to enjoy s mode
I like how everyone ignores this and keeps shitposting
Try reading about what uwp is then apologize.
>This is true about every operating system in existence.
>Words mean whatever I say they mean! Turtle umbrella soup cat!
Try stop being a retard.
People steal OEM keys and sell them. OEM keys are also really cheap
>not just fucking your sister if she downloads movies
W10 enablers, everyone.
I've been using Windows 10 since it was in alpha. Literally all the things people shitpost about are non issues.
>thinking that you can control windows 10
>thinking that you can make windows 10 do something that Micorsoft doesn't want you to for more than a month
Good luck user. Good fucking luck.
Now we both know you're just putting words in my mouth. You're smarter than that. At least know that I am smarter than that.
I want to run the windows DE and have DX12 support on every OS.
That's covered
Even Arch does things I dont want it to.
This is such a stupid point.
>OS isnt my perfect idea of an OS working gracefully.
No shit user.
Weak FUD.
Isnt it sad thought that we give up on those people instead of forcing them to learn
With pci passthrough on Linux, could I have my discreet gpu dedicated to running Windows games and have Linux tasks rendered on my intel igpu?
The vast majority are retards, so their statement seems fine.
S mode is going to do well in many corporate environments, public places and so forth where you do not need to access software that isn't white-listed in the first place. The vast majority of Windows consumers in the next generation won't be people like "us". Look at the average teen nowadays, all they are used to is mobile/phone tablet running on Android/iOS, they only know how to download shit from an app store.
As long as a Windows version free of that shit remains for advanced users, I'm fine. They can push their S mode all they want to the 90%+ retards out there. Also having done IT in small business, I can't stress how your average employees is a complete moron and do things they shouldn't be allowed to do. With that at least, restricting PCs to be literally MS Office machine will be easier than ever (I mean sure you can more or less do that with proper group policy and shit, but small businesses don't even bother usually).
Desktop linux isn't half as stable or functional as Sup Forums retards meme.
>What's with Sup Forumss irrational hatred of W10?
>forcing them to learn
We've been trying for decades and most people still don't know the basic workings of a computer.
Don't force them. They don't want to know. They just want to know how to open Facebook and watch Netflix or Youtube. Make them an app.
Not even corporate clients would appreciate Microsoft doing that since a lot of professional software tends to be either fucking old or so specialized it's not something that a company can just buy off a windows app store. Windows loses even the big corporate/government clients (which are what M$ really care about) if they ever tried to lock-down into a walled garden like Apple's """PCs"""
S mode is basically "im a fucking retard who hates freedom to do what I want" mode.
I enjoy these threads. It's quite funny to see people who are currently running Windows 10 and yet clearly distrust and dislike Microsoft to the point where they'll believe anything bad that's said about them. It's not behaviour that you'll anywhere else. If you hate something that you got for free, then you do get something else that does the same job. Everyone in these threads should just spend an evening working out how to replace the OS that they clearly dislike. My personal solution is Linux+W10 VM and it can do anything that my W10 machine can and more. The only disadvantages is the small amount of time that it takes to set up, but it's clearly a price worth paying for anyone who dislikes W10 enough to be in this thread.
Yeah, people are too quick to assume MS is dumbing down their products when they are trying to reach out to power and development users with integration of a Linux environment baked into windows and even a distro of Kali linux. It's ridiculous to assume the above, pure bait.
Learn what?
How to do the same shit in terminal!
look grandma if you just learn how to use VIMS you can browse cat photos without a DE! really respects your feedom!
Fuck off. The only reason you people think anyone "needs" to learn is some dumb superiority complex. Even just common sense stuff. I grew up skating so its as easy as walking for me. Am I supposed to demand anyone who tries it one time for fun go without a helmet? Cause its vital they "learn?"
See above you fucking moron.
Just like you don't know how a refrigerator works. What's wrong with having technology that's more user friendly?
whats the fucking point? why in the fuck do you care if some normie dumb shit knows how their pc works?
I get what you mean, but the thing is: this is the same kind of people that don't know how a refrigerator works either, or any other piece of technology that requires 10 minutes of your time to learn it.
>people are still ignoring this
Just how desperate are you for something to shitpost about?
it won't affect normal windows versions
They backported the telemetry shit into Windows 7 and 8 in case you mongoloids were unaware.
Personally I block it with Spybot Anti-beacon, but can't be arsed to switch to Linux or a Hackintosh because the software support for many things still fucking isn't there.
I disagree. If you dont have to use Linux for pragmatic reasons dont. Everything windows does for normies, it does better. I stopped using windows outside of a professional environment and servers like 2 years ago and havent missed it at all. Year of the desktop linux is a meme. It has its uses and I love linux dont get me wrong. But its not for your facebook gaming rig etc. You eventually will just end up using your VM more anyway. Try dualbooting and watching the linux boot go untouched for years.
If I can still emulate games then I dont care.
That.. Is very specific and knowing it won't help (almost) anyone.
Teaching people how to use a computer would help many people.
Not at all. You're still just using frontends. It's the same just one step more specific.
They refuse to learn. That's what puts the 'normal' in normalfag. If something goes wrong, it's the computer that's abnormal and wrong, not them.
You don't know the pain of having tech-illiterate relatives calling your for tech support. It's extra awful because I can't fucking see their screen so I have to walk them through how to pull up the information I need and how to read it The worst part is they call for the SAME PROBLEM because they can't be assed to either remember or write down what you told them last time, even if it's something you should be doing regularly. And then they ask questions about tech you don't fucking even own.
So no, it isn't sad, and if you want to force them to learn you can do it yourself.
The amazing lack of knowledge Millenials and Gen Z have around home maintenance will fuck them more than not knowing computers will fuck boomers. You can laugh haha boomer paid a few hundred to reformat his drive! While I know a guy who literally paid thousands to get fucking drywall sheets installed. People do this with fucking laminent floors as well. Basic fixes of plumbing and pipes, let alone fix a fridge.
I just have two laptops one for WIN10 so I can use software that's updated for it and an unbuntu laptop to browse around privately etc etc.
Because then I won’t have anything to work on.I love working peoples computers.
But you can play exclusive Linux ascii games!
>windows 10 actually gives you more control than any previous Windows OS
Yeah, it just updates whenever it pleases and forces a reboot while resetting your settings but atleast you have the freedom to do... what exactly?
There's a difference between learning how something works, and learning to operate something. I'm sure there are plenty of retards who ate rotten fish because they turned the dial down to 1, because they didn't bother to learn that actually the higher number = colder.
Granted, these devices are much more user friendly with voice control. But even then, I'm sure there will be idiots who ruin their frozen food because they told Alexa to set the freezer to 32 Celsius.
There's always a bare minimum that a user should learn.